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13-32-310  Permit fees – Computation.
   (a)   Permits requiring plans – Calculation of fee. If building plans or drawings meeting the requirements of Chapter 13-40 are required under this code in order for a permit to be issued or for any type of work described in Tables (C) or (D) of this section, the permit fee shall be calculated using the following formula:
Construction factor × Scope of review factor × Area of work = Permit fee.
Provided, however, that if the permit fee calculated under this subsection is less than the minimum permit fee indicated in Table 13-32-310(C) or (D), the minimum permit fee indicated in Table 13-32-310(C) or (D), as applicable, shall be assessed. Provided, further, that if the work identified in the permit application (i) also requires a flat fee under subsection (b) of ths section, and (ii) any column in Table 13-32-310(E) contains the notation “(2)” or “(3)”, the applicable flat fee shall be assessed in addition to the permit fee required under this subsection. If more than one minimum flat fee applies to the project identified in the permit application, the greater minimum flat fee shall be assessed. Provided, however, if any applicable column in Table 13-32-310(E) contains the notation “(3)”, all applicable minimum flat fees shall be assessed separately.
   For purposes of this subsection (a):
   The “construction factor” shall be determined using Table 13-32-310(A) or (B), as applicable.
   The “scope of review factor” shall be determined using Table 13-32-310(C) or (D), as applicable.
   The “area of work” shall be calculated based on the nature of the permitted work to be done, as follows:
   For new construction: The “area of work” means the total square foot area of the building identified in the permit application, measured to the outside finished surface of the exterior walls. Provided, however, that if an exterior wall is a shared wall, the area of work shall extend to the middle of the shared wall.
   The following spaces shall be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of a building: (1) any finished or unfinished basement area with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more; (2) any mezzanine; (3) any penthouse; (4) any enclosed projection from a building, such as a bay, with floor area; (5) any floor area covered by a roof or upper deck, such as an open porch; and (6) any finished or unfinished area under a sloping roof with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more, unless roof trusses prevent any usable space.
   The following spaces shall not be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of a building: (1) the area under the overhanging eaves of a building; (2) balconies; and (3) the area of any deck, unless the deck is subject to the requirements of Chapter 4-388 of this code.
   Construction built over an existing foundation with no remaining existing structure above grade shall be considered to be new construction. If a portion of an existing structure remains above grade, the construction shall be considered to be an alteration and/or addition.
   For phased construction: The “area of work” means the scope of work proposed for completion during the specific phase of construction for which a permit is sought and shall be calculated in the same manner that the “area of work” is calculated for new construction. If the scope of work proposed for completion includes the construction of caissons, piles, grade beams, slurrywalls or a full foundation, the area of work shall be the footprint of the building under construction. If the scope of work proposed for completion includes the construction of floor areas above the foundation but below grade, the area of work shall be the total square foot area of each floor constructed within the perimeter of the foundation. For purposes of calculating the permit fee for the specific phase of construction for which a permit is sought, any area on phased construction plans submitted for “reference only” shall not be included in the area of work.
   For alterations, renovations or repairs: The “area of work” means the floor area affected by the intended scope of work. The affected square foot floor area includes (1) areas of alteration or renovation within the existing volume of space; and (2) areas in which existing elements or building systems are repaired or replaced.
   The following spaces shall not be included in the calculation of the area in which the permitted alteration, renovation or repair will occur: (1) the square footage of the building's envelope or perimeter walls, if no changes are made to the envelope or perimeter walls from the exterior or interior side of the building's envelope or walls; and (2) areas in which no work requiring a permit is to be performed; and (3) areas in which piping is installed for the sole purpose of providing utility services to the area of work, if installation of the piping does not alter or require the alteration of the space through which the pipe(s) pass.
   If the area of alteration, renovation or repair is unclear or disputed, the demising walls of the space under the control of the permit applicant shall be considered to be the “area of work.”
   For additions: The “area of work” means the total square foot area of the addition identified in the permit application, measured to the outside finished surface of the exterior walls or to the middle of any shared wall.
   The following spaces shall be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of an addition: (1) any finished or unfinished basement area with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more; (2) any mezzanine; (3) any penthouse; (4) any enclosed projection from a building, such as a bay, with floor area; (5) any floor area covered by a roof or upper deck, such as an open porch; (6) any finished or unfinished area under a sloping roof with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more, unless roof trusses prevent any usable space; and (7) any area in which other work requiring a permit will occur.
