For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning;
   DEVELOPER. All owners of an impacted subdivision.
   IMPACTED SUBDIVISION. A subdivision which has been denied subdivision approval solely as a result of inadequate capacity of the sewer system.
   INFILTRATION AND INFLOW FIELD STUDY. A project which attempts to determine the extent of infiltration or inflow in the sewer system by on site observations, metering, or other device and which includes the identification of the source and nature of the infiltration or inflow.
   SEWER SYSTEM. A sewerage system operated, maintained, and administered by the county pursuant to Title 14 of the Code.
   SUBDIVISION APPROVAL. Final approval of a subdivision pursuant to Md. Code, Land Use Article, and Chapter 155, Development and Subdivision of Land, by the Planning Commission.
   SUBDIVISION PLAT. A plat of a subdivision which has been given subdivision approval.
   UNIT OF CAPACITY. The allocation for sewer service of flows or capacity as determined by the county pursuant to § 51.02(H), as amended.
(1004 Code, § 179-15) (Ord. 53, passed 6-1-1985; Ord. 2021-09, passed 10-14-2021)