(A) There is hereby established a Special Town Professional Planning/Consulting Services Non-Reverting Fund for purposes of paying a selected and retained qualified professional planning consultant and/or consulting firm to provide the needed evaluation, drafting, preparation, recommendation and implementation of professional consulting services for adoption of a current and updated replacement Comprehensive Master Plan for the town, as well as all related planning and zoning regulations legislation consistent with the applicable provisions of the Indiana Code, all pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-1-3-1 et seq., as amended from time to time.
(B) The fund shall be funded from donation contributions paid to the town for the specific purposes set forth hereinabove, as amended from time to time.
(C) The funds deposited in the fund established hereby shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Town Council. Funds collected and deposited into the Special Town Professional Planning/Consulting Services Non-Reverting Fund established hereby shall be utilized solely for the payment of selected and qualified professional planning consultant(s) and/or consulting firm(s) for the needed evaluation, drafting, preparation, recommendation and implementation adoption of a current and updated replacement Comprehensive Master Plan for the town, as well as all related planning and zoning regulations legislation consistent with the applicable provisions of the Indiana Code. Said funds are to be used as indicated, and only as authorized and approved by the Town Council.
(D) The fund established hereby shall continue as a non-reverting fund until or unless amended or repealed by subsequent ordinance of the town. The fund balance shall be non-reverting at each calendar year end. In the event that the fund is terminated by repeal or amendatory ordinance, the funds contained therein at the time of termination of the fund by repeal or amendatory ordinance shall be deposited into the general fund of the town.
(Ord. 960, passed 8-1-06)
(A) There is hereby established the Town of Cedar Lake Major Moves Construction Fund, which shall be a special revenue fund under the rules, regulations and requirements of applicable Indiana law, including the Indiana Code, as amended from time to time, as well as the administrative rules and requirements of the Indiana State Board of Accounts.
(B) All monies and funds received by the town from the Major Moves Construction Fund distribution from the Auditor of lake County shall be deposited into the fund.
(C) The monies deposited into the fund shall be utilized and expended only for the purposes set forth in IC 8-14-16-5, as the same exists presently, or as amended from time to time thereafter.
(D) The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized and directed to take all appropriate and required steps to establish the fund in conformance and compliance with all applicable law, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 975, passed 10-3-06)