   The following spaces shall not be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of an addition: (1) the area under the overhanging eaves of a building; (2) balconies; and (3) the area of any deck, unless the deck is subject to the requirements of Chapter 4-388 of this code.
   For decks, porches, stairs, and balconies: The “area of work” means the total square foot area of the deck, porch, stairs or balcony, measured from the exterior walls of the building to the outside of the railing or, if a deck or stairs lacks railings, to the outside perimeter of the deck or stairs.
   For moved buildings: The “area of work” means the total square foot area of the building identified in the permit application, measured to the outside finished surface of the building's exterior walls.
   The following spaces shall be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of a moved building: (1) any finished or unfinished basement area with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more; (2) any mezzanine; (3) any penthouse; (4) any enclosed projection from a building, such as a bay, with floor area; (5) any floor area covered by a roof or upper deck, such as an open porch; and (6) any finished or unfinished area under a sloping roof with a ceiling height of 5'-0" or more, unless roof trusses prevent any usable space.
   The following spaces shall not be included in the calculation of the total square foot area of a moved building: (1) the area under the overhanging eaves of a building; (2) balconies; and (3) the area of any deck, unless the deck is a rooftop deck subject to the requirements of Chapter 4-388 of this code.
   For facade work: If the work to be permitted involves the entire facade of any exterior wall of a building, the “area of work” means the total square foot area of each exterior wall on which such facade work will be done, measured from the point where the building intersects the ground to the top of the parapet or to the intersection between the wall and an overhanging roof. If the work to be permitted involves only a portion of any exterior wall of a building, the “area of work” means the total square foot area of each such portion of the exterior wall on which such facade work will be done and the surrounding area that will be disturbed by such work, measured by multiplying the height of each such portion times the width of each such portion on the plane of the facade. Provided, however, that if the permitted work to be done involves facade work on 75% or more of an exterior wall of the building, such work shall be deemed to involve the entire facade of such exterior wall and shall be measured accordingly.
   Definitions: As used in this section:
   “Alteration” means any change to or reconfiguration of an existing space that alters the footprint, floor plan or volume of such existing space.
   “Equipment regulated by the department of health” means any equipment, device, vessel or area within a facility regulated under this code by the department of health of the City of Chicago including, but not limited to, any of the following:
      (i)   Fuel-burning Equipment (including, but not limited to, boilers, furnaces, ovens and crucibles);
      (ii)   Industrial Process Equipment (including, but not limited to, tanks, kettles, converters, kilns, crucibles, stills, dryers, roasters, crushers, grinders, blenders, mixers, reactors, regenerators, separators, filters, columns, classifiers, screens, quenchers, cookers, towers, washers, scrubbers, mills and condensers);
      (iii)   Pollution Control Devices (including, but not limited to, bag houses, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, thermal oxidizers, afterburners, absorbers, filters, dry collectors and wet collectors);
      (iv)   Unfired Pressure Vessels (including, but not limited to, jacketed kettles, tanks under pressure and indirect fired vessels);
      (v)   Motor Vehicle Repair Shops (including, but not limited to, paint spray booths, prep areas and mixing areas);
      (vi)   Dry Cleaning Facilities (including, but not limited to, dry cleaning machines and boilers);
      (vii)   Incinerators (including, but not limited to, pathological waste-, thermal- and catalytic- incinerators);
      (viii)   Food Preparation Units (including, but not limited to, kitchen hoods); and
      (ix)   Process Areas (including, but not limited to, areas used for grinding, sawing, cutting, packaging, assembling, machining, blending and mixing);
      (x)   Generators (including, but not limited to, emergency generators and standby or discretionary generators).
   “Repair” means the use of identical or similar materials to mend, fix, patch, cure, refurbish or otherwise salvage a portion of an existing object or space in order to maintain or extend the lifespan of such object or space.
   “Renovation” means any change to or reconfiguration of an existing object or space other than alteration, repair or replacement.
   “Replacement” means the substitution in its entirety of a new object for an existing object, under circumstances where (1) the dimensions and location of the new object are identical to or reasonably match the dimensions and location of the existing object; and (2) the design, profile, function and general appearance of the new object are identical to or reasonably match those of the existing object.
