(A) Effective as of January 1, 1972, the minimum annual compensation of fire fighter members of the Fire Department of the city, in the classification and salary grades as herein set forth, shall be not less than the following:
(1) For the first year of service, $10,500;
(2) For the second year of service, $11,500; and
(3) For the third and each succeeding year of service, $12,500.
(B) SERVICE, under the provisions hereof shall be deemed to commence with the date the appointee fire fighter is first assigned to duty and continue until death, retirement or termination of employment of the appointee. In determining years of service, credit shall be given for all time or period of service prior to December 31, 1971. All step increments in higher salary grade shall become due at intervals of a year’s service at the beginning of the second and third years of service and shall commence on the Sunday preceding the day on which such step increments shall become due.
(Ord. 1972 c. 6; CBC 1975 Ord. T11 § 81; CBC 1985 11-4.7)
(A) (1) Termination of electrical service. All utility companies providing electrical service to residential properties within the city must provide notification, in writing by email, to the Boston Fire Commissioner, or his or her designee, no later than the close of business on the date of termination of electric service supplying a public service meter in a multi-family residential property. Utility companies shall only provide the address of the particular residential property.
(2) Resumption of electrical service. All utility companies continuing electrical service after a previous discontinuance of service must provide notification, in writing by email, to the Boston Fire Department Commissioner, or his or her designee, no more than 48 hours after electric service has resumed at a public service meter in a multi-family residential property.
(3) Advisory guidelines upon termination of electrical service. In addition to the notification requirements imposed on all utility companies pursuant to 220 CMR 25.00, all utility companies must provide a termination of electrical service advisory guideline as approved by the Commissioner of the Boston Fire Department, to all residential properties upon termination of electrical service.
(4) Penalties. Willful violation of this Section by any utility company providing electrical service to a residential property within the city shall result in a fine of $100 for the first violation; $200 for the second violation; and $300 for every subsequent violation.
(B) Nothing in this Section shall limit M.G.L. Chapter 164, Section 124 or the Department of Public Utilities regulations.
(CBC 1985 11-4.8; Ord. 2011 c. 14)
The Boston Fire Prevention Code of 1979 was adopted by Ord. 1979 Chapter 28 on July 18, 1979.
(Ord. 1979 c 28; CBC 1985 11-5.1; Ord. 1990 c. 5, Ch. 6 § 1; Ord. 1999 c. 7; Ord. 2014 c. 7; Ord. 2016 c. 7; Ord. 2017 c. 3)
Editor’s note:
Boston Fire Prevention Code of 1979 was printed as a separate document. A copy of the Boston Fire Prevention Code of 1979 is available in the Office of the City Clerk or Fire Department for use by the public. This ordinance is included by reference without the full text of the Code included herein.
(A) Purpose. All blasting within the corporate limits of the city shall comply with the requirements of 527 CMR, Board of Fire Prevention, Chapter 13.00, Explosives and Application Sections of the M.G.L. Chapter 148. In addition, blasting shall comply with the following general and specific requirements and standards for the protection of people and property, land and other natural resources. Unless otherwise provided for in this regulation, the provisions of 527 CMR 13.00 are applicable and must be complied with at all times.
(B) Definitions. If any of the following definitions are inconsistent with definitions that appear in 527 CMR 13.00, the definition in 527 CMR 13.00 is the definition that governs.
AIRBLAST. The airborne shock wave or acoustic transient generated by an explosion.
ALWAYS AND NEVER. List of precautions (IME Safety Library Publication No. 4) printed by the Institute of Makers of Explosives pertaining to the transportation, storage, handling and use of explosive materials. Formerly titled Do’s And Don’ts.
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (“ANSI”). A non-governmental organization concerned with developing safety and health standards for industry.
AMERICAN TABLE OF DISTANCES. A quantity-distance table, prepared and approved by IME, for storage of explosive materials to determine safe distances from inhabited buildings, public highways, passenger railways and other stored explosive materials.
AMMONIUM NITRATE. The ammonium salt of nitric acid represented by the formula NH4NO3.
