(a)    Donation. A contribution made to the Village without expectation of goods, services or significant benefit or recognition in return. Donations may be in the form of cash or in-kind contributions of products, services, investment securities, land with or without buildings and structures located thereon, or any combination thereof. A Donation may be unrestricted, where the donor has placed no limitation on its use, or restricted, where the donor has restricted its use to a specified purpose. Donations that, if accepted, would obligate the Village to enter into a service, procurement, or similar arrangement with a Donor, (but not including Donation Agreements where no service, procurement or similar arrangement must be incurred), shall not be considered a Donation. Grants to the Village from a local, county, state or federal agency are not subject to this policy.
   (b)   Donation Agreement. An agreement between the Village and the Donor that details any restrictions on a Donation as well as the respective obligations of the Donor and the Village.
   (c)   Donor. Any organization or individual who provides the Village with a Donation.
   (d)   Established Fundraising. Donations extended to recurrent annual events, in-kind donations associated with annual events, or donations for the maintenance and upkeep of donated materials by the original donor, such as, but not limited to, Memorial Day events, preplanned programs, and similar programs previously approved by Council.
   (e)   Fundraising. Any activity conducted with the intent of generating Donations to the Village. Fundraising activities may include, but are not limited to, promoting an endowment program, program adoption or pledge drives, and contacting individuals, companies, foundations, or other entities with a request for a Donation to the Village.
   (f)   Restricted Donation. A Donation that can only be used by the Village for a special purpose specified by the Donor, or a Donation specifically designated for a particular purpose, use, or location.
   (g)   Supported Fundraising. Any Fundraising that has the support or approval of the Village, as evidenced by legislative approval enacted by the Village Council.
(Ord. 2023-37. Passed 7-24-23.)