General Manager
20.001 Rules and regulations
20.002 Definitions
20.003 Qualifications of the General Manager
20.004 Powers and duties of the General Manager
20.005 Appointment and term of office of General Manager
20.006 Interference by members of the Board
20.007 Resolution and notice
20.008 Removal - reply and hearing
20.020 Agreement with CalPERS
20.021 An agreement with CalPERS
20.022 Changing employer paid member contributions
20.023 Employer pick-up
20.035 Agreement to prefund the employer contribution to a defined benefit pension plan
20.036 Accepting and ratifying the recommendation of the Pension Committee to accept the results of Section 115 Trust request for proposals in favor of CalPERS
20.037 Authority to request disbursements; approving certification of funding policy
SAM Plan
20.050 Adopting the supplemental defined benefit plan to facilitate the transition from CAWD pension plan and not to the CalPERS retirement system
20.051 Adopting pension plan and trust
Employment Benefits
20.065 Adopting the PEHP for public employees for District employees
20.066 Split the health insurance rate increases with employees
Dental Plan
20.080 Adopting an updated direct reimbursement dental benefits plan
20.081 Amending the District dental plan
Section 125 Cafeteria Plan
20.095 Health flexible spending plan
Wage Scale
20.110 Designating classification titles and providing for the number of positions and monthly salary ranges