2-301. Terms; days.
P.L.L., 1860, Art. 7, sec. 37; 1888, sec. 125; 1930, sec. 298; 1965 Code, sec. 415; 1976 Code, sec. 12-1.
The regular terms of the Orphans’ Court of Carroll County shall be held on the second Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
2-302. Same; other days.
P.L.L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 126; 1930, sec. 299; 1965 Code, sec. 416; 1878, ch. 206; 1976 Code, sec. 12-2.
The court, if necessary for the dispatch of business, shall, by its adjournments, be also held on the Tuesday succeeding each Monday of the court’s regular terms, and on the Monday and Tuesday of every week in the year other than the weeks of the regular terms.
2-303. Hours; additional days.
P.L.L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 127; 1930, sec. 300; 1965 Code, sec. 417. 1878, ch. 206; 1894, ch. 92. 1976 Code, sec. 12-3; 2000, ch. 601.
The court shall sit for the transaction of business from nine o’clock a.m. to three o’clock p.m. of each day, and in no case shall they sit more than two days in any one week, except when it shall appear to the Orphans’ Court to be necessary for the purpose of examining witnesses or hearing arguments in a cause depending before the Orphans’ Court, on which occasion they may adjourn from day to day in any week, as long as it may be necessary in the trial of such cause.
Subtitle 1. General Provisions.
3-101. Number, compensation; expense allowance.
P.L.L., 1860, Art. 7, sec. 9; 1888, sec. 18; 1930, sec. 36; 1965 Code, sec. 16. 1892, ch. 290; 1908, ch. 546 (p. 687); 1939, ch. 432; 1941, ch. 207; 1949, ch. 499; 1953, ch. 453; 1963, ch. 711; 1970, ch. 370; 1974, ch. 137. 1976 Code, sec. 3-1. 1977, ch. 150; 1982, ch. 84; 1984, ch. 131; 1985, ch. 90; 1989, ch. 90; 1994, ch. 335; 2000, ch. 601; 2001, ch. 624; 2003, ch. 417; 2008, ch. 611; 2011, ch. 594; 2022, ch. 102; 2022, ch. 605.
   (a)   The Board of County Commissioners for Carroll County consists of five Commissioners to be elected by Commissioner District.
   (b)   Each County Commissioner is entitled to the following compensation and allowances:
      (1)   A salary of$50,000 a year; and
      (2)   Reimbursement for any county–related expenses incurred for any official duties by the County Commissioner.
   (c)   An individual is eligible to serve as a County Commissioner if, on the date of the election:
      (1)   The individual is at least 21 years of age;
      (2)   The individual is a resident of the State of Maryland and Carroll County;
      (3)   The individual has resided in Carroll County for at least 1 year preceding the date of the election; and
      (4)   (i)   If the district to which the individual has been elected to represent has been established for at least 6 months prior to the election, the individual has resided in the district for at least 6 months; or
         (ii)   If the district to which the individual has been elected to represent has been established for less than 6 months prior to the election, the individual has resided in the district for as long as it has been established.
   (d)   The five commissioner districts consist of the following census block groups, census tracts, and census blocks as they existed on April 1, 2021, and as reviewed by the Carroll County Board of Elections or its designee:
      (1)   Commissioner District 1 consists of:
         (i)   Census tracts:
            1.   24013501001, 24013501002, 24013502000, 24013503000, 24013510000, and 24013512000;
            2.   24013511000, not including census blocks 240135110002015, 240135110002024, 240135110002026, 240135110002027, or 240135110002028;
            3.   24013507702, not including:
               A.   Census block groups 240135077022 or 240135077023; or
               B.   Census blocks 240135077021001 and 240135077023021;
            4.   24013507703, not including census blocks 240135077031000, 240135077031001, 240135077031002, or 240135077031003;
            5.   24013507704, not including census blocks 240135077041005, 240135077041009, 240135077041010, 240135077041011, 240135077041012, 240135077041013, 240135077041014, 240135077041015, 240135077041016, or 240135077041017;
            6.   24013507500, not including census blocks 240135075002000 through 240135075002003, 240135075002007, 240135075002014 through 240135075002036, 240135075003000 through 240135075003021, 240135076013009, or 240135076013015; and
            7.   24013506101, not including census blocks 240135061012000, 240135061012004 through 240135061012013, or 240135061013000 through 240135061013032;
         (ii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013507601:
            1.   240135076011000 through 240135076011002;
            2.   240135076011004 through 240135076011007;
            3.   240135076011010; and
            4.   240135076011011; and
         (iii)   All of census blocks 240135090011000 and 240135090012004;
      (2)   Commissioner District 2 consists of:
         (i)   Census block groups 240135041001, 240135041002, 240135042013, 240135042014, 240135061013, 240135061022, 240135062001 through 240135062004, 240135081031 through 240135081034, and 240135082001;
         (ii)   Census tract 24013506101, not including census blocks 240135061012001 through 240135061012003;
         (iii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013506102:
            1.   240135061021003; and
            2.   240135061021004;
         (iv)   Census block group 240135082004, not including census blocks 240135082004014 through 240135082004016;
         (v)   Census block group 240135082003, not including census blocks 240135082003023 through 240135082003029;
         (vi)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013508200:
            1.   240135082002000; and
            2.   240135082002005 through 240135082002007;
         (vii)   Census block group 240135041003, not including census blocks 240135041003004 through 240135041003006;
         (viii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504201:
            1.   240135042011005;
            2.   240135042011007; and
            3.   240135042011011 through 240135042011022;
         (ix)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504201:
            1.   240135042012004; and
            2.   240135042012005;
         (x)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504202:
            1.   240135042023012; and
            2.   240135042023013;
         (xi)   Census block group 240135042021, not including census blocks 240135042021004 through 240135042021006, 240135042021014, or 240135042021015; and
         (xii)   Census tract 24013505102, census blocks 240135051023000 through 240135051023004;
      (3)   Commissioner District 3 consists of:
         (i)   Census block groups 240135075003, 240135076012, 240135076013, 240135076021 through 240135076023, 240135077022, 240135077042, 240135077043, 240135078011 through 240135078014, and 240135078021;
