The County is empowered to make any contract or agreement the Board determines to be necessary or incidental to the execution of the purpose of and the powers granted by this title, including contracts with the federal or any state government, or any unit, instrumentality, municipality, or subdivision, or with any person on terms and conditions the Board approves, relating to:
(1) The use by the other contracting party or the inhabitants of any municipality of any solid waste project acquired, constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated, improved, or extended by the County under this title or the services therefrom or the facilities thereof;
(2) The use by the County of the services or facilities of any solid waste project not owned or operated by the County;
(3) The sale of any fuel, steam, electricity, energy, or other material or resource derived from the operation on any solid waste project;
(4) The acceptance, processing, treatment and disposal of solid wastes by one or more projects; or
(5) The employment or retention of consulting and other engineers, superintendents, financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, and such other employees, advisors or agents as in the judgment of the Board may be deemed necessary or desirable.
The County by resolution may require the delivery of all or any portion of the solid wastes generated or disposed of within Carroll County to facilities designated by the Board and located within Carroll County or to facilities located outside of Carroll County if the County has contracted for capacity at or service from such facilities. However, recyclable material which has been removed or segregated from solid wastes may be disposed of at any facilities which accept and process such recyclable material. The County may provide in the resolution that it is unlawful for any person to dispose of solid wastes in or at any other place. The County may impose a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for the first violation of the resolution and up to $5,000 for each subsequent violation. The County may provide further in the resolution that a violation of the resolution shall result in revocation of the license of the violator to collect or dispose of solid wastes within the boundaries of Carroll County.
P.L.L., 1930, Art. 7, sec. 402; 1965 Code, sec. 442; 1922, ch. 469, sec. 18; 1976 Code, sec. 17-1; 2000, ch. 601.
The Board of Managers of the Springfield State Hospital are authorized and empowered to allow a connection of the water system of Sykesville with the Hospital’s filtered water system, at such location and under such conditions of payment as may be agreed upon by Board of Managers and the Mayor and Council of Sykesville, or to extend said Hospital’s system to the location of connection at the expense of the town of Sykesville, as may be necessary; and Board of Managers are further authorized and empowered to supply at all times the town of Sykesville with an amount of water as may be required by town, at a reasonable rate or rates per thousand gallons as may be mutually agreed upon by Board of Managers and said Mayor and Council, which rate or rates may be changed by mutual agreement as conditions may require.