EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1305.04 of the Codified Ordinances provides that all provisions of the Regional Dwelling House Code relative to electricity or electrical regulations are repealed as such pertain to the City.
1301.01 Code adopted; identity and purpose.
1301.02 File and sale copies.
1301.03 Definitions.
1301.04 Enforcement and right of entry.
1301.05 Code changes adopted.
1301.06 Insulation requirements.
1301.07 Driveway access prohibited through lot to another street.
1301.08 Solid fuel burning units. (Repealed)
Submission of Building Code changes to Council - see CHTR. § 10.04(b)(5)
Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29, 737.28, 737.37
Removal of unsafe buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B), 715.261
Notice to fill or drain lots - see GEN. OFF. 521.05
Real property sale practices - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 543
Dilapidated or defective buildings as nuisances - see BLDG. Ch. 1321
Certificate required for building occupancy - see BLDG. Ch. 1323
Swimming pools - see BLDG. Ch. 1333
Trailers - see BLDG. Ch. 1335
Underground shelters - see BLDG. Ch. 1337
Pursuant to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 731.231, the 1953 Edition of the Regional Dwelling House Code, as prepared and promulgated by the Regional Planning Commission, Cleveland, Ohio, is hereby adopted by the City of Brook Park and incorporated by reference as a part of the City Building Code as if fully set out herein, except such provisions as are hereinafter amended, enacted or repealed. The purpose of the Regional Dwelling House Code, as adopted herein, is to establish uniform standard provisions to govern the construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, design, materials, equipment and removal or demolition of one and two-family dwellings and appurtenant structures, so as to make them safe and sanitary for their intended use and occupancy.
A complete copy of the Regional Dwelling House Code, as adopted herein, is on file with the Council Clerk and the Director of Public Service for inspection by the public, and a copy is also on file in the Cuyahoga County Law Library. The Council Clerk and the Director of Public Service have copies available for distribution to the public at cost.
Wherever used in the Regional Dwelling House Code, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
(a) "Municipality" means the City of Brook Park, Ohio.
(b) "Building Official" means the Building Inspector of Brook Park, Ohio.
(c) "Board of Building Code Appeals" means the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals of Brook Park, Ohio.
The Building Inspector shall enforce the Regional Dwelling House Code, as adopted herein, and all other laws relating to buildings and structures and, in the discharge of his official duties, shall have authority, upon proper identification, to enter any dwelling, building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour to enforce and ascertain compliance with such Code or law.
The Regional Dwelling House Code, as adopted herein, is revised by the amendment, enactment or deletion of the following sections as respectively indicated, which sections are hereby adopted as set forth herein.
RDH Section 1523.01 Surface Drainage. (Amended)
Positive drainage shall be provided for each lot or plot by proper draining so that a nuisance will not be created. Catch basins or properly connected under-drains shall be installed, or other approved provisions made where water may pocket, to preclude the accumulation of surface water. Regrading shall be done so that existing natural ground drainage of the surrounding area shall not be impeded. Front yard surface drainage shall be obtained by grading from the building line to the curb or roadside ditch. The slope shall be downward from the building line at the rate of three-eighths inch vertical per foot horizontal. The front yard grade shall be set from the established grade of the street and shall be measured from the center line of streets without curbs, and from the top of the face of the curb where such exists.
The Building Inspector shall have the authority to vary the above specifications where topographic conditions or the location of existing adjacent homes require such variation, in order to properly improve and drain property.
The Building Inspector may adopt rules or plans not inconsistent herewith for the drainage of lots or plots, which rules or plans shall be followed by the owner unless permission for deviation is given by the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals. When a lot or plot is graded to a higher or lower level than the natural grade on an adjacent property, the owner of such lot or plot shall provide suitable slopes or retaining walls or other protection approved by the Building Inspector on his own property to preserve the natural slope or surface elevation of such adjacent property.
(Ord. 1741-1957. Passed 6-21-57.)
RDH Section 1525.01 Minimum Fixtures. (Amended)
(a) Each living unit shall contain at least one kitchen sink, one water closet, one lavatory and one bathtub or shower stall.
(b) Each living unit shall contain at least one laundry tub in either a basement or laundry room.
(Ord. 4111-1971. Passed 6-3-75. )
RDH Section 1529.10 Basementless (crawl) Spaces. (Amended)
(a) Height. Ground level shall be at least eighteen inches below bottom floor framing of corrodible material. Where necessary to provide access for maintenance and repair in the under-floor space, a space not less than 2-1/2 feet below bottom of floor framing shall be provided.
(b) Ground surface treatment. All debris, topsoil and other organic matter shall be removed and the space shall be graded and drained. The ground surface shall be paved with concrete having a thickness of not less than three inches and a compressive strength at 28 days of not less than 3000 psi. The vapor barrier under the concrete slab shall have a vapor permeance of not more than one perm. In lieu of concrete surfacing of crawl spaces, the Building Official may accept other types of durable ground cover having a vapor permeance of not more than one perm. Materials used for vapor barriers shall be rated in compliance with ASTME154.
(c) Ventilation for all crawl spaces. When the floor construction above a basement-less space is of wood, metal or other material subject to corrosion or deterioration at least four foundation wall vents shall be provided, located near the corners of the basementless space, having an aggregate free ventilating area equal to two square feet per one hundred lineal feet of wall enclosing the space plus 0.5 percent of the ground area of the basementless space.
(d) Type of vent required. Vents shall be of a type that can be opened and closed from the outside.
(e) Protection of vent opening. Each vent opening shall be protected with corrosion resistant screening, having a mesh of not less than 8 per inch, or its equivalent.