AMPERE. A unit of electrical current produced by 1 volt acting through a resistance of 1 ohm.
ANFO. A blasting agent (1.5D) containing no essential ingredients other than prilled ammonium nitrate and fuel oil.
ANSI. See American National Standards Institute.
APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY. See competent authority.
APPROVED, APPROVAL or AUTHORIZED. Terms which mean approved, approval or by the authority having jurisdiction.
ARTIFICIAL BARRICADE. An artificial mound or revetted wall of earth of a minimum thickness of 3 feet.
ATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. The governmental Agency, Office or individual responsible for approving equipment, an installation or a procedure.
AUTHORIZED PERSON. An individual approved or assigned by management to perform a specific duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations.
AVAILABLE ENERGY. The energy from an explosive material that is capable of performing useful work.
BACKBREAK. Rock broken beyond the limits of the last row of holes in a blast, synonymous with overbreak.
BARRICADED. The effective screening of a building containing explosive materials from a magazine or other building, railway or highway by a natural or an artificial barrier. A straight line from the top of any sidewall of the building containing explosive materials to the eave line of any magazine or other building or to a point 12 feet above the center of a railway or highway shall pass through such barrier.
BARRIER. A material object or objects that separates, keeps apart or demarcates in a conspicuous manner such as cones, a warning sign or tape.
BASE CHARGE. The main explosive charge in the base of a detonator.
BATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
BINARY EXPLOSIVE. See plosophoric materials.
BENCH. A horizontal ledge from which holes are drilled vertically down into the material to be blasted; benching is a process of excavating where a highwall is worked in steps or lifts.
BENCH HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the top of a bench to the floor or to the top of the next lower bench.
BLACK POWDER. A deflagrating or low explosive compound of an intimate mixture of sulfur, charcoal and an alkali nitrate, usually potassium or sodium nitrate.
BLAST (BLASTING). The firing of explosive materials for such purposes as breaking rock or other material, moving material or generating seismic waves.
BLAST AREA. The area including the blast site and the immediate adjacent area within the influence of flying rock missiles, gases and concussion.(**)
BLASTHOLE. See drill hole and borehole.
BLAST PATTERN. The plan of the drill holes as laid out for blasting; an expression of the burden distance and the spacing distance and their relationship to each other. Synonymous with drill pattern.
BLAST SITE. The area in which explosive materials are being or have been loaded and which includes all holes loaded or to be loaded for the same blast and for a distance of 50 feet in all directions.(**)
BLASTER. A person who holds a valid Certificate of Competency issued by the commonwealth’s Fire Marshal and qualified to be in charge of and responsible for the design, loading, and firing of a blast. A BLASTER is recognized in his or her field as an explosives craftsperson.(**)
BLASTING ACCESSORIES. Non-explosive devices and materials used in blasting, such as, but not limited to, cap crimpers, tamping bags, blasting machines, blasting galvanometers and cartridge punches.
BLASTING AGENT. An explosive material which meets prescribed criteria for insensitivity to initiation.
(a) For storage, 27 C.F.R. § 555.11 defines a
BLASTING AGENT as any material or mixture, consisting of fuel and oxidizer intended for blasting, not otherwise defined as an explosive; provided that the finished product, as mixed for use or shipment, cannot be detonated by means of a No. 8 test blasting cap (detonator) when unconfined (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Regulation).
(b) For transportation, 49 C.F.R. § 173.50, defines Class 1, Division 1. 5 (
BLASTING AGENT) as a substance which has mass explosion hazard but is so insensitive that there is very little probability of initiation or of transition from burning to detonation under normal conditions in transport.
BLASTING CAP. See detonator.
BLASTING CREW. A group of persons who assist the blaster in loading, tying in and firing a blast.
BLASTING GALVANOMETER. An electrical resistance instrument designed specifically for testing electric detonators and circuits containing them. It is used to check electrical continuity. Other acceptable instruments for this purpose are blasting ohmmeters and blasters’ multi-meters.
BLASTING LOG. A written record of information about a specific blast as may be required by law or regulation.
