(a)    The SSDCP shall be administered by the Public Works Superintendent or an authorized representative as appointed by the Service Director. The Water Reclamation Facility Superintendent and City Engineer shall assist the Public Works Superintendent with this program.
   (b)    The SSDCP shall be implemented through the issuance of Satellite Community Discharge Permits. The Permits shall delineate, among other things: the elimination, up to the specified storm event design, of sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's); installation of flow meters; implementation of Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES) and Sewer Maintenance Program (SMP) utilizing Best Management Practices (BMP).
   (c)    Each community shall, as a condition of its Permit, be required to undertake appropriate Best Management Practices (BMP) for control/operation of their sanitary sewer system.
   (d)    Each community shall identify and disclose to the City as soon as it becomes known all sanitary sewer overflow points known or which become known to the community that are not included in the community's Permit.
   (e)    The community shall be solely responsible for projects set forth in its Community Compliance Schedule identified in its Satellite Community Discharge Permit.
   (f)    No community overflows shall exist except those that are controlled in accordance with the Satellite Community Discharge Permit.
   (g)    Each community shall maintain a current map of all sanitary sewers tributary to the City of Canton.
(Ord. 187-96. Passed 8-12-96; Ord. 79-2008. Passed 6-2-08.)