(Ord. 2922-1968. Passed 10-15-68.)
RDH Section 1561.04 Periodic Inspection. (Amended)
The person to whom the permit has been issued shall be responsible for requesting periodic inspection at each of the following stages of construction before covering or concealing work and before proceeding beyond such stage with the construction:
(1) Installation of footing drains, building drains and building sewers.
(2) Completion of foundation and waterproofing.
(3) During the framing of the superstructure.
(4) Completion of roughing in the plumbing, electrical wiring, gas piping, heating ducts or piping, or other similar service installations.
(5) Before closing in all structural elements.
(6) Upon the final completion of the structure.
When an inspection is ordered and is made in accordance with the provisions of this section, and the Inspector finds the work incomplete, or in violation of this Code, a charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made for each reinspection made after original inspection.
For each inspection made necessary by faulty construction or inaccurate information on the permit, a charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made.
It shall be a misdemeanor to fail to pay charges for new work, additional work, fees for inaccurate information or extra trips of inspection. Any person violating this section shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), plus payment of double the fee that should have been charged.
(Ord. 2234-1962. Passed 8-7-62.)
RDH Section 1565.01 Bearing Material. (Amended)
The footings or foundations of every dwelling or appurtenant structure shall be supported by satisfactory bearing material, which shall mean natural deposits of rock, gravel, sand, clay or any combination of these, which does not contain a deleterious amount of organic materials. The use of Ford Foundry sand as fill under all circumstances is hereby expressly prohibited, particularly in the laying of pipe for any new construction.
(Ord. 2471-1965. Passed 1-8-65.)
RDH Section 1593.58 Building Sewer; Building Storm Sewer. (Amended)
All sewer pipe, which receives the discharge of the building drain and conveys the sewage to the curb connection or other point of disposal, shall be not less than 4-inch cast-iron, 5-inch vitrified clay, 5-inch bituminized fiber or other approved pipe. All sewer pipe, which receives storm drainage, subsoil drainage or the discharge of a building storm drain, shall be not less than 4-inch cast-iron, 6-inch vitrified clay, 6-inch concrete, 6-inch asbestos-cement, 6-inch bituminized fiber or other approved pipe. The pipe and fittings for each type of pipe shall conform to the applicable specifications listed in Table 93A. Where vitrified clay pipe is used as described herein, such pipe shall be sealed with premium seal joints. All other joints and connections shall conform to the applicable provisions for the respective materials as set forth in Sections 1593.08 through 1593.21, except that joints in vitrified clay and concrete building sewers shall conform to Section 1593.14 or 1593.15.
(Ord. 2472-1965. Passed 1-8-65.)
RDH Section 1531.04 Kitchen Exhaust Fan Required. (Enacted)
All residential buildings shall have an exhaust fan installed in the kitchen room which shall be ducted to the outside of the building in an approved manner.
RDH Section 1529.05 Bathrooms and Lavatories. (Add paragraph as follows)
Bathroom window sills which may be subject to water damage due to shower installation in the bathroom shall be of a material other than wood and subject to approval of the Building Inspector.
(Ord. 2758-1967. Passed 6-6-67.)
RDH Section 1559.06 Chimneys. (Amended)
(k) [Reserved]
Add (m) to read as follows:
(m) Factory-built chimneys which are labeled, approved, and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., which are installed in conjunction with a similarly labeled, approved, and listed factory-built fireplace, both of which are installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing. Factory-built chimneys must be finished with either factory-built simulated brick package or a chase comprising materials identical to the existing house exterior.
(Ord. 6713-1985. Passed 7-2-85.)
RDH Section 1575.10 Plywood Roof Sheathing.
All plywood roof sheathing shall be not less than one-half inch thick.
(Ord. 9294-2006. Passed 6-20-06.)
(a) The maximum coefficient of heat losses through building sections shall not exceed the following:
(1) Ceilings.
A. 0.05 for ceilings
(Insulation R-19) (Six inch thickness)
(2) Walls.
A. 0.07 exterior walls
(Insulation R-11) (Three and one-half inch thickness)
B. 0.10 wall between habitable space and unheated garage
(Insulation R-7) (Two and one quarter inch thickness)
(3) Floors.
A. Over unheated basements, crawl spaces, breezeways and garages-0.07 (Insulation R-13) (Four and one-eighth inch thickness)
1. A basement will be considered unheated unless it is provided with a positive heat supply equivalent to at least fifteen percent of the total heat loss of the living unit, or contains the heating unit and uninsulated ducts or piping.
2. A crawl space is considered unheated unless it is (a) provided with a positive heat supply equivalent to at least ten percent of the total calculated heat loss of the living unit or (b) contains uninsulated ducts or piping or (c) is used as a supply or return plenum.
3. A garage is considered unheated unless provided with a positive heat supply to maintain a minimum temperature of 50°F.
Crawl space plenums.
When a crawl space is used as a supply or return plenum, the perimeter walls shall be insulated with material providing R values as follows: Supply Plenum R-7. Return Plenum R-7 (Two and one quarter inch thickness)
(b) Design Temperature. The interior design temperature for habitable spaces shall be a minimum of 70° F with an outside temperature of minus 10° F.
(c) Concrete Slabs. Edge heat loss of concrete slabs around the perimeter of heated spaces shall not exceed a maximum value per lineal foot of exposed edge of 42 BTUH for unheated slabs and 50 BTUH for heated slabs.
(d) Total width or depth of insulation shall be twenty-four inches.
Insulation R. value for unheated slab 5.00
Insulation R. value for heated slab 5.00
(Ord. 4539-1974. Passed 4-16-74.)