§ 52.09  WATER BILLS.
   (A)   Water bills shall be due and payable monthly at the office of the Municipal Clerk. The Water Commissioner shall direct the Village Clerk to charge and collect from each customer the amount of the monthly water bill, established by the Board of Trustees, along with any other charges, properly itemized, due the Water Department.
   (B)   Bills shall be mailed on the first day of each month following consumption and shall be payable by the fifteenth day of each month. Bills not paid by the fifteenth of each month shall be deemed to be delinquent, as herein defined, the Village Clerk shall give a written notice to the customers of such delinquency and shall demand payment immediately. In the event the bill is not paid within 15 days after sending the said notice it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to cut off service; provided, if the delinquent customer is a known welfare recipient, it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to notify the customer and the state’s Department of Social Services by certified mail of the proposed termination. In the event the water is shut off for non-payment of any water bill, the Water Commissioner shall access an additional charge of $50 to restore water service to the delinquent customer.
(Prior Code, § 3-109)
§ 52.10  LIEN.
   In addition to all other remedies, if a customer shall for any reason remain indebted to the municipality for water service furnished, such amount due, together with any rents and charges in arrears, shall be considered a delinquent water rent which is hereby declared to be a lien upon the real estate for which the same was used or supplied; and such taxes, rents or rates shall be paid and collected and such lien upon approval by the governing body shall be certified by the Municipal Clerk to the County Clerk to be collected as a special tax in the manner provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 3-110)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-538
   No consumer shall supply water to other families or allow them to take water from his or her premises, nor, after water is supplied into a building, shall any person make or employ a plumber or other person to make a tap or connection with the pipe upon the premises for alteration, extension or attachment without the written permission of the Utilities Superintendent. It shall further be unlawful for any person to tamper with any water meter or by means of any contrivance or device to divert the water from the service pipe so that the water will not pass through the meter or while passing through said meter will cause the meter to register inaccurately.
(Prior Code, § 3-111)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-537
   (A)   The governing body or the Utilities Superintendent may order a reduction in the use of water or shut off the water on any premises in the event of a water shortage due to fire or other good and sufficient cause. In the event of said water shortage, the governing body or the Utilities Superintendent shall notify the customers of the Water Department by posting in three prominent places throughout the municipality notice of said shortage and the restrictions imposed. In the event that any person abuses his or her privileges of use of the water system by continued and excessive use to such an extent as to endanger the health and welfare of the residents of the municipality, the governing body or Utilities Superintendent shall notify said customer by personal service or by posting the customer’s premises and if said excessive use is not abated within 12 hours after said notification, the Utilities Superintendent shall disconnect the said water service and shall not reconnect the water service until the customer shall pay to the Municipal Treasurer a reconnection fee, as established by the governing body.
   (B)   The municipality shall not be liable for any damages caused by shutting off the supply of water of any consumer while the system or any part thereof is undergoing repairs or when there is a shortage of water due to circumstances over which the municipality has no control.
(Prior Code, § 3-112)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-537
   All hydrants for the purpose of extinguishing fires are hereby declared to be public hydrants and it shall be unlawful for any person other than members of the Municipal Fire Department under the orders of the Fire Chief or members of the Water Department to open or attempt to open any of the hydrants and draw water from the same or in any manner to interfere with the hydrants.
(Prior Code, § 3-113)  Penalty, see § 10.99