The provisions of this Section shall be deemed to be severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions.
(CBC 1985 11-2.12; Ord. 1992 c. 11 § 1)
There shall be in the city a Department known as the Neighborhood and Human Services Department (hereinafter called “the Department”) which shall be under the charge of an Officer known as the Commissioner of Neighborhood and Human Services (hereafter called “the Commissioner”) who shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial election at which a Mayor is elected.
(Ord. 1979 c. 22; Ord. 1980 c. 6; CBC 1985 11-3.1)
The Commissioner shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the Department, and the Agencies included within the Department, and shall receive such salary as may be fixed, from time to time, by ordinance. The Commissioner may, in accordance with applicable law, and within the limits of the funds appropriated therefor, appoint and remove such subordinates as the work of the Department may require and may make such expenditure, within the limits of the funds appropriated therefor, as may be necessary to execute effectively the purposes of the Department and the Agencies included within the Department.
(Ord. 1979 c. 22; Ord. 1980 c. 6; CBC 1985 11-3.2)
It shall be the purpose of the Department to administer the Agencies included within it and to conduct continuing observation, study, an evaluation of such Agencies with a view to making specific annual recommendations to the Mayor and Boston City Council as to whether such Agencies are meeting the needs of the people within the city neighborhoods, and as to any changes in the number of organizations of such Agencies so as to better serve the people of such neighborhoods.
(Ord. 1979 c. 22; Ord. 1980 c. 6; CBC 1985 11-3.3)