The Commissioner and the Commissioner of the Inspectional Services Department shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce these Sections and shall consult with the Technical Advisory Committee appointed pursuant to these Sections.
(CBC 1985 11-5C.11; Ord. 2006 c. 4)
(A) The Commissioner and the Commissioner of Inspectional Services shall prepare and promulgate the documents and forms required by these Sections within 90 calendar days of passage.
(B) Each and every owner-operator shall submit the registration materials required by these Sections within 90 calendar days of promulgation of documents and forms by the Commissioner and the Commissioner of Inspectional Services.
(CBC 1985 11-5C.13; Ord. 2006 c. 4)
(A) There shall be in the City a Department, known as the Public Works Department, which shall be under the charge of an Officer known as the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial municipal election at which a Mayor is elected and who may be removed by the Mayor with or without cause.
(B) The Commissioner shall construct all streets; shall have the discretionary power as to the grades, materials and other particulars of construction of streets and sidewalks; shall have charge of and keep clean and in good condition and repair the streets, including the portions of Commonwealth Avenue previously under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission; shall remove and dispose of, at the expense of the Public Works Department, all refuse and recycling from buildings occupied by the city except those under the control of the School Committee; shall remove and dispose of the acceptable refuse and recycling from privately owned properties, including, but not limited to, homes, condominiums and apartment buildings; and shall promulgate rules and regulations consistent with and/or in compliance with all applicable commonwealth regulations to govern such removal. The Commissioner shall not be required to take any refuse or recycling from any commercial, nonprofit, educational, business, retail or manufacturing establishments or any refuse or recycling not generated within the city.
(Ord. October 7, 1833; Ord. 1908 c. 3; Ord. 1910 c. 9; Ord. 1954 c. 2 § 45; Ord. 1955 c. 3; Ord. 1956 c. 8; Ord. 1959 c. 7 § 1; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 21 § 1; CBC 1975 Ord. T11 § 150; CBC 1985 11-6.1; Ord. 2010 c. 6)
Ord. ss 6-1.4; Ord. ss 7-4.2; Statutes, Title 15 Chapter 1
Editor’s note:
The water works system and the sewer works system of the Department of Public Works were abolished and the duties transferred to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission by Ch. 436 of the Acts of 1977.