BLASTING MACHINE. An electrical or electromechanical device which provides electrical energy for the purpose of energizing detonators in an electric blasting circuit. Also used in reference to certain non-electric systems (sometimes called exploder or battery).
BLASTING MAT. A mat of woven steel wire, rope, scrap tires or other suitable material or construction to cover blastholes for the purpose of preventing flying rock missiles.
BLASTING VIBRATIONS. The energy from a blast that manifests itself in vibrations which are transmitted through the earth away from the immediate blast area.
BOOSTER. An explosive charge, usually of high detonation velocity and detonation pressure, designed to be used in the explosive initiation sequence between an initiator or primer and the main charge.
BOREHOLE. A hole drilled in the material to be blasted, for the purpose of containing an explosive charge, also called “blasthole” or “drill hole”.
BREAKAGE. A term used to describe the site distribution of the rock fragments created by a blast.
BRIDGEWIRE. A resistance wire connecting the ends of the leg wires inside an electric detonator and which is embedded in the ignition charge of the detonator.
BULK STRENGTH. The strength per unit volume of an explosive calculated from its weight strength and density.
BURDEN. The distance from the borehole and the nearest free face or the distance between boreholes measured perpendicular to the spacing. Also the total amount of material to be blasted by a given hole, usually measured in cubic yards or tons.
BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS. A bureau of the Department of Treasury having responsibility for the promulgation and enforcement of regulations related to the unlawful use of explosive materials under 18 U.S.C. Ch. 40,§ 847.
BUREAU OF MINES. See United States Bureau of Mines.
CAP-SENSITIVE EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL. An explosive material which will detonate with an IME No. 8 Test Detonator when the material is unconfined.
CAPACITOR DISCHARGE BLASTING MACHINE. A blasting machine in which electrical energy, stored on a capacitor, is discharged into a blasting circuit containing electric detonators.
CARTRIDGE. An individual closed shell, bag or tube of circular cross-section containing explosive material.
CARTRIDGE COUNT (STICK COUNT). The number of cartridges in a case. A standard case typically contains about 50 pounds of explosive material. Unless otherwise specified, it refers to the number of 1¼ by 8 inch cartridges in a 50 pound case.
CARTRIDGE STRENGTH. Synonymous with Bulk Strength.
CFR. See Code of Federal Regulations.
CIRCUIT. A completed path for conveying electrical current. See series blasting.
CLASS A EXPLOSIVES. A term formerly used by the United States Department of Transportation to describe explosives which possess detonating or otherwise maximum hazard. (Currently classified as Division 1.1 or 1.2 materials).
CLASS B EXPLOSIVES. A term formerly used by the United States Department of Transportation to describe explosives which possess flammable hazard. (Currently classified as Division 1.3 materials.)
CLASS C EXPLOSIVES. A term formerly used by the United States Department of Transportation to describe explosives which contain Class A or Class B explosives, or both as components but in restricted quantities. (Currently classified Division 1.4 materials.)
CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. A codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to federal regulation.
COLLAR. The mouth or opening of a borehole or shaft.
COLUMN CHARGE. A charge of explosives in a blasthole in the form of a long continuous unbroken column.
COLUMN DEPTH/COLUMN HEIGHT. The length of each portion of a blasthole filled with explosive materials.
COMPETENT AUTHORITY. A national agency responsible under its national law for the control or regulation of a particular aspect of the transportation of hazardous materials. Also referred to as APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY (Ref. 49 C.F.R. 105.5).
CONFINED DETONATION VELOCITY. The detonation velocity of an explosive material in a substantial container or a borehole.
CONNECTING WIRE. Wire used to extend the firing line or leg wires in an electric blasting circuit.
CONTINUITY CHECK (CIRCUIT CONTINUITY CHECK). A determination made by instrumentation where possible, and visually in all cases, to show that an initiation system is continuous and contains no breaks or improper connections that could cause stoppage or failure of the initiation process.
COUPLING. The degree to which an explosive fills the cross-section of a borehole: bulk loaded explosives are completely coupled; untamped cartridges are decoupled.
