   The Commissioners shall each give bonds in the penal sum of $5,000, payable to the state, conditioned upon the faithful and honest discharge of their duties, which bond shall be approved by the Town Council.
(‘82 Code, § 24-203)
   The Commissioners shall have and exercise all powers, duties, and responsibilities granted by the applicable laws of the state or by the ordinances of the town.
(‘82 Code, § 24-204)
   There is hereby established for the town a Reserve Police Officer Program pursuant to and consistent with the provisions of IC 36-8-3-20, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 644, passed 2-21-95)
§ 33.21 PURPOSE.
   The Police Reserve Program is specifically established in order to assist and augment the regular sworn police personnel in the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Police Department. The program is established as a result of the ever- increasing demand placed upon the Police Department for the wide range of services requested in the town, and in order to aid the Department in continuing to provide the best protective services to the residents of the town. The Reserve Police Officer Unit shall supplement the full- time sworn police officers in the fulfillment of the duties of the Department and will act to assist the Police Department in serving the residents of the town and promoting the public health, safety, comfort, morals, convenience, and general well-being and welfare.
(Ord. 644, passed 2-21-95)
   The number of positions established in the Reserve Police Officer Program for the Police Department is not more than 15.
(Ord. 644, passed 2-21-95; Am. Ord. 1084, passed 3-2-10)
   Reserve Police Officers shall be appointed by the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, consistent with the provisions of IC 36-8-9-4, as amended from time to time, subject to the approval of the Town Council, and in accordance with all state and Police Department Regulations. Any Reserve Police Officers so appointed shall govern themselves by the rules, regulations, and operating procedures adopted by the Police Department and Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners. Additionally, all Reserve Police Officers shall be selected and appointed as prescribed by, and consistent with, the rules and regulations of the Department for the hiring of full-time sworn police personnel, namely:
   (A)   Be a minimum of 21 years of age.
   (B)   Be a citizen of the United States.
   (C)   Have no felony convictions.
   (D)   Possess a valid Indiana driver’s license.
   (E)   Be a high school graduate, or possess a G.E.D. Certificate.
   (F)   Complete a department-supplied application with all necessary signatures and supporting materials.
   (G)   Successfully complete the following selection procedures:
      (1)   Attend a Department orientation program.
      (2)   The Departments Physical Agilities Test (Pass/Fail).
      (3)   The Departments Functional Capacity Evaluation.
      (4)   The Department’s Written Examination (70%).
      (5)   Oral assessment.
      (6)   Background investigation (Pass/Fail).
      (7)   Oral interview.
      (8)   Successful passage of a General Sports Physical Exam.
   (H)   All of the preceding procedures are found in Section III, Number 2 of the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department.
(Ord. 644, passed 2-21-95)