(a)   No Village employee shall receive under any pretense, or seek, ask, or share in any fee, reward or other reimbursement or gratuity for the performance of official duties.
   (b)   This prohibition shall apply equally to the receipt or solicitation by the employee’s spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law, brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild.
   (c)   Whenever any gift, gratuity or Donation is offered to a Village employee and the Village employee cannot determine if acceptance would be prohibited or permitted, the employee shall submit the proposal through their Department Head to the Chief Administrative Officer who may consult with the Village Law Director. The proposal must include a description of the gift, the name of the Donor, when the gift will be received, and an explanation of the proposed disposition of the gift. The decision of the Chief Administrative Officer as to whether the gift is permitted or prohibited shall be final. Approval from the Village Council shall be required whenever any gift is offered to a Department Head, the Chief Administrative officer, or an elected official.
   (d)   The prohibitions above shall not apply to solicitation or acceptance of anything of value from an existing friend or relative unrelated to any employee duties or Village business and based on a pre-existing personal or family relationship.
(Ord. 2023-37. Passed 7-24-23.)