(a) This Donation Policy shall not be construed to create any right for an individual or organization to make a Donation to the Village or to make a public improvement on Village property.
(b) The Village reserves the right to deny any Donation if, upon review, acceptance of the Donation is determined to be not in the best interest of the Village.
(c) The Village, in accepting any Donation, shall not be obligated to maintain, repair, or replace any program, facility or service created, maintained, or enhanced by the Donation.
(d) The Village will not stipulate the value of any property donated to the Village and it shall be the obligation of the Donor to determine such value for tax purposes. The Village will file IRS Form 8282, or its future equivalent, in the event of future sale or exchange of donated real property made within three (3) years from the date of the gift for any property that the Village determines to have a value of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more, or such other requirements hereafter established by the U.S. Congress in amending the Internal Revenue Code.
(Ord. 2023-37. Passed 7-24-23.)