Development proposals within the HOFV District will be reviewed for appearance and compatibility with surrounding areas. The following are general guidelines:
   (a)   Development should be of a mixed use nature and pedestrian friendly. Modern architectural design will be considered when appropriate.
   (b)   Relationships to land uses in abutting zones and adjacent developments within the zone (compatibility) are important considerations that will be critically reviewed by the Commission (and Council). Concerns in this regard will include buffers (vegetative and architectural), building scale/massing/configuration/height, light spill, emissions (noise), use intensity/frequency, and signage.
   (c)   Building height, size, and scale shall be considered as part of the overall design and should be designed in such a way that is compatible with the general area, even if the buildings are taller than those of the surrounding properties.
      (Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)