Except as otherwise specifically provided under this chapter, where this chapter has provided for an appeal by way of a hearing, any person adversely affected by an action taken or decision or order made pursuant to this chapter shall file a Notice of Appeal with the Service Director within ten (10) days of said action. A Notice of Appeal shall include as a minimum: the name, address and telephone number of the appellant: the date; a statement of intent to appeal; a statement of the nature of the appeal, and the date and description of the action or order appealed from. All filings required herein shall be made at the office of the Service Director. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the Service Director shall convene a hearing on the matter within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of Appeal.
   The Service Director may grant continuances as he deems necessary. The Service Director shall issue a written decision upon the appeal within ten (10) days of the hearing. The Service Director may affirm, modify or rescind any action or proposed action of the Superintendent which was the subject matter of the hearing. Any person who fails to timely file a Notice of Appeal or to otherwise prosecute an appeal of an action pursuant to this section, shall be deemed to have agreed to the action taken.
(Ord. 179-94. Passed 7-25-94.)