CRITICAL DIAMETER. The minimum diameter for propagation of a detonation wave at a stable velocity. CRITICAL DIAMETER is affected by conditions of confinement, temperature and pressure on the explosive.
CURRENT LEAKAGE. Portion of the firing current bypassing part of the blasting circuit through unintended paths.
CURRENT LIMITING DEVICE. An electric or electromechanical device that limits:
(a) Current amplitude;
(b) Duration of current flow; or
(c) Total energy of the current delivered to an electric blasting circuit.
CUSHION BLASTING. A blasting technique used to produce competent slopes or smooth walls. The cushion holes, fired after the main charge, have a reduced spacing and employ decoupled charges.
CUTOFF. A break in a path of detonation or initiation caused by extraneous interference, such as flyrock or shifting ground.
DATE-SHOT CODE. A code, required by federal regulation (BATF), applied by manufacturers to the outside shipping containers, and, in many instances, to the immediate containers of explosive materials to aid in their identification and tracing.
DAUTRICHE METHOD-DETONATION VELOCITY. A method of determining the detonation velocity of an explosive material by employing detonating cord and a witness plate.
DC. Direct current.
DECIBEL. A unit of air overpressure commonly used to measure airblast.
DECK LOADING (DECKING). A method of loading blastholes in which the explosive charges called decks or deck charges, in the same hole are separated by stemming or an air cushion.
DECK. An explosive charge that is separated from other charges in the blasthole by stemming or an air cushion.
DECOUPLING. The use of cartridged explosive products significantly smaller in diameter than the diameter of the blasthole. DECOUPLING or the use of decoupling charges is designed to reduce the charge concentration in the blasthole and minimize stresses exerted on the walls of the blasthole.
DEFLAGRATION. An explosive reaction such as a rapid combustion that moves through an explosive material at a velocity less than the speed of sound in the material.
DELAY. A distinct pause of predetermined time between detonation or initiation impulses, to permit the firing of explosive charges separately.
DELAY BLASTING. The practice of initiating individual explosive decks, boreholes or rows of boreholes at predetermined time intervals using delay detonators, or other delaying means, as compared to instantaneous blasting where all holes are fired essentially at the same time.
DELAY DETONATOR. An electric or non-electric detonator used to introduce a predetermined lapse of time between the application of a firing signal and the detonation of the base charge.
DELAY ELEMENT. The device in a delay detonator that produces the predetermined time lapse between the application of a firing signal and detonation.
DELAY INTERVAL. The nominal time between the detonation of delay detonators of adjacent periods in a delay series; the nominal time between successive detonations in a blast.
DELAY PERIOD. A designation given to a delay detonator to show its relative or absolute delay time in a given series.
DELAY SERIES. A series of delay detonators designed to satisfy specific blasting requirements. There are basically two types of DELAY SERIES: millisecond (“MS”) or short period (“SP”) with delay intervals on the order of milliseconds and long period (“LP”) with delay time on the order of seconds.
DELAY TAG. A tag, band or marker on a delay detonator that denotes the delay series, delay period and/or delay time of the detonator.
DELAY TIME. The lapse of time between the application of a firing signal and the detonation of the base charge of a delay detonator.
DENSITY. The mass of an explosive per unit of volume, usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot. (Also see specific gravity.)
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (“DOT”). A cabinet level agency of the Federal Government. It has the responsibility for the comprehensive regulation of transportation safety and issues regulations governing interstate shipments of explosives and other hazardous materials.
DETONATING CORD. A flexible cord containing a center core of high explosive which may be used to initiate other high explosives.
DETONATING CORD DOWNLINE. The Section of detonating cord that extends within the blasthole from the ground surface down to the explosive charge.
DETONATING CORD MS CONNECTORS. Nonelectric short-interval (millisecond) delay devices for use in delaying blasts which are initiated by detonating cord.
DETONATING CORD TRUNKLINE. The line of detonating cord that is used to connect and initiate other lines of detonating cord.
