1321.01 Nuisance conditions prohibited.
1321.02 Inspections; notice to abate violations.
1321.03 Health nuisances; notice to abate.
1321.04 Manner of service of notices.
1321.05 Failure to comply; abatement by City.
1321.06 Sale of salvage material; assessment or refund.
1321.07 Enlargement of powers.
1321.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate sanitary condition of buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(A), 715.29
Power to abate nuisances - see Ohio R.C. 715.44
Littering and deposit of garbage, rubbish, etc. - see GEN. OFF. 517.08
Noxious or offensive odors - see GEN. OFF. 521.09
Weed removal - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 551
Throwing or depositing garbage - see S. & P.S. 933.07 et seq.
Creation of nuisance by removing topsoil - see BLDG. 1329.03
Sanitary condition of underground shelters - see BLDG. 1337.06
Air pollution - see BLDG. Ch. 1341
No owner or occupant of any lot of land within the City, or of any building, house or other structure on any such lot of land, shall:
(a) Allow any such building, house or structure to become so out of repair and dilapidated that, in the condition in which it is permitted to be and remain, it will, if such condition is allowed to continue, endanger the life, limb or property of, or cause hurt, damage or injury to, persons or property using or being upon the streets or public ways of the City adjoining such lot of land, by reason of the collapse of such building, house or structure or by the falling of parts thereof or of objects therefrom;
(b) Allow any tree, stack or other object to remain standing upon such lot of land in such condition that it will, if such condition is allowed to continue, endanger the life, limb or property of, or cause hurt, damage or injury to, persons or property upon the public streets or public ways adjacent thereto, by falling thereon or by the falling of parts thereof;
(c) Allow an excavation or cellar on any such lot of land to be unguarded or remain in such condition that it will, if such condition is allowed to continue, endanger the life, limb or property of, or cause hurt, damage or injury to, persons or property using or being upon the public streets or public ways adjacent thereto, by falling or being cast therein;
(d) Allow any such building, house or structure to become so out of repair and dilapidated that it constitutes a fire hazard liable to catch on fire or communicate fire because of its condition and lack of repair;
(e) Allow accumulation on any such lot of land, or in any building, house or structure, of rubbish or other materials in such an amount and in such a condition that the same constitutes a fire hazard by reason of the likelihood of its catching on fire or communicating fire;
(f) Conduct any business thereon or therein which, by reason of noxious odors generated thereby, or of smoke, dust and dirt being cast therefrom upon the City or a substantial part thereof, is dangerous or harmful to the public health;
(Ord. 2443. Passed 9-15-64.)
(g) Allow any such building, house, structure, driveway or parking area to become so out of repair and dilapidated that, due to neglect or lack of adequate maintenance, it endangers the public health, welfare or safety, or materially interferes with the peaceful enjoyment of owners or occupants of adjacent property;
(Ord. 8207-1996. Passed 5-7-96.)
(h) Allow the accumulation on any such lot of land of any paper, trash, garbage, waste, rubbish, refuse, junk or any substance or material which is or may become noxious, offensive, injurious or dangerous to the public health, comfort or safety; or
(i) Allow the accumulation on any such lot of land of trash, garbage, waste, rubbish, refuse or any other noxious or offensive materials or substances to be collected or remain in any place to the damage or prejudice of others or of the public, or unlawfully obstruct, impede, divert, corrupt or render unwholesome or impure any natural watercourse.
(Ord. 2443-1964. Passed 9-15-64.)
Whenever complaint is made to the Building Inspector of a violation of Section 1321.01, or whenever he has reason to believe that such a violation exists, he shall promptly inspect or cause to be inspected the premises on which it is alleged or he has reason to believe such violation exists. Should the Building Inspector, after such inspection, find that a violation does exist, he shall promptly notify the Fire Chief, the Cuyahoga County Commissioner of Health and the person, firm or corporation which, from the property records of Cuyahoga County, appears to be the owner of such premises. He shall request the Fire Chief and Health Commissioner to make an inspection thereof. The Building Inspector shall also leave a copy of such notice with the person in possession or in charge of the premises. If there is no such person or if such person cannot be found, he shall post a copy of such notice on the premises. The notice shall refer to the provisions of this chapter, and shall state that unless such violation is abated, proceedings will be taken in accordance herewith.
Upon receipt of such notice, the Fire Chief shall inspect the premises and make a written report of his findings which, together with the report of the Building Inspector, shall be filed with the Director of Public Safety.
(Ord. 2443-1964. Passed 9-15-64.)