Sewer and Water Master Plan
51.01 Policy and adoption by reference
51.02 General Plan
51.03 Definitions
Sewer and Water Connections
51.15 Procedure for obtaining water or sewer extensions by developers
51.16 Construction by county
51.17 Front-foot benefit assessment classifications and rate structures
51.18 Area connection charge
51.19 Reclassification of property
51.20 Water and sewer usage fees
51.21 Delinquent bills
51.22 Utility terminations of service
51.23 Regulations
51.24 Rates
51.25 Violations
51.26 Computation of time
51.27 Effect of adoption
Approval of Sewer Systems
51.40 Definitions
51.41 Procedure
51.42 Allotment of units of capacity
51.55 Definitions
51.56 License and septage discharge permit sticker required
51.57 Compliance with other laws
51.58 Discharge of septage from outside the county prohibited
51.59 Prohibited discharges
51.60 Discharge of harmful substances; considerations for acceptability
51.61 Removal of unacceptable loads from facility
51.62 Revocation of septage discharge permit sticker
51.63 Fees, charges, and penalties
51.64 Appeals
51.65 Injunctive relief
51.66 Legal action
51.67 Falsifying information
51.99 Penalty
Water, sewerage, and drainage systems, see Code of Public Local Laws, Title 14