(A)   The county may establish a plan to ensure commercial properties are accurately classified based on the current water usage classification outlined in § 51.24, Table 1.
   (B)   If a property is reclassified to a higher water usage classification, the area connection charge shall be calculated accordingly based on the difference previously paid. At no time shall a downward reclassification occur.
   (C)   After reclassifying a property to a higher water usage classification, the county shall notify the owner of the reclassification. The owner shall then be required to pay the difference in area connection charges within 90 days unless otherwise determined. At the next billing, following the notice of the reclassification, the user shall be billed at the rates applicable, regardless of the actual meter size.
(2004 Code, § 179-6.1) (Ord. 02-20, passed 11-21-2002; Ord. 2021-09, passed 10-14-2021)