(a)   The Ohio Fire Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention which is hereby established in the Fire Department. The Bureau shall be operated under the supervision of the Fire Chief or his or her designee, who shall also act as the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and perform all of the duties of the Chief in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The Bureau shall consist of one Fire Prevention Lieutenant and one Assistant Fire Prevention Officer assigned to these duties as set forth in Section 143.02 of the Administrative Code.
   (b)   The Fire Chief may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as are necessary. The Chief shall recommend to the Director of Public Safety the employment of any necessary technical inspectors.
   (c)   A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor. It shall contain all proceedings under the Ohio Fire Code, with such statistics as the Fire Chief may wish to include therein. The Chief shall also recommend any amendments to the Code which in his or her judgment would be desirable.
   (d)   The Fire Prevention Officers of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed under the rules of civil service by the Director of Public Safety on the basis of competitive examination of members of the Fire Division to determine their qualifications. Such Officers shall be State certified under Ohio R.C. 3303.07.
(Ord. 8246-1996. Passed 8-6-96.)