(A) The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized to establish petty cash funds for the following departments in the following amounts:
Public Works MVH | $ 75 |
Public Works Sewer | 75 |
General Police | 125 |
Ambulance | 75 |
Parks and Recreation Department | $75 |
(To be used for the express purpose of paying small or emergency items of operating expense for this Department) |
(B) A receipt shall be taken and issued for each and every expenditure made from the petty cash funds established for each of the departments herein. Periodically, a voucher shall be filed by the head of each department to reimburse the petty cash fund of that department for expenditures made, but no reimbursement shall be made unless there be attached to the voucher all original receipts totaling the cash expended.
(C) The entire amount remaining in the petty cash fund of each department shall be returned to the fund from which it was advanced at the time that the head of the department for which the petty cash fund was created would leave that department, or at such time as the petty cash fund for that department is no longer determined to be needed. The Clerk-Treasurer of the town shall further be required to provide an accounting to the Town Council at the end of each calendar year, and shall conform to all accounting requirements prescribed by the State of Indiana Board of Accounts.
(Ord. 534, passed 6-26-91; Am. Ord. 585, passed 8-17-93)
(A) There is re-established a Cumulative Capital Development Fund for the town as permitted by the provisions of IC 36-9-15.5.
(B) An ad valorem property tax levy is to be imposed upon all taxable real and personal property within the taxing district of the town, with the property tax revenues collected from said levy to be retained and deposited into the Cumulative Capital Development Fund (CCDF) in conformance with applicable law.
(C) The maximum rates of levy for the CCDF will not exceed the following:
(1) $.05 per $100 assessed valuation for 2021, payable in 2022.
(2) $.05 per $100 assessed valuation for 2022, payable in 2023.
(D) The CCDF shall remain in full force and effect until said fund is rescinded, repealed or abolished in conformance with lawful procedures.
(E) Funds collected and deposited into the CCDF will be used for the following purposes, namely:
(1) To construct such streets, alleys, sidewalks, or thoroughfares as required, and to maintain the same, and further, to fund any and all related purposes consistent thereto;
(2) To purchase, lease or pay all or part of the purchase price of motor vehicles for the use of the Police and Fire Departments, or both, including ambulance and firefighting vehicles with all necessary equipment;
(3) Any and all other purposes allowed by IC 36-9-15.5-2, as the same may be amended from time to time.
(F) Notwithstanding the purposes for the use of the CCDF set forth in this section, the property tax funds collected, deposited and accumulated in the CCDF may be expended for purposes other than those specifically set forth herein if the purpose is to protect the public health, welfare or safety in an emergency situation which demands and requires immediate action. The CCDF of the town may be utilized under the authority of this section only after the Town Council, as legislative body, and the Council President declare that the public health, welfare or safety is in immediate danger which requires the expenditure of Cumulative Capital Development Funds collected and accumulated for such emergency purposes.
(Ord. 555, passed 6-25-92; Am. Ord. 657, passed 7-31-95; Am. Ord. 701, passed 7-8-97; Am. Ord, 1012, passed 7-17-07; Am. Ord. 1323, passed 3-19-19; Am. Ord. 1378, passed 3-16-21; Am. Ord. 1413, passed 4-19-22)
(A) There is hereby created and established a Tourism-Related Economic Development Fund within the economic development budget of the town.
(B) The hotel/motel tax monies received by the town shall be deposited into the Tourism-Related Economic Development Fund.
(C) The hotel/motel tax monies received by the town and deposited into the Tourism-Related Economic Development Fund shall be used for any purpose which increases the impact of visitors’ dollars to the residents of the town, including, but not limited to, improved signage, historic attraction development, festival promotion, park and recreation investment, and the like.
(Ord. 580, passed 6-1-93)
(A) There is hereby established within the budget of the Town Park and Recreation Department a Special Non-Reverting Park Activities Operating Fund pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-10-3-22, as amended from time to time.
(B) All park and recreation facilities and programs operated and conducted by the Town Parks and Recreation Department shall be made available to the public free of charge as far as possible. However, if it is necessary in order to provide a particular activity, the Parks and Recreation Board may cause a reasonable fee to be charged.
(C) In the event that fees are charged for certain activities or use of facilities by the Town Parks and Recreation Board, the fees collected shall be deposited into the Special Non-Reverting Park Activities Fund. Expenditures for the activities for which such fees are charged may be paid, upon approval of claims in the manner required by applicable law and by the requirements of the State Board of Accounts, from the Special Non-Reverting Park Activities Fund, and no other.
(Ord. 584, passed 8-17-93)
(A) There is hereby established within the budget and general fund of the town a Solid Waste Disposal/Recycling Operating Fund.
(B) The Fund shall be funded solely by any grant monies received by the town from the Lake County Solid Waste Management District pursuant to any applicable statutory and contractual authority, as the same may be amended from time to time.
(C) The funds within the established Fund may be utilized for any and all recycling programs and activities, and all such related expenditures intended or designated to act to reduce the amount of volume of solid waste being deposited into landfills.
(Ord. 623, passed 7-26-94)
(A) There is hereby established for the Sanitary Sewer Utility a Sewage Works Bond Anticipation Note Account/Fund.
(B) The proceeds received by the town as a result of the closing of the financing transaction pursuant to the Bond Anticipation Note Purchase Agreement shall be deposited into the Fund.
(C) The funds within the established Fund may be utilized for the purposes permitted and authorized by the provisions of Ordinance 625, as amended from time to time, and all applicable statutory authority, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 628, passed 9-23-94)