Table 13-32-310(A)
Construction Factor for NEW CONSTRUCTION
Cost of review per square foot area of work
Occupancy Classification
per Section 13-56-010
Construction Classification
IA-IC (Non Combustible)
II (Non Combustible)
III-A (Heavy Timber)
III-B, IIIC (Ordinary Construction)
IV-A, IV-B (Protected and Non Protected Construction)
Occupancy Classification
per Section 13-56-010
Construction Classification
IA-IC (Non Combustible)
II (Non Combustible)
III-A (Heavy Timber)
III-B, IIIC (Ordinary Construction)
IV-A, IV-B (Protected and Non Protected Construction)
A1 Residential 1 and 2 Family, Private Garages
A2 Townhouse
A2 Multi-Family, Hotel, Assisted Living
B-Hospital, Prison, Nursing Home, Supervised Environment
C-1 / C-2
Theater w/ Stage
Theater w/o Stage
C-1 / C-2 Community Halls, Nightclub, Restaurant, Banquet Hall, Libraries, Museums, Churches
C-3 Schools, Day Care Centers
D Open Air Assembly
E Business
F Mercantile
G-1 Low & Moderate Hazard Industrial
H-1 Low and Moderate Hazard Storage
H-3 Garages
I Hazardous Use Buildings
J Miscellaneous Use
Parking Facility, Gasoline Filling Station, Police Station, Fire Station, Porches, Decks
Note:   Structures of mixed occupancy shall be assessed fees based on the square foot area categorized under each occupancy. Common areas in mixed occupancy buildings shall be assessed the same as the majority occupancy. Areas less than 15% of the total building area shall be assessed as part of the majority occupancy. Parking associated with residential building occupancy shall be assessed the same as the residential occupancy if such parking is used exclusively by the building's non-transient residential occupants and their guests.
Note:   Only one construction type shall be used for a building. The higher dollar amount will govern.
Note:   Porches, decks, balconies, green roofs or similar constructions shall use the Construction Factor associated with the building to which it is attached.
Note:   See Table 13-32-310(E) regarding additional fees assessed.
Note:   “NP” means not permitted.
Table 13-32-310(B)
Cost of review per square foot area of work
Occupancy Classification
per Section 13-56-010
Construction Classification
IA-IC (Non Combustible)
II (Non Combustible)
III-A (Heavy Timber)
III-B, IIIC (Ordinary Construction)
IV-A, IV-B (Protected and Non Protected Construction)
Occupancy Classification
per Section 13-56-010
Construction Classification
IA-IC (Non Combustible)
II (Non Combustible)
III-A (Heavy Timber)
III-B, IIIC (Ordinary Construction)
IV-A, IV-B (Protected and Non Protected Construction)
A1 Residential 1 and 2 Family, Private Garages
A2 Townhouse
A2 Multi-Family, Hotel, Assisted Living
B-Hospital, Prison, Nursing Home, Supervised Environment
C-1 / C-2
Theater w/ Stage
Theater w/o Stage
C-1 / C-2 Community Halls, Nightclub, Restaurant, Banquet Hall, Libraries, Museums, Churches
C-3 Schools, Day Care Centers
D Open Air Assembly
E Business
F Mercantile
G-1 Low & Moderate Hazard Industrial
H-1 Low and Moderate Hazard Storage
H-3 Garages
I Hazardous Use Buildings
J Miscellaneous Use
Parking Facility, Gasoline Filling Station, Police Station, Fire Station, Porches, Decks
Note:   Structures of mixed occupancy shall be assessed fees based on the square foot area categorized under each occupancy. Common areas in mixed occupancy buildings shall be assessed the same as the majority occupancy. Areas less than 15% of the total building area shall be assessed as part of the majority occupancy. Parking associated with residential building occupancy shall be assessed as the residential occupancy if such parking is used exclusively by the building's non-transient residential occupants and their guests.
Note:   Only one construction type shall be used for a building. The higher dollar amount will govern.
Note:   Porches, decks, balconies, green roofs or similar constructions shall use the Construction Factor associated with the building to which it is attached.
Note:   See Table 13-32-310(E) regarding additional fees assessed.
Note:   “NP” means not permitted.
Note:   Wrecking permits shall be assessed based on miscellaneous use regardless of actual occupancy.