DETONATION. An explosive reaction that moves through an explosive material at a velocity greater than the speed of sound in the material.
DETONATION PRESSURE. The pressure produced in the reaction zone of a detonating explosive.
DETONATION VELOCITY. The velocity at which a detonation progresses through an explosive.
DETONATOR. Any device containing an initiating or primary explosive that is used for initiating detonation in another explosive material. A detonator may not contain more than ten grams of total explosives by weight, excluding ignition or delay charges. The term includes, but is not limited to, electric blasting caps of instantaneous and delay types, blasting caps for use with safety fuse, detonating cord delay connectors and nonelectric instantaneous and delay blasting caps which use detonating cord, shock tube or any other replacement for electric leg wires. Unless specifically classified otherwise, detonators are classified 1.I (Class A explosives). Also see detonators 1.4 (Class C explosives).
DETONATORS 1.4 (CLASS C EXPLOSIVES). Initiating devices which will not mass explode when packaged for shipment. (See mass explode.)
DIAMETER. The cross-sectional width of a borehole or an explosive cartridge.
DITCH BLASTING. The formation of a ditch by the detonation of a series of explosive charges.
DITCHING DYNAMITE. A nitroglycerin type explosive especially designed to propagate sympathetically from hole to hole in ditch blasting.
DO’S AND DON’T’S. Former name of a list of precautions (IME Safety Library Publication No. 4) printed by the Institute of Makers of Explosives pertaining to the transportation, storage, handling and use of explosive materials and included in cases of explosive materials. Recently renamed Always And Never.
DOT. See Department of Transportation.
DOWNLINE. A line of detonating cord or plastic tubing in a blasthole which transmits the detonation from the trunkline or surface delay system down the hole to the primer.
DRILL HOLE. A hole drilled in the material to be blasted for the purpose of containing an explosive charge, also called BLASTHOLE or BOREHOLE.
DRILLING PATTERN. The location of blastholes in relationship to each other and the free face.
DYNAMITE. A high explosive used for blasting, consisting essentially of a mixture of, but not limited to, nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate and carbonaceous materials.
ELECTRIC BLASTING CIRCUIT. An electric circuit containing electric detonators and associated wiring. Also see parallel, series and series-in-parallel blasting circuits.
ELECTRIC DETONATOR. A detonator designed for, and capable of, initiation by means of an electric current.
ELECTRICAL STORM. An atmospheric disturbance characterized by intense electrical activity producing lightning strokes and strong electric and magnetic fields. Synonymous with thunderstorm and lightning storm.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURE CARD. Instructions carried on a vehicle transporting explosive materials and giving specific procedures in case of emergency.
EMULSION. An explosive material containing substantial amounts of oxidizer dissolved in water droplets, surrounded by an immiscible fuel, or droplets of an immiscible fuel surrounded by water containing substantial amounts of oxidizer.
ENERGY. A measure of the potential for an explosive to do work.
EXPLODE. To react chemically in a rapid manner to produce heat and pressure. The term encompasses both deflagration and detonation.
EXPLOSION. A chemical reaction involving an extremely rapid expansion of gas usually associated with the liberation of heat.
EXPLOSIVE. Any chemical compound, mixture or device, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion, i.e., with substantially instantaneous release of gas and heat. In 527 CMR 13.00, explosives shall be a Class I Explosives Materials. Class I Explosives Materials shall be divided into six divisions, the divisions being characteristic of the properties and hazards of the particular explosives materials. The Divisions of Class I Explosives Materials shall be as follows.
DIVISION 1.1. Explosives that have a mass explosion hazard (formerly Class A explosives).
DIVISION 1.2. Explosives that have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard. A high explosive (formerly Class A or Class B explosives).
DIVISION 1.3. Explosives that have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection hazard, or both, but not a mass explosion hazard. A low explosive (formerly Class B explosives).
DIVISION 1.4. Explosives that present a minor explosion hazard. An external fire must not cause virtual instantaneous explosion of almost the entire contents of the package. No device may contain more than 25 g (0.9 oz) of a detonating material. A low explosive (formerly a Class C explosive).