         (ii)   Census block group 240135075002, not including census blocks 240135075002004 through 240135075002006, 240135075002008 through 240135075002013, or 240135075002016;
         (iii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013507601:
            1.   240135076011003; and
            2.   240135076011008 through 240135076011021;
         (iv)   Census block group 24013506102, not including census blocks 240135061021003 and 240135061021004;
         (v)   Census tract 24013508200, census blocks 240135082004014 through 240135082004016;
         (vi)   Census tract 24013508200, census blocks 240135082003023 through 240135082003029;
         (vii)   Census block group 240135082002, not including census blocks 240135082002000 or 240135082002005 through 240135082002007;
         (viii)   Census tract 24013504100, census blocks 240135041003004 through 240135041003006;
         (ix)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504201:
            1.   240135042011000 through 240135042011004;
            2.   240135042011006; and
            3.   240135042011008 through 240135042011010;
         (x)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504201:
            1.   240135042012000 through 240135042012003; and
            2.   240135042012011;
         (xi)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013507702:
            1.   240135077021001; and
            2.   240135077021024;
         (xii)   Census block group 240135077023, not including census block 240135077023020;
         (xiii)   Census tract 24013507703, census blocks 240135077031000 through 240135077031003; and
         (xiv)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013507704:
            1.   240135077041005;
            2.   240135077041009 through 240135077041013; and
            3.   240135077041014 through 240135077041017;
      (4)   Commissioner District 4 consists of:
         (i)   Census block groups 240135042022, 240135078022, 240135090012, 240135090021, 240135090022, 240135130011, 240135130012, 240135130013, 240135130021, 240135130022, 240135130023, 240135142011, 240135142012, and 240135142013;
         (ii)   Census block group 240135142022, not including census blocks 240135142022000, 240135142022001, or 240135142022005;
         (iii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013514202:
            1.   240135142021000;
            2.   240135142021001;
            3.   240135142021009 through 240135142021013; and
            4.   240135142021018;
         (iv)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013514100:
            1.   240135141002002 through 240135141002008;
            2.   240135141002017; and
            3.   240135141002019 through 240135141002022;
         (v)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013505101:
            1.   240135051011000;
            2.   240135051011001; and
            3.   240135051011003;
         (vi)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013504202:
            1.   240135042021004 through 240135042021006;
            2.   240135042021014; and
            3.   240135042021015;
         (vii)   Census block group 240135042023, not including census blocks 240135042023012 or 240135042023013;
         (viii)   Census tract, 24013504201, census blocks 240135042012006 through 240135042012010;
         (ix)   Census block group 240135090012, not including census block 240135090012004;
         (x)   Census block group 240135090011, not including census block 240135090011000; and
         (xi)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013511000:
            1.   240135110002015;
            2.   240135110002024; and
            3.   240135110002026 through 240135110002028; and
      (5)   Commissioner District 5 consists of:
         (i)   Census block groups 240135051012, 240135051021, 240135051022, 240135052031, 240135052032, 240135052051, 240135052052, 240135052061, 240135052062, 240135052071, 240135052072, 240135052081, 240135052082, 240135052083, 240135052084, and 240135141001;
         (ii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013514202:
            1.   240135142022000;
            2.   240135142022001; and
            3.   240135142022005;
         (iii)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013514202:
            1.   240135142021002 through 240135142021008; and
            2.   240135142021014 through 240135142021017;
         (iv)   The following census blocks of census tract 24013514100:
            1.   240135141002000;
            2.   240135141002001;
            3.   240135141002009 through 240135141002016; and
            4.   240135141002018;
         (v)   Census block group 240135051011, not including census blocks 240135051011000, 240135051011001, or 240135051011003; and
         (vi)   Census block group 240135051023, not including census blocks 240135051023000 through 240135051023004.
   (e)   (1)   On or before May 1, 2005, and on or before May 1 following the release of each decennial census of the United States thereafter, the County Commissioners shall appoint a Commission Redistricting Committee.
      (2)   (i)   The Commission Redistricting Committee shall consist of seven members.
         (ii)   Of the seven members:
            1.   Three shall be recommended by the County Republican Central Committee;
            2.   Three shall be recommended by the County Democratic Central Committee; and
            3.   One shall be recommended by the County Board of Elections.
         (iii)   The Commission Redistricting Committee shall elect a Chairman from among its members.
         (iv)   The County Commissioners shall provide support staff to the Committee.
      (3)   The Commission Redistricting Committee shall recommend the establishment of five Commissioner districts in the County of substantially equal population.
      (4)   On or before December 1, 2005, and on or before December 1 following the release of each decennial census of the United States thereafter, the Commission Redistricting Committee shall report its recommendations to the Carroll County Legislative Delegation to the General Assembly for consideration at the following legislative session.
   (f)   [Editor’s Note: This provision does not become effective until October 1, 2011]
      (1)   The term of a County Commissioner is 4 years.
      (2)   A County Commissioner may not be elected to serve more than two consecutive terms.
      (3)   An individual who is appointed to fill a vacancy on the Board of County Commissioners after a term has begun shall:
         (i)   At the time of appointment and while filling out the unexpired term, reside in the Commissioner District as that of the Commissioner whose seat is vacated; and
         (ii)   Serve only for the remainder of that term and until a successor is elected and qualifies.