Table 13-332-310(C)
Scope of Review Factor
Class per 13-56-010
Class per 13-56-010
Not applicable
Detached private garages (min. fee $500 in addition to primary residence fees)
Residential construction without sprinklers with a maximum of 4 stories or max 3 dwelling units (min. fee $2,000)
Residential construction with more than 4 stories; or 4 or more dwelling units; or with sprinklers installed,; or mixed occupancy (min. fee of $3,000)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
All new construction (min. fee $2,000)
C, D
Large and Small Assembly and Open Air Assembly
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
All new construction (min. fee $3,000)
E, F
Business and Mercantile
Not applicable
Free-standing kiosks used for retail or business which require review by more than one discipline (min. fee $750)
Max. 1 story. No sprinklers (min. fee $3,000)
More than 1 story; or sprinklers installed; or mixed occupancy. (min. fee $3,000)
G, H, I
Industrial, Storage, and Hazardous Use
Not applicable
Not applicable
Max. 1 story and without sprinklers (min. fee $2,000)
More than 1 story; or sprinklers installed; or mixed occupancy (min. fee $3,000)
Facilities with the installation of equipment regulated by the department of health (min. fee $3,000)
Miscellaneous (see the “stand alone” fees for specific items)
Not applicable
Trailers and tents - Temporary structures (min. fee $250)
Max. 1 story; including, but not limited to parking lots, transportation shelters, retaining walls (min. fee $250)
Any other structure including, but not limited to:
   station houses, utility plants, cell phone towers and equipment, gas stations, rail stations, etc. (min. fee $3,000)
   platforms, kiosks, bridges, structures not listed n flat fees (min. fee $250)
   mixed occupancy (min. fee based on other occupancy requirements)
Phased Construction
All Occupancies
Caissons only, or slurry wall only, or grade beams only (min. fee $600)
Below grade construction (foundation, including below-grade floors) (min. fee $3,000)
Structural and Skin (superstructure), or Core and Shell, or Full Building as part of phased construction (min. fee $3,000)
Full building with only Foundation as a separate phase, with or without first tenant buildout (min. fee $3,000)
Note:   Correction of violations or work without permits on new construction shall be assessed a Scope of Review factor of 1.0 (Fines in section 13-32-035 are in addition to these permit fees).
Note:   If more than one Scope of Review Factor appears to apply because of the diverse scope of work, the higher multiplier shall govern for all areas.
Note:   Mixed occupancy will always have a factor of 1.0 for the entire building.
Table 13-32-310(D)
Scope of Review Factor
Class per 13-56-010
Class per 13-56-010
Repair/replacement of porches and decks (no change of configuration) (min. fee $200 per porch)
Installation/repair/replacement of balconies (min. fee $200)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire separations (min. fee $200)
Renovation of existing spaces (any number of dwelling units) (min. fee $500)
Roof repair/replacement with structural member replacement (min. fee $500)
Single discipline MEP work without alteration (min. fee $300)
Structural repairs as entire scope of work - 3 or less dwelling units (min. fee $500)
Alterations for buildings with 3 units or less, no mixed occupancy (min. fee $500)
Alterations to 1 unit in buildings with 4 or more units (min. fee $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of more than one MEP system without alterations (min. fee $500)
Porch, deck or green roof alterations or installation (min. fee $200 per porch, deck)
Balcony installation or repairs or alterations or replacement (min. fee $300)
Structural repairs as entire scope of work - 4 or more dwelling units (min. fee $1,500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No expansion of sprinkler piping. No change to demising walls.
Additions in buildings with 3 dwelling units or less (min. fee $750)
Alterations to multiple units up to max 29 units in buildings with 4 or more units (min. fee $250 per unit)
Moving buildings (min. fee $1,500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No mixed occupancy in scope. No altering or adding unit demising walls. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No change in the number of dwelling units.
Additions to buildings with 4 or more dwelling units (min. fee $2,000)
Alterations between mixed occupancies (min. fee $2,000)
Alterations for 30 units or more (min. fee $250 per unit)
Decrease in the number of dwelling units (min. fee $750)
Increase in the number of dwelling units (min. fee $1,500)
Project includes expansion of sprinkler piping for any building (min. fee $1,500)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire separations (min. fee $300)
Repairs or replacement or renovations (min. fee $500; min. fee $300 for day care)
Porch, deck, stairs, balconies, or green roof alterations or installation (min. fee $200 each)
Alterations without expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee $1,500)
Repair or replacement of single MEP system (min. fee $500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No mixed occupancy. No alterations or creation of machine rooms.
