(a)   The Village Chief Administrative Officer may accept or reject unrestricted Donations of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less in cash. The Village Council shall approve or reject Donations of cash of more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this Donation Policy. The Chief Administrative Officer and Council may decline any Donation which in their discretion does not comply with this Donation Policy. Any Donation declined by the Chief Administrative Officer may be appealed to the Village Council for reconsideration.
   (b)   The Village Council will determine appropriate recognition for a Donation at the time the Donation is accepted, taking into consideration the nature and value of the Donation. The name of a Donor, but no company logos, trademarks or the like, may be permitted on a sign, flyer or other materials related to the program or activity supported by the Donations. The agreed upon form of recognition shall be identified in the Donor receipt or in any Donation Agreement that only the Village Council shall approve when reviewing whether to accept or decline a Donation.
   (c)   Established Fundraising for existing Village Donation programs shall not require Village Council approval unless in the opinion of the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Village Council the methods or targets of the Fundraising change in a material way.
(Ord. 2023-37. Passed 7-24-23.)