2004, ch. 34.
The County Commissioners are authorized to adopt an ordinance to designate a County road or a segment of a County road for construction by the County with a portion of the costs to be paid by each owner of property over which the road or segment of road is designated at the time of the development of the property.
2004, ch. 34.
(a) (1) An ordinance that designates a road under this subtitle may be adopted by the County Commissioners only after a public hearing.
(2) Notice of the public hearing shall be provided by:
(i) Notice published in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the County once each week for 2 consecutive weeks prior to the hearing;
(ii) Mail to each owner of record of property, over which the road or segment of road to be designated is located, at the address listed in the tax records of Carroll County; and
(iii) Notice posted on property over which the road or segment of road to be designated is located.
(b) The ordinance shall specify the type of construction subject to repayment under subsection (d) of this section.
(c) (1) After adoption of a road designation ordinance, the County Commissioners shall incorporate the construction of the road so designated into the 6-year capital improvement program* of the County.
(2) The County shall maintain accurate records of the costs of construction, including the acquisition of easements or title to the property, engineering costs, and improvements.
(d) (1) At the time of development of property on which a road or segment of a road is designated, each property owner shall pay to the County a proportionate share of the reasonable costs of construction, as determined by a formula set forth in the ordinance.
(2) If a property owner, without consideration, dedicates title to property or an easement over property necessary for the construction of the designated road or segment, the property owner is entitled to a credit in the amount of the appraised value of the dedication to offset the repayment obligations set forth in this subsection or as adopted by ordinance.
(3) The County may establish a repayment agreement with a property owner to allow for the reasonable costs of construction to be repaid over a term not to exceed 5 years.
[Editor’s Note: *Now known as community investment plan.]
P.L.L., 1930, Art. 7, sec. 343; 1965 Code, sec. 441; 1894, ch. 409, sec. 139A; 1896, ch. 297, sec. 139A; 1945, ch. 763, sec. 343; 1976, ch. 840; 1976 Code, sec. 16-1; 2000, ch. 601.
(a) Report of persons confined. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff to keep a correct and full statement or schedule of all persons committed to the jail, showing the length of time and the offense for which they are committed, and the name of the officer by whom committed, which statement or schedule, together with all books, papers and commitments kept by the officer, pertaining to prisoners in the jail, shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of any person or persons. At the first meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the county, in each and every month, the sheriff shall make and file with it, under oath, a full and complete report of the names and descriptions of all persons confined in the jail, with a statement of the length of time and offense for which they are committed.
(b) Fees and charges. It shall also be the duty of the sheriff to collect all fees and charges to which the sheriff or the sheriff’s deputies are entitled by law, including poundage fees, and submit a report, under affidavit, together with all fees so collected, to the County Commissioners, at the end of each month and pay over fees and charges to the County Commissioners and be credited by the Commissioners to the general funds of Carroll County.
(a) In this title, the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) “Board” means the Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County, the governing body of the County.
(c) “Bonds” means notes, bonds and other evidences of indebtedness.
(d) “Carroll County” means the geographic area within the corporate limits of Carroll County.
(e) “Collection” means the transporting of solid waste from a transfer station or other intermediate disposal facility.
(f) (1) “Cost,” as applied to a solid waste project, means:
(i) the cost of construction or acquisition, including the purchase price, of any solid waste project or the cost of acquiring all or any portion of the right, title or interest in the project and the amount to be paid to discharge all obligations necessary to vest title to the project or any part of it in the County;
(ii) the cost of any reconstruction, extension, enlargement, alteration, repair, or improvement;
(iii) the cost of closure of any landfill;
(iv) the cost of all lands, properties, rights, easements, interests, franchises, and permits acquired;
(v) the cost of all labor, machinery and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for the period after completion of construction as the Board deems appropriate;
(vi) the cost of revenue estimates, engineering and legal services, plans, designs, specifications, surveys, investigations, demonstrations, studies, estimates of cost, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of any such acquisition, improvement, or construction;
(vii) administrative expenses, and other expenses necessary or incidental to the financing authorized in this title, and to the acquisition, operation, maintenance, improvement, or construction of solid waste projects, and the placing of these projects in operation, including reasonable provision for working capital;
(viii) reserves for principal and interest and for extensions, enlargements, additions and improvements.
(2) Any obligation or expense incurred before the issuance of bonds or notes under the provisions of this subtitle in connection with the items in this subsection relating to cost may be regarded as a part of that cost.
(g) “County” means County Commissioners of Carroll County, a body politic and corporate of the State of Maryland.
(h) “Solid waste project” means any service, facility or property (real or personal), used or useful or having present capacity for future use in connection with the collection or disposal of solid wastes by any means, including disposal through the production of energy or products, or otherwise. The term includes any service, facility, or property used or useful or having present capacity for future use in connection with:
(1) the transporting, transferring, compacting, burying, incinerating, reduction, composting, collection, storage, treatment, utilization, processing, or final disposal of solid wastes;
(2) the conversion of solid wastes to fuel, steam, electricity, energy, or other resources or the generation of steam, electricity, or other forms of energy from fuel which is derived from, or is otherwise related to solid wastes;
(3) the reconstruction, converting or other recycling of solid wastes into materials which are not solid wastes or which are useful or marketable; or
(4) a combination of the foregoing (whether or not those facilities are located on a single site). “Solid waste project” also includes but is not limited to:
(i) solid waste disposal facilities, pollution control facilities, and facilities for generating and furnishing electric energy or gas or other forms of energy which can be financed by bonds the interest on which is exempt from income tax under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whether such interest would have been tax exempt at the time of the enactment of this title or of any amendment thereto; and
(ii) any facilities and properties within the definition of “solid waste project”, set forth in this subsection, whether or not such facilities or properties can be financed by bonds the interest on which is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. It is the purpose and intent of this title that “solid waste project” be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes of this title.
(5) “Solid waste project” includes land, buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, rail or motor vehicles, barges, boats, and all properties and rights therein and appurtenances thereof, rights-of-way, franchises, easements and other interests in land, all land and facilities which are functionally related and subordinate to a solid waste project and all patents, licenses and other rights necessary or useful in the construction or operation of a solid waste project.
(i) “Solid wastes” means all waste materials, whether solid, liquid or gas, including garbage, rubbish, ashes, incinerator residue, wastewater treatment residue, street cleanings, dead animals, demolition and construction debris, household appliances, automobile bodies, offal, paunch manure, methane or other gases, sewage sludge, and solid or gaseous waste materials from commercial, agricultural, industrial, or community activities.