General Provisions
52.001 Purpose and policy
52.002 Definitions and word usage
52.003 Abbreviations
Use of Public Sewers
52.015 Prohibited discharges
52.016 Discharge of harmful substances; considerations for acceptability
52.017 Excessive discharge
52.018 Accidental discharges
52.019 Upset provision and notification
52.020 Bypass not violating applicable pretreatment standards or requirements
52.021 Notification
52.022 Monitoring violation
52.023 Installation of monitoring equipment
52.024 Employee training
52.025 Records
52.026 Analytical requirements
52.027 Confidential information
52.028 Right of entry
52.029 Pretreatment standards and requirements
52.030 Specific limitations
52.031 Treatment surcharge
52.032 County’s right of revision
52.045 Purpose
52.046 Charges and fees
52.060 Wastewater discharge permit required
52.061 Wastewater discharge permits
52.062 Reporting requirements
52.063 Monitoring facilities
52.064 Inspection and sampling
52.065 Pretreatment
52.066 Special agreements
52.080 Suspension of treatment
52.081 Revocation of permit
52.082 Complaint
52.083 Compliance schedule
52.084 Publication of industrial user violators
52.085 Issuance of notice or order
52.086 Hearings
52.087 Final corrective orders
52.088 Injunctive relief
52.089 Legal action
52.090 Appeals
52.999 Penalty
The purposes of this chapter are:
(A) To establish uniform requirements for contributors into the wastewater collection and treatment system owned and operated by the county and to enable the county to comply with applicable state and federal laws and the general pretreatment regulations (40 C.F.R. Part 403);
(B) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipality’s wastewater system which will:
(1) Interfere with the operation of the system;
(2) Contaminate the sludge;
(3) Pass through the system, inadequately treated, into receiving waters or the atmosphere;
(4) Pose a health threat to sewer workers; or
(5) Be otherwise incompatible with the system.
(C) To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewaters and sludges from the system; and
(D) To provide for equitable distribution of the cost of the municipal wastewater system.
(2004 Code, § 181-1) (Ord. 57, passed 2-18-1986; Ord. 57-A, passed 10-5-1993)