General Provisions
151.01 Street and sidewalk obstructions, excavations
151.02 House moving
151.03 Encroachments and street closings
151.04 Newsracks, planters, tables and chairs
Streets Generally
151.20 Definitions
151.21 Damage and obstruction prohibited
151.22 Permits and bonds
151.23 Street openings
151.24 Emergency openings
151.25 Backfilling
151.26 Utility poles
151.27 Maintenance of installations
151.28 Curb cuts
151.29 Abandonment
Sidewalks Generally
151.40 Definitions
151.41 Specifications and permits
151.42 Construction requirements
151.43 Permit revocation
151.44 Ordering construction
151.45 Construction by city
151.46 Maintenance
151.47 Repair
151.48 Snow and ice clearance districts
Street Names and House Numbers
151.60 Street names
151.61 Vacating streets
151.62 Street numbers
151.63 Numbering buildings
151.64 Numbers