The Commissioner may issue such a permit to competent mechanics for the purpose of entering particular drains into public drains and sewers, on condition the terms of which shall be those stated in Subsection 11-6.9, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall make connection of such drain with such sewer only in the manner shown on the back of the permit, and only in the presence of an inspector of the Sewer Division; shall have on the ground, when the inspector arrives to see the connection made, any slant, bend or curve to be used in making the connection; shall not cover up any work until inspected by one of such inspectors; shall not lay the drain in the same trench with a water pipe; shall not connect any exhaust from a steam engine, any blow-off from a steam boiler or any other pipe for delivering steam or hot water, with the drain or sewer. The Commissioner shall in each drain permit specify the size, material and mode of construction of the particular drain, and the direction and grade for laying it.
(Ord. 1960 c. 4 § 2; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 21 § 10; CBC 1975 Ord. T11 § 159; CBC 1985 11-6.10)
Editor’s note:
The water works system and the sewer works system of the Department of Public Works were abolished and the duties transferred to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission by Ch. 436 of the Acts of 1977.
The Commissioner may issue such a permit to a responsible person for the purpose of raising and lowering goods and merchandise into and from buildings, on condition the terms of which shall be those stated in Subsection 5-5.28, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall maintain, during the whole time the work is in progress, good and sufficient barriers across the sidewalk, from the wall of the building to or from which the goods or merchandise are so raised out to the curbstone or edge of the sidewalk, on each side of said goods or merchandise, sufficient to protect travelers from injury or danger; and shall not encumber the sidewalk for more than 15 minutes at a time for such work.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 21 § 11; CBC 1975 Ord. T11 § 160; CBC 1985 11-6.11)
Ord. ss 5-5.28
The Commissioner shall issue such a permit to any person authorized by the Public Improvement Commission to place a coal hole, vault or coal slide under a street, or a cover thereto, on condition the terms of which shall be those stated in Subsection 11-6.9, and in addition that the person applying for the permit shall make the underground structure of suitable construction satisfactory to the Commissioner, and shall pay such fee as may be prescribed by ordinance; shall make the opening of a coal hole or coal slide circular, and not more than 18 inches in diameter, and furnish a cover therefor of iron, made with a rough upper surface, and with three or more iron rods or legs at least 2 feet in length, fitting closely to the side of the opening, and projecting downwards from the underside of the cover, and so constructed that, while the cover can be lifted perpendicularly, it cannot be tipped or easily removed from the opening.
(Reg. Bd. of Ald. October 19, 1863; Rev. Ord. 1890 c. 18 § 8; Ord. 1954 c. 2 § 49; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 21 § 12; CBC 1975 Ord. T11 § 161; CBC 1985 11-6.12)
Ord. ss 8-7.1