   (A)   There is hereby established within the budget and General Fund of the town a Town Hall Remodeling Construction Fund.
   (B)   The Town Hall Remodeling Construction Fund for the town shall be funded by the monies received by the town from Cedar Lake Town Hall Building Corporation, and particularly, from the transaction between the town and the Cedar Lake Town Hall Building Corporation and funds available from the First Mortgage Bonds issued by the Cedar Lake Town Building Corporation.
   (C)   The funds to be deposited in the Town Hall Remodeling Construction Fund may be utilized for any and all purposes related to the remodeling activities for the Cedar Lake Town Hall currently under contract with the Jack Beck Corporation, as well as any and all such related expenditures as deemed appropriate by the Town Council.
(Ord. 666, passed 12-26-95)
   (A)   There is established a Casino Gaming Revenue Fund for the town.
   (B)   All casino gaming revenues received by the town shall be deposited into the Casino Gaming Revenue Fund.
   (C)   The Casino Gaming Revenue Fund shall be perpetual until terminated by subsequent ordinance. Upon termination of the Casino Gaming Revenue Fund, all balances left therein shall be deposited into the General Fund of the town.
   (D)   The money deposited into the Casino Gaming Revenue Fund shall be spent only upon roads, streets, infrastructure improvements located within the corporate boundaries of the town, and any and all items per the agreement, for the use of the funds, between the town and the Town Council.
(Ord. 702, passed 7-8-97)
   (A)   There is hereby established within the budget and general fund of the town a Special Emergency Medical Services Department Non-Reverting Equipment Fund pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-1-3-1, et seq., as amended from time to time.
   (B)   The established Special Emergency Medical Services Non-Reverting Equipment Fund shall be funded from the collections made of billings issued by or on behalf of the Town of Cedar Lake for emergency medical services rendered by the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department for the provision of emergency medical services by the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department. The amount to be deposited into the Special Emergency Medical Services Non-Reverting Equipment Fund from the collection made of billings issued by the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department for emergency medical services provided will be 15% of the amount collected each calendar year. All billings collected by or on behalf of the Town of Cedar Lake for emergency medical services rendered by the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department shall continue to be deposited, accounted for, and utilized in the same manner as before establishment and adoption of this town code section, as amended.
   (C)   The funds deposited into the Special Emergency Medical Services Non-Reverting Equipment Fund shall be reviewed annually by the Town Council. The funds collected and deposited into the Special Emergency Medical Services Non-Reverting Equipment Fund shall be utilized solely for equipment purchases by the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department, a department of town government, after review and approval by the Town Council. The funds are to be used for capital purchases of equipment, and not for operation and maintenance expenditures, as well as vendor costs and expenditures for software and hardware operational requirements of the Town Municipal Fire Department in provision of emergency medical services.
   (D)   The established Special Emergency Medical Services Non-Reverting Equipment Fund shall continue as a non-reverting fund until or unless amended or repealed by a subsequent ordinance of the town. The fund balance in the Special Emergency Medical Services Department Non-Reverting Equipment Fund shall be non-reverting at each calendar year-end. In the event the fund is terminated by repeal or amendatory ordinance, the funds contained therein at the time of termination of the fund by repealer ordinance shall be deposited into the General Fund of the town.
(Ord. 717, passed 5-12-98; Am. Ord. 836, passed 11-26-02; Am. Ord. 1145, passed 12-20-11; Am. Ord. 1313, passed 1-15-19)
   There is hereby established a Cedar Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Sewage Works Capital Improvement Special Fund. This fund is established for the specific purpose of segregation and payment of that portion of the monthly rates collected from the owners of property served by the sewage works of the town as well as all users and rate payers of the town sanitary sewer collection system, in the amounts identified by the town financial consultants, London Witte Group, for utilization and payment of the expenses of capital improvements in the sewage works required to be constructed and completed in conformance with agreements entered into by and between the Towns of Cedar Lake and Lowell, or by and between the town with IDEM through agreed order or other administrative proceedings. The Clerk-Treasurer is directed to deposit on at least a monthly basis those funds from the rates and charges collected from the owners of property served by the sewage works of the town as well as users and rate payers of the town sanitary sewer collection system, as identified by the town financial consultants, for the specific purposes set forth herein. The Clerk-Treasurer is further directed and authorized to manage and account for the funds in the same manner as all of the funds of the town sewer utility, including accounting and investment, all in conformance with the applicable provisions of the State Board of Accounts. The Clerk-Treasurer is further directed to provide a monthly report to the Town Council of the deposits made of funds collected and paid into the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Sewage Works Capital Improvement Special Fund.
(Ord. 762, passed 1-25-00; Am. Ord. 793, passed 5-22-01; Am. Ord. 1149, passed 2-21-12)
   (A)   Pursuant to IC 34-4-30.1-1 et seq., an Asset Forfeiture Account (fund) is hereby created by the town, which shall be a separate account (fund)for receipt of asset forfeiture proceeds received by and on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department.
   (B)   The funds of the Asset Forfeiture Account (fund) shall be accounted for and/or audited by the Clerk-Treasurer of the town. Further, these funds shall not be commingled with any other Police Department funds. Further, these funds shall be accounted for in accordance with the applicable procedures of the state Board of Accounts, as amended from time to time.
   (C)   The funds of the Asset Forfeiture Account (fund) shall only be utilized for the reimbursement or repayment for “law enforcement costs” for the Police Department, which are described as follows:
      (1)   Expenses incurred by the Police Department upon an asset seizure wherein asset forfeiture proceeds become available for the criminal investigation associated with the seizure.
      (2)   Repayment of the “Investigative Fund” of the Police Department upon an asset seizure to the extent that the Police Department can specifically identify any part of the money as having been expended from the fund.
   (D)   There is hereby established an “Investigative Fund” for and on behalf of the Police Department, which fund shall be utilized to further criminal investigations of any nature or type or in which the Police Department, by and through its Chief of Police, feels compelled to investigate, and which Investigative Fund shall further be utilized to further the ends of the Detective Bureau or Department within the Police Department, including educating detectives and police officers in new investigative techniques and to further their criminal investigative education. Such “Investigative Funds” shall additionally be utilized to purchase or acquire equipment to assist in criminal investigation activities of the Police Department.
(Ord. 766, passed 3-28-00; Am. Ord. 862, passed 7-8-03)