(a) Those uses that are customary and incidental to a residential use or those permitted and special permitted uses. The parking or storage of automobiles or machinery shall be considered as an accessory use, provided such use complies with Section 1134.05.
(b) Accessory uses may require a site plan showing the location of all buildings, parking areas, traffic accesses, storm drainage, open space, sanitary disposal facilities, landscaping, and other requirements deemed necessary by this Zoning Ordinance.
(c) Home occupations of the resident or resident family member owner pursuant to Chapter 1198, provided that:
(1) No more than one non-resident is engaged in the activity at the site,
(2) No storage of related material or equipment is visible from any property line, and
(3) Vehicle parking complies with the residential parking requirements.
(d) Professional office of the resident owner or resident family member pursuant to Chapter 1198 and provided that no more than 1 non-resident is engaged in the activity at the site and the use does not change the exterior appearance of the property.
(f) Off-street parking or garaging of resident's vehicle(s) subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Not more than one commercial vehicle with or without commercial markings;
(2) In any case, no trucks, buses, trailers, construction equipment or any other vehicles exceeding one-and-a-half-ton capacity excluding recreational vehicles;
(3) The sale of no more than 2 vehicles per year that were previously or currently registered at that property.
(4) The parking and storing of no more than 2 boats and/or recreational vehicles.
(g) A private garage for not more than (4) four automobiles shall be considered an accessory use, and if detached, may be located only in the side or rear yard.
(1) The parking or storage of farm machinery shall be considered as an accessory use, and may be located only in the side or rear yard behind the main structure or dwelling unit.
(2) Recreational Vehicles and Boats may be stored or parked on any 1 to 4 family residential lot subject to the following:
A. Such equipment may not be more than 55 feet in length, and if stored outdoors (not in a garage or other completely enclosed structure). They shall:
• not be stored in the front or side yard
• not be within ten feet of the property line, if stored on any other portion of the lot, and
• be no more than one of either type of vehicle which can be stored.
B. Such equipment may be parked in a driveway of a residential premises for a period not exceeding 48 hours to allow for loading and unloading. Storage shall be considered parking beyond 48 hours.
C. Any recreational vehicle or boat parked or stored in any zoning district, whether it be residential or non-residential, shall not be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes.
(h) For any building or complex with more than 4 dwellings units, recreational vehicles and boat parking, separate and detached from the required parking area, shall be provided in the rear yard and may be approved by site plan.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
"Private swimming pool" means any in-ground or above-ground swimming, wading, or other pool, containing a capacity for over one and one-half feet of water depth. No such swimming pool shall be allowed in any R-District except as an accessory use and unless it complies with the following conditions and requirements:
(a) The pool is maintained by:
(1) An individual for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the occupant or principal user of the property on which it is located, their household, and guests; or
(2) The owners or managers of a multi-f;imily development for the exclusive use of tenants and guests, and operated without charge for admission and not operated for profit; or
(3) Home associations for the exclusive use of members and guests.
(b) A pool shall be permitted in a residential district provided that:
(1) It is located on the same lot as the building or buildings served;
(2) In a single-family district and two-family district, the pool shall not be located in the front yard or closer than ten feet to any property line in the rear or side yard;
(3) It is located on common land under the control of a home association.
(c) All pools, together with adjacent walkways or pool decks, shall be completely enclosed by a wall or fence, so as to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or adjacent properties, and:
(1) The fence or wall shall have a minimum height of four (4) feet from ground level.
(2) All fences or walls shall be constructed so as to have no openings, holes, or gaps larger than three (3) inches in width, except for doors, gates, or windows that shall be equipped with suitable locking devices to prevent unauthorized access. Access to secured accessory buildings and walls of principal or accessory structures may be used in place of, or as part of, the enclosure.
(3) All fences and other pool enclosures shall be equipped with suitable locking devices to prevent unauthorized access.
(4) A fence or wall that is attached to or is a part of the pool does not meet the enclosure requirement.
(d) Discharge or overflow of any water from a swimming pool shall be onto the property where the pool is located or into the nearest storm sewer. The discharge shall not flow onto, through, or otherwise affect adjacent properties.
(Ord. 198-2020. Passed 10-19-20.)
“Hot tubs", "Spas", and "Jacuzzis", for the purpose of this Zoning Code, means a large tub or small pool filled with aerated water used for hydrotherapy, relaxation, or pleasure, having or not having massaging jets, and for which all 'controls, water heating, and water circulating equipment are an integral part of the product, and is inclusive of Spas, Jacuzzis, Whirlpools, or any other nomenclature that is considered the same. No such Hot Tub shall be allowed or permitted in any R-District except as an accessory use and unless it complies with the following conditions and requirements:
(a) Hot tubs are permitted accessory structures, and may be either below or above grade provided they do not exceed eighty (80) square feet in total water surface area, or four and one-half (4.5) feet in depth or height as measured from finished grade. Hot tubs which exceed these size and height requirements shall be considered swimming pools for the purposes of this Zoning Code.
(b) The Hot tub is maintained by:
(1) An individual for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the occupant or principal user of the property on which it is located, their household, and guests; or
(2) The owners or managers of a multi-family development for the exclusive use of tenants and guests, and operated without charge for admission and not operated for profit; or
(3) Home associations for the exclusive use of members and guests.
(c) A Hot tub shall be permitted in a residential district provided that:
(1) It is located on the same lot as the building or buildings served;
(2) In a single-family district and two-family district, the Hot tub shall not be located in the front yard or closer than ten feet to any property line in the rear or side yard;
(3) It is located on common land under the control of a home association.
(d) Hot tubs shall be secured with a rigid safety cover with a locked top in lieu of a fence or wall.
(e) In a single-family and two-family districts and uses, Hot tubs shall be screened by material of sufficient density to obscure its view from adjacent dwellings and/or public streets. (Ord. 198-2020. Passed 10-19-20.)