Alterations with expansion of sprinkler piping, (min. fee $3,000)
Any work requiring alterations to machine rooms (min. fee $2,000)
Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system (min. fee $1,500)
Additions (min. fee $3,000)
Any work with mixed occupancy (min. fee $2,000)
C, D
Large and Small Assembly and Open Air Assembly
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire separations (min. fee $300)
Roof repairs/replacement with structural member replacement (min. fee $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP system, no alteration (min. fee $500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy.
Repair or replacement or renovation of more than one MEP system (min. fee $1,500)
Porch, deck, stair or green roof alterations or installation (min. fee $200 each)
Balcony installation or repairs or alterations (min. fee $500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No alterations
Alterations to small assembly (min. fee $1,500)
School alterations (min. fee $500)
Alterations to small assembly existing restaurants. No expansion (min. fee $1,500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No changes to mixed occupancy separations.
Alterations to large assembly or open air assembly (min. fee $500)
Alterations to occupancy separations (min. fee $500)
Additions or expansion of assembly area (min. fee $1,500)
Expansion of restaurants or alterations to large assembly restaurants (min. fee $1,500)
Installation of new restaurants (min. fee $3,000)
All structural work (min. fee $1,500)
Work in Wrigleyville Rooftop Clubs (min. fee for renovation $500, min. fee for alterations $1,500, min. fee for expansion/additions $3,000)
E, F
Business and Mercantile
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire separations (min. fee $300)
Roof repairs/replacement with structural member replacement (min. fee $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP, no alteration (min. fee $500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy.
Sales centers or model units, or first time buildout of a single tenant space (except technology centers) (min. fee $750)
Alterations of one tenant space on one floor including existing technology centers (min. fee $750)
First time tenant buildout except for technology centers (min. fee $750)
Renovations or alterations of common spaces on one floor (min. fee $750)
Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system without alteration (min. fee $750)
Porch, deck, stairs, or green roof alterations or installation (min. fee $200)
Balcony installation or repairs or alterations (min. fee $500)
Structural repairs as entire scope of work (min. fee $750)
For any scope under this multiplier: No changes to mixed occupancy separations. No new or changed tenant demising walls. No expansion of tenant space.
Alterations to multiple tenant spaces or multiple floors, including first time buildouts of multiple tenant spaces (min. fee $1,500)
Alterations to common spaces on multiple floors (min. fee $750)
Alterations to existing restaurants or facilities requiring public health inspections. No expansion of facility (min. fee $500)
Alterations or creation of demising walls to separate tenant spaces (min. fee $1,500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No expansion of sprinkler piping. No alteration to mixed occupancy separations.
Alterations requiring expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee $1,500)
New or the expansion of restaurants or facilities requiring inspections by public health (min. fee $1,500)
First time technology center build-out (min. fee $2,000)
Alterations including changes to mixed occupancy separations or to fire separations (min. fee $3,000)
All additions (min. fee $1,500)
G, H, I
Industrial, Storage, and Hazardous Use
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire separations (min. fee $250)
Repair/replacement of porches and decks (no change of configuration) (min. fee $200 per porch)
Roof repairs/replacement with structural member replacement (min. fee $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP system, no alteration (min. fee $500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No installation of equipment regulated by the department of health.
Renovation work (min. fee $500)
Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system without alteration (min. fee $750)
Installation or alteration of a green roof (min. fee $200)
For any scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No installation of equipment regulated by the department of health.
Alterations for max one story without expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee $750)
Alterations with structural work (min. fee $1,500)
For any scope under this multiplier: No installation of equipment regulated by the department of health.
Alterations to buildings over one story (min. fee $1,500)
Additions (min. fee $2,000)
Alterations to the mixed occupancy separations or fire separations or with expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee $3,000)
Facilities including the installation of equipment regulated by the department of health (min. fee $2,000)
Miscellaneous (See the “stand alone” fees for specific items)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Alterations to structures that fall under this category for new construction (min. fee $250)
Alterations to structures that fall under this category and additions for any “J” occupancy (min. fee $500)
Phased Construction
All Occupancies
Not applicable
Facade work (Fees in addition to other scope of work fees)
All occupancies
Tuckpointing (min. fee $300)
Window walls and curtain wall repair or replacement (min. fee $500)
Lintel repair - based on contributing area supported by the lintel (min. fee $250)
Concrete repairs - based on the area of the repairs (min. fee $500)
Parapet rebuilding - based on the height and length of the parapet area of work (min. fee $250)
Fascia repair or replacement - based on the height and length of the fascia within the scope of work (min. fee $250)
Decorative facade elements, such as terra cotta, sheet metal or modern equivalents - based on the height and length of the area within the scope of work (min. fee $250)
All occupancies
Not applicable
Wrecking (drawings not required) (min. fee $500)
Wrecking of private garage (min. fee $125)
Change of occupancy without an increase in the hazard index number (min. fee $2,000)
Change of occupancy with an increase in hazard index number (min. fee $3,000)
Note:   “MEP” means mechanical, electrical and plumbing.
