In considering the appropriateness of development within the HOFV District, the Commission (and Council) shall consider the following:
(a) That the proposed use, density and intensity of development and design are compatible with the 2016 Canton Comprehensive Plan, specifically the recommendations for the Hall of Fame Village.
(b) That the proposed use, density and intensity of development and design are compatible with the existing character of the area and adjacent properties.
(c) That all development exhibits a high standard of quality in construction detail materials, design, and appearance. That development reflects accepted professional standards of design, site and building.
(d) That quality site planning is an essential criterion of the HOFV District. Sites developed in the HOFV District are intended to be carefully planned, both within the site's own boundaries and in relation to surrounding properties.
(e) That all development is sensitive to environmentally regulated areas within the HOFV District and that effort is made to retain and integrate significant natural features into the development proposal wherever possible.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
Development proposals within the HOFV District will be reviewed for appearance and compatibility with surrounding areas. The following are general guidelines:
(a) Development should be of a mixed use nature and pedestrian friendly. Modern architectural design will be considered when appropriate.
(b) Relationships to land uses in abutting zones and adjacent developments within the zone (compatibility) are important considerations that will be critically reviewed by the Commission (and Council). Concerns in this regard will include buffers (vegetative and architectural), building scale/massing/configuration/height, light spill, emissions (noise), use intensity/frequency, and signage.
(c) Building height, size, and scale shall be considered as part of the overall design and should be designed in such a way that is compatible with the general area, even if the buildings are taller than those of the surrounding properties.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
The applicant shall, within 90 days of approval of any General Development Plan, record notice thereof with the Stark County Recorder's Office under the name of the record owner of land affected thereby giving a legal description of the land, and giving specific reference to the approved plan(s) and map(s); and, further, the applicant shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the Canton Zoning Regulations regarding the filing of approved applications.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
An approved GDP may be changed subject to the approval of the Commission. Material changes to any plan shall require a public hearing. A material change shall be (a) the addition of more intense land uses, (b) a significant increase in floor area ratio, (c) an expansion of the boundaries of the GDP, or (d) increase in traffic generated by the site uses which add more than 100 trips at a single point during peak hour. Non-material changes shall include changes in the location of buildings, parking areas, landscaped areas or open space areas provided that generally the area, height and bulk criteria of the regulations and the approved plan are not drastically changed. Non-material changes may be reviewed and approved as an administrative matter provided the general intent and scope of the GDP has not been changed.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)