EDITOR'S NOTE: Resolution 43-99, passed September 20, 1999, adopted and approved a Joint Emergency Operations Plan between the City and Washington Township to meet the demands of the City and the Township in the event of a major disaster. Copies of such Resolution and of the Plan may be obtained, at cost from the Clerk of Council.
214.01 Definitions.
214.02 Organization of Office of Civil Preparedness; Manager as Director.
214.03 Powers and duties of the Director.
214.04 Civil Preparedness Plan and programs.
214.05 Liability of City for damage to persons or property.
214.06 Violations.
214.07 Conflicts.
214.99 Penalty.
Local civil defense - see Ohio R.C. 5915.06
Exceptions to competitive bids in case of civil emergencies - see ADM. 210.07
Traffic direction during emergencies - see TRAF. 404.06
Misconduct at emergencies - see GEN. OFF. 648.06
Fire Safety requirements for emergency escapes - see B. & H. 1492.03(g)
Emergency fire alarm systems - see B. & H. 1492.06(b)
As used in this chapter:
(a) “Civil emergency” means an event that would require a significant diversion of routine Municipal resource and service scheduling for the purpose of eliminating or reducing any danger to persons or their property.
(b) “Civil preparedness” means the ability to carry out the basic governmental functions of maintaining the public peace, health and safety during civil emergencies.
(c) “Civil preparedness forces” means the employees, equipment and facilities of all City departments, boards, institutions and commissions. In addition, the term “civil preparedness forces” shall include all volunteer personnel, equipment and facilities contributed by, or obtained from, volunteer persons or agencies.
(d) “Civil preparedness volunteer” means any person duly registered, identified and appointed by the Director of the Office of Civil Preparedness and assigned to participate in the civil defense activity.
(e) “Director of the Office of Civil Preparedness” and “Director” mean the Manager or his or her designated alternate duly appointed in accordance with Section 6.02 of the City Charter.
(f) “Disaster” means, but is not limited to, an extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic or other impending or actual calamity endangering or threatening to endanger health, life or property or constituted government.
(g) “Regulations” means plans, programs, rules, restrictions, requirements and other emergency procedures deemed essential to civil preparedness.
(h) “Volunteer” means one who contributes a service, equipment or facilities to the civil preparedness organization without remuneration.
(Ord. 4-80. Passed 2-18-80.)
The City is hereby authorized and directed to create an organization for civil preparedness, utilizing to the fullest extent the existing agencies within the City. The Manager, as executive head of the Municipal Government, shall be the Director of the civil preparedness forces of the City and shall be responsible for their organization, administration and operations. The organization shall consist of the following:
(a) An Office of Civil Preparedness within the executive department of the City Government and under the direction of the Manager, and such assistants and other employees as are deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the organization.
(b) The employees, equipment and facilities of all City departments, boards, institutions and commissions, who or which will participate in the civil preparedness activity. Duties assigned to a City department shall be the same or similar to the normal duties of the department.
(c) Volunteer persons and agencies offering services to, and accepted by, the City.
(Ord. 4-80. Passed 2-18-80.)
The Director of the Office of Civil Preparedness shall have the following powers and duties with regard to civil emergencies and disasters:
(a) During any time period when civil emergency or disaster threatens or exists in the City, and to the extent that the Director deems it necessary to act immediately, without the delay of waiting for action by the Council, to protect life, health, safety and property and to preserve critical resources and duly constituted government, the Director may promulgate such regulations as he or she deems necessary to assist such protection and preservation, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Regulations prohibiting or restricting the movement of vehicles in order to facilitate the work of civil preparedness forces or to facilitate the mass movement of persons to and from critical areas within or without the City.
(2) Regulations pertaining to the movement of persons to and from areas deemed to be hazardous or vulnerable to civil emergency or disaster.
(3) Such other regulations as the Director deems appropriate and necessary to protect life, health, safety and property and to preserve critical resources and duly constituted government.
(b) During the same time periods, under the same conditions and for the same purposes as are set forth in subsection (a) hereof, the Director shall have the power to:
(1) Direct resources to the aid of other communities, when and if required, in accordance with the statutes of the State, the ordinances of the City or mutual aid agreements entered into by the City, and request the State or any political subdivision of the State to send aid to this City in the event that the resources of this City do not appear to be adequate to cope with a civil emergency or disaster.
(2) Obtain vital supplies, equipment and other properties found lacking and needed for such protection or preservation and bind the City for the fair value thereof in accordance with the provisions for purchasing during times of public disaster as specified in Section 7.07 of the City Charter, which are hereby declared to include civil emergencies as defined in Section 214.01.
(3) Require emergency services of any City officers or employees, and if the Director deems such personnel services inadequate, he or she may require the services of such other persons as can be obtained. All such officers, employees and other persons whose services are so required shall be entitled to any and all privileges and immunities as are provided by State law, by the City Charter or by City ordinance and, upon demand, may receive appropriate compensation for their services rendered, as determined by the Council.
(4) Coordinate the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the City for civil preparedness purposes.
(5) Negotiate and conclude agreements with owners or persons in control of buildings or other property for the use of such buildings or other property for civil preparedness purposes and designate suitable buildings as public shelters, in accordance with Section 7.07 of the City Charter.
(6) Coordinate the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any civil preparedness activity.
(Ord. 4-80. Passed 2-18-80.)
The Director of the Office of Civil Preparedness shall cause a civil preparedness plan to be prepared and presented to Council for adoption, modification or rejection. Such plan shall provide for the use of all services, equipment, facilities and personnel of all existing departments and agencies of the City to the fullest extent for the purposes of the protection and preservation referred to in Section 214.03. It shall be the duty of all Municipal departments and agencies to perform the functions assigned by the Plan, as adopted or modified by Council, and to maintain their portion of the Plan in a current state of readiness at all times. The Director shall conduct civil preparedness programs, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Through public informational programs, educate the civilian population as to actions necessary and appropriate in the event of civil emergency or disaster.
(b) Conduct public practice alerts to insure the efficient operations of the civil preparedness forces and to familiarize residents with civil preparedness regulations, procedures and operations.
(Ord. 4-80. Passed 2-18-80.)