Note:   Correction of violations or stop order work or work without permits shall be assessed a Scope of Review factor of 1.0. (Fines in section 13-32-035 are in addition to these permit fees).
Note:   If more than one Scope of Review Factor appears to apply because of the diverse scope of work, the higher multiplier shall govern for all areas.
   (b)   Stand-alone permits – Flat fee. Fees for the stand-alone permit types identified in Table 13-32-310(E) shall be assessed in the amount set forth in Table 13-32-310(E), as follows:
Table 13-32-310(E)
Drawings required
Zoning fee
Drawings required
Zoning fee
Minor repairs
Repairs/replacement in-kind of minor scopes of work
For permits addressing administrative issues only, such as changes of owner or contractors, uncollected fees, permit time frame extensions, reprinting permits, or permit reinstatements. Provided, however, that this permit fee shall be in addition to any fines or other fees associated with the administrative request. (See Section 13-32-110 regarding time limits, Section 13-32-120 regarding stop work orders and Section 13-32-290 regarding reinstatement fees)
Fences and trash enclosures (3)
Installation of all fences and trash enclosures, all occupancies, any length, any material (fee per each)
Repair/replacement/recovering of roof without tear-off
Repair/replacement/recovering of roof with tear-off, without structural work
Rooftop structures - tanks, chimneys, supports - installation, alteration or repair
Fire (2)
Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on max. 4 story buildings
Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on buildings up to 80'-0"
Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on buildings over 80'-0"
Fire detection systems, voice command systems, fire command panel system, exit signs, special locking arrangements, or alarm system review in buildings a max. of 4 stories for installation or renovation within existing buildings
Fire detection systems, voice command systems, fire command panel system, exit signs, or alarm system review in buildings over 4 stories for installation or renovation within existing buildings
Repair/replacement of hot water heater or plumbing fixtures per single dwelling unit or tenant space. Installation of plumbing fixtures without alteration to piping in the walls.
Repair/replacement of plumbing piping all occupancies per single dwelling unit or tenant space. Repair/replacement of plumbing risers within an existing plumbing chase space, per riser.
Repair/replacement of furnace(s) or boiler(s) or unit heater(s) per single dwelling unit or tenant space (individual equipment), or duct extensions for existing systems (in addition to the equipment fee)
Repair/replacement of residential air conditioning condenser (no mixed occupancy), boiler or furnace per dwelling unit
Repair/replacement in kind of refrigeration equipment (includes chiller, cooling tower, and air handling equipment), boiler or furnace. No change to chiller room required. No other construction.
Installation of new refrigeration equipment for air conditioning per dwelling unit or tenant space (individual equipment)
Installation of new chiller, cooling tower, and air handling equipment serving more than one dwelling unit or tenant space. No other construction. No change to chiller room required.
Installation of new refrigeration equipment to serve food cooling - not part of other construction. Includes associated piping.
