   1.   Any public utility contractor, firm or other person desiring to bore or cut into, or in any manner cross, any public street, alley, sidewalk or public ground of any sort, whether paved, graveled, bricked, blacktopped or not for any purpose whatever, shall first obtain a pavement cutting permit from the City Clerk-Treasurer to cross or open such street, alley, sidewalk or ground. (Exception to this requirement will be made only when a bona fide emergency exists. In such case, the Municipal Building Inspector or the Mayor shall be notified at the earliest practical time.)
   2.   On all-weather streets or alleys with bituminous or concrete surface, boring will be required without exception; cutting or ditching will be allowed on all streets or alleys with dirt or gravel surface. If for any reason these requirements cannot be complied with, cutting of a street will be allowed, but shall require the street surface to be replaced with a minimum of six inches of concrete, 24 inches wider than the cut or the ditch.
   3.   When any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground has been crossed for the purposes of laying gas, water or sewage pipe, or for any other purpose, the surface will be restored with similar material and workmanship to that existing in the street, alley, sidewalk or public ground before the same was torn up; all work shall be completed and re-filled to the satisfaction of the Municipal Building Inspector, or a representative, and approval issued as previously stated.
   4.   Materials used to backfill any opening in a street or alley shall be placed in lifts not to exceed ten inches, and each lift shall be tamped either mechanically or by hand to 95% compaction. Six inches of crushed aggregate base material shall be used to fill to the existing surface on all streets and alleys. Openings in concrete surfaces shall be filled with base material to within four inches of the bottom of the slab. The remaining four inches of the opening shall be filled with sand to the bottom of the concrete slab to be replaced. On major streets, the thickness of crushed aggregate base material required may vary.
   5.   In all cases where the surface of the street, alley, sidewalk or public ground is disturbed, the party so cutting into the opening shall place lights at night and maintain suitable barricades at all times to protect persons from danger.
   6.   Should any person, firm, corporation, contractor or franchise holder with the city fail to comply, said party shall be summoned before the City Council for removal of his or her license or franchise. Any person not licensed with the city who fails to comply, shall be fined and required to pay costs of repair plus labor.
   7.   The fee for such permits shall be:
Excavation in brick, asphalt or oil mat pavement or surface
$20 (minimum) plus $10 per square yard
Excavation in concrete pavement or surface
$30 (minimum) plus $15 per square yard
Excavation in untreated or unimproved street or surface
$5 (minimum) plus $1 per square yard
Modification or removal of curb or curbing
   1.   Oil and gas companies, and other persons, firms and corporations not operating pursuant to a franchise granted by the municipality or not operating pursuant to a license or permit granted by the State Corporation Commission, shall secure a permit from the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer before placing, installing, laying, constructing, operating or maintaining any pipe, cable, wire, conduit or line across, over, under, along, through or upon any street, alley, public way or public place within the corporate limits of the city; said permit shall first be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor.
   2.   The application for the permit shall specify:
      a.   The location of the pipe, cable, wire conduit or line; and
      b.   The privileges and proposed terms which the applicant desires to secure from the city and to exercise.
   3.   If the permit is granted, the Mayor or Acting Mayor will grant it on written terms which are mutually agreeable. The Mayor or Acting Mayor may revoke said permit after adequate opportunity for a public hearing, for any of the following reasons:
      a.   Failure to abide by the terms on which the permit was granted;
      b.   Violation of state law or municipal ordinances; or
      c.   Failure to provide for the protection of the public peace, health, safety or welfare.
   4.   The applicant shall pay such fees for such permit and for its periodic renewal, as the City Council may establish by motion.
   5.   The Mayor or Acting Mayor may refuse to renew a permit.
   6.   The City Council may require an applicant to provide a bond for the protection of the city and/or the public in such sum and with such terms as said City Council deems desirable. When the City Council requires such a bond, a permit shall have no force or effect unless the required bond is also in affect.
   1.   A demolition permit shall be required, in addition to the regular building permit, prior to the demolition of any building or part thereof. The fee for a demolition permit shall be $50.
   2.   Application for permits to wreck or demolish any building or part thereof, shall be accompanied by a statement in writing by the owner or agent, giving the full name and residence of each of the owners of the building to be demolished, the name and address of the person who is to do the work and any other information which may be required.
   3.   In no case shall any wall be taken down more than one story in advance of any other wall.
   4.   All material and debris shall be immediately lowered to the ground and shall not be placed on the floors of the building.
   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install or repair any system, container, apparatus or appliance to be used for the transportation, storage, dispensation or utilization of liquefied petroleum gas, or to transport, handle or store such gas, unless such person has complied and complies with, all provisions of the state law and local ordinances relating thereto, and has any permit which may be required by state law. No storage of liquefied petroleum gas, except by retail customers, in reasonable amounts, strictly intended for their own use, shall be permitted within the corporate limits of the city.
   The purpose of this article is designed as follows:
   1.   To provide for the appropriate use and location of signs in a manner that will not adversely affect or impact property values, compatibility of land use, community appearance and identity, and to otherwise promote the general welfare and public safety of the city.
   2.   To establish standards and guidelines for the design, erection, and installation of signs.
   3.   To provide for the issuance, revocation, inspection of signs within the city.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   SIGNS. An identification, description, illustration, or device which is affixed to or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or land and which directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution, or business.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)
   1.   All permanent/commercial signs, which are permitted under this article, or any future amendments thereto shall be installed by licensed sign contractors in accord with the locations and plans approved at the time of application for a sign permit.
   2.   Applications for sign permits must include but are not limited to the following information:
      a.   Proof of ownership or written permission of the owner of the lot upon which the proposed sign will be constructed.
      b.   A detailed site plan of the property showing the proposed sign location and all structures and easements and driveways.
      c.   The proposed dimensions of the sign and a description of the method of supporting the sign.
      d.   The name and business address of the licensed sign contractor and the licensed electrical contractor or licensed electrical sign contractor if the sign is electrically powered.
      e.   The name and contact information of the sign owner.
      f.   Type of sign requested: ground/wall/projecting etc., permanent or temporary illuminated or not illuminated.
      g.   Sign permit fees are as per the fee schedule approved by the City Council.
   3.   Included in the permit fee is an inspection that is required by the city. It is the responsibility of the owner/erector of the sign to contact the City Clerk’s office for an inspection upon completion of the installation.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 4-9-2024)