13-101. Water connections.
P.L.L., 1930, Art. 7, sec. 402; 1965 Code, sec. 442; 1922, ch. 469, sec. 18; 1976 Code, sec. 17-1; 2000, ch. 601.
The Board of Managers of the Springfield State Hospital are authorized and empowered to allow a connection of the water system of Sykesville with the Hospital’s filtered water system, at such location and under such conditions of payment as may be agreed upon by Board of Managers and the Mayor and Council of Sykesville, or to extend said Hospital’s system to the location of connection at the expense of the town of Sykesville, as may be necessary; and Board of Managers are further authorized and empowered to supply at all times the town of Sykesville with an amount of water as may be required by town, at a reasonable rate or rates per thousand gallons as may be mutually agreed upon by Board of Managers and said Mayor and Council, which rate or rates may be changed by mutual agreement as conditions may require.
Subtitle 1. General Provisions.
14-101. Definitions.
1967, ch. 754, sec. 439A; 1971, ch. 608, sec. 439A; 1976 Code, sec. 15-1; 1978, ch. 739; 2000, ch. 601.
   (a)   In this title the following words have the meanings indicated:
   (b)   “Board” means the Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County, the governing body of the County.
   (c)   “Bonds” means notes, bonds, and other evidences of indebtedness or obligations.
   (d)   “Carroll County” means the geographic area within the corporate limits of Carroll County.
   (e)   “Commission” means the Carroll County Sanitary Commission created by Chapter 754 of the Acts of 1967, the powers and functions of which are transferred to the County by this title.
   (f)   “County” means County Commissioners of Carroll County, a body politic and corporate of the State of Maryland.
   (g)   “Project” means any water system, sewerage system, drainage system, and any combination or part or parts thereof owned, constructed, or operated by the County under the provisions of this title.
   (h)   “Service area” means the area within Carroll County in which the Board may exercise power and authority under this title in accordance with the provisions of § 14-106 of this subtitle.
   (i)   “Sewage” means the water-carried wastes created in and carried, or to be carried, away from residences, hotels, schools, hospitals, industrial establishments, commercial establishments or any other private or public building or location, together with such household and industrial wastes as may be present.
   (j)   “Sewerage system” means all plants, systems, facilities, or properties used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the collection, carrying away, treating, neutralizing, stabilizing, or disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes, and any integral part thereof, including sewage treatment plants, disposal fields, lagoons, pumping stations, drainage ditches, intercepting ditches, outfall sewers, trunk sewers, intercepting sewers, lateral sewers, force mains, pipes, pipe lines, conduits, equipment, appurtenances, and all properties, rights, easements, and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by the Board for the operation thereof; a sewerage system may include related drainage facilities.
   (k)   “Drainage system” means all plants, systems, facilities, or properties, and all properties, rights, easements, and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by the Board for the operation thereof, used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with (1) the collection, control, distribution, carrying away, or disposal of surface waters and any integral part thereof, including (without limitation) storm water drainage; (2) the prevention and control of erosion, and any integral part thereof; and (3) the management and control of sedimentation, and any integral part thereof; “drainage system” does not include drainage facilities which are part of a water system or sewerage system and which are not part of a system having the primary purpose of draining surface waters.
   (l)   “Water system” means all plants, systems, facilities, or properties used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the supply or distribution of water and any integral part thereof, including water supply systems, water distribution systems, reservoirs, dams, wells, intakes, mains, laterals, pumping stations, standpipes, filtration plants, purification plants, hydrants, meters, valves and equipment, appurtenances, and all properties, rights, easements, and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient by the Board for the operation thereof; a water system may include related drainage facilities.