Installation of electrical service only of less than 400 amps
Installation of electrical service only of 400 amps or less than 1,000 amps
Installation of electrical service of 1,000 amps or more
Change of electrical contractor (On-line application)
Installation of low voltage system (telephone, security, cable, media are each separate systems) per floor for multi-family residential or commercial occupancies
Installation of low voltage system (telephone, security, cable, media are each separate systems) per single family residence or townhouse
Installation of power generators, whether required or discretionary - per generator (3)
Installation of power generators for residential buildings with three or less dwelling units (no mixed occupancy) (3)
Installation of emergency lighting systems 1, 2 or 3
Installation of electrical systems per 1,000 square feet of parking lot or landscape area
Additional new circuits of 10 circuits or less (per service)
Additional new circuits of 11 circuits up to 20 circuits (per service)
Additional new circuits of 21 circuits up to 40 circuits (per service)
Additional new circuits of 41 circuits up to 80 circuits (per service)
Additional new circuits of 81 circuits or over (per service)
Monthly maintenance permits
Repair or replacement of devices on existing electrical circuits (existing electrical systems) (Additionally includes poles, wires, conductors, lamp posts, festoons, decorative lights)
Temporary electrical service
Installation of equipment regulated by the department of health, per piece of equipment
Elevators, Escalators, moving walks, lifts (3)
Elevator, or lift serving less than or equal to 20 floors (each)
Escalator or moving walk (each)
Elevator or lift serving between 21 and 30 floors (each)
Elevator or lift serving 31 floors or more (each)
Movable stage or orchestra floor
Platform lift, inclined wheelchair lifts and stairway chairlifts
Automotive lifts - per unit
Vertical reciprocating conveyors
Material lifts, loading and truck dock lifts, dumbwaiters
Temporary construction towers, personnel, material movers and skip hoists associated with construction sites
Major repair work (not routine maintenance) per elevator
Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding, sailing or swinging devices per device - portable, for each installation (including electrical work)
Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding, sailing or swinging devices (for purposes of this part of this table collectively referred to as “devices”) located on property used or intended to be used for any amusement, as the term “amusement” is defined in Section 4-156-010 of this Code, and provided that the owner, lessee or manager of the property is exempt from obtaining a public place of amusement license pursuant to Section 4-156-300(f) of this Code
$500 per event for any
number of devices from 2 to 7; $1,200 per event for any number of devices from 8 to 14; $300 per device for any number of devices over 14; or $300 for an event that installs no more than one device
Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding, sailing or swinging per device -permanent installation or repair
Antenna, monopoles, and satellite dishes. Installation, alteration, or repair of cell phone tower equipment boxes (fee for each), attached antennas (fee for all)
Asbestos removal
See Section 11-4-2170
Canopies or marquee - installation, alteration, or repair
Construction cranes, hoists and other construction equipment (per piece)
Private swimming pools
Sandblasting, grinding, or chemically washing any building, structure, statue or other architectural surface (3)
See Section 11-4-130
Temporary platforms for public assembly
Temporary seating stands
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs, painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for erection or alteration, from 0 to 49 square feet, per face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs, painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for erection or alteration, from 50 to 99 square feet, per face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs, painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for erection or alteration, from 100 to 199 square feet, per face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs, painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for erection or alteration, from 200 to 499 square feet, per face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs, painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for erection or alteration, 500 sq ft and over, per face (3)
Note:   If more than one discipline is involved in a scope of work that qualifies for flat fees, the total fee will include the fees for each discipline involved as determined by this table, the minor repair fee, and the appropriate zoning fee.
Note:   If the scope of work includes equipment regulated by the department of health, the total fee will also include the fees for each discipline involved in the permit process and inspection.
Key to Table:
   (1)”   means drawings are required based on the specific project scope and requirements.
   “(2)”   means fees for sprinkler system and/or standpipe reviews are assessed in Section 15-16-190 and are in addition to the fees set forth in Section 13-32-310(a).
   “(3)”   means the fee set forth for the stand alone work described in this category shall be assessed in addition to the permit fee generated pursuant to Section 13-32-310(a).
   “(4)”   means that if drawings are required, the fee will be assessed based on the square footage of the area of work.
   “(5)”   means that the zoning fee will be required based on the specific equipment and installation location.
   “DU”   means dwelling units.
(Prior code § 43-26; Amend Coun. J. 7-9-84, p. 8218; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-89, p. 26812; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-93, p. 42192; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-94, p. 61206; Amend Coun. J. 6-10-96, p. 23559; Amend Coun. J. 7-10-96, p. 25685; Amend Coun. J. 11-10-99, p. 14998, § 6.1; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-99, p. 17487, § 6.1; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-01, p. 75777, § 7.3; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p.99931, § 9.3; Amend Coun. J. 7-9-03, p. 3609, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-04, p. 39840, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-8-05, p. 49867, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 5-24-06, p. 76946, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-07, p. 17167, § 43; Amend Coun. J. 3-18-09, p. 56026, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. II, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 25460, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. VIII, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 12-12-07, p. 17167, § 43, repealed former § 13-32-310, which pertained generally to permit fees.