DIVISION 1.5. Very insensitive explosive materials that have a mass explosion hazard but are so insensitive that there is little or no probability of initiation or of transition from burning to detonation under normal conditions of transport (formerly a blasting agent).
DIVISION 1.6. Extremely insensitive articles that do not have a mass explosion hazard, and articles that demonstrate a negligible probability of accidental initiation or propagation (no applicable hazard class).(**)
EXPLOSIVE-ACTUATED DEVICE. Any tool or special mechanized device which is actuated by explosives. The term does not include propellant-actuated devices. (Also see propellant- actuated power device.) Examples of EXPLOSIVE- ACTUATED DEVICES are jet tappers and jet perforators.
EXPLOSIVE CHARGE. The quantity of explosive material used in a blasthole, coyote tunnel or explosive device.
EXPLOSIVE LOADING FACTOR. The amount of explosive used per unit of rock. Also called POWDER FACTOR.
(a) Any explosive, blasting agent or detonator. The term includes, but is not limited to, dynamite and other explosives, slurries, emulsions and water gels, black powder, pellet powder, initiating explosives, detonators (blasting caps), safety fuse, squibs, detonating cord, smokeless propellants, small arms ammunition, small arms percussion caps, smokeless primers, igniter cord and igniters.(**)
(b) A list of explosive materials determined to be within the coverage of 18 U.S.C. Chapter 40, Importation, Manufacture, Distribution and Storage of Explosive Materials, is issued at least annually by the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the Treasury.
(c) The United States Department of Transportation classification of explosive materials used in commercial blasting operations are not identical with the statutory definitions of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, 18 U.S.C. § 841. To achieve uniformity in transportation the definitions of the United States Department of Transportation in 49 C.F.R. parts 1—99 subdivides these materials into:
DIVISION 1.1. Mass exploding (Class A explosives);
DIVISION 1.2. Projection hazard (Class A or Class B explosives);
DIVISION 1.3. Fire hazard, minor blast (Class B explosives) or projection hazard;
DIVISION 1.4. Minor explosion (Class C explosives) hazard not mass exploding; and
DIVISION 1.5. Insensitive explosives, (Blasting Agents) Very little probability of initiation or transition from burning to detonation during transport.
EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH. The amount of energy released by an explosive upon detonation which is an indication of the capacity of the explosive to do work. (See also energy).
EXTRA (AMMONIA) DYNAMITE. A dynamite in which part of the nitroglycerin is replaced by ammonium nitrate in sufficient quantity to result in the same weight strength.
EXTRANEOUS ELECTRICITY. Electrical energy, other than actual firing current or the test current from a blasting galvanometer, that is present at a blast site and that could enter an electric blasting circuit. It includes stray current, static electricity, RF (electromagnetic) waves and time varying electric and magnetic fields.
FERTILIZER GRADE AMMONIUM NITRATE. A grade of ammonium nitrate as defined by the Fertilizer Institute.
FIRE EXTINGUISHER RATING. A rating set forth in the National Fire Code, being NFPA 110, which may be identified on an extinguisher by a number (five, 20, 70 and the like) indicating the extinguisher’s relative effectiveness followed by a letter (A, B, C and the like) indicating the class or classes of fires for which the extinguisher has been found to be effective.
FIRE-RESISTANT. Construction designed to provide reasonable protection against fire. (For exterior walls or magazines constructed of wood, this shall mean fire resistance equivalency provided by sheet metal of not less than 26 gauge.)
FIRING CURRENT. An electric current of recommended magnitude and duration to sufficiently energize an electric detonator or a circuit of electric detonators.
FIRING LINE. The wire(s) connecting the electrical power source with the electric blasting circuit.
FLAGS-DANGER. Flags, usually red, which may or may not be imprinted with a warning and used to caution personnel around explosives operations, or displayed on trucks transporting explosives.
FLAMMABILITY. The ease with which an explosive material may be ignited by flame and heat.
FLASH POINT. The lowest temperature at which vapors from a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame, as determined in an apparatus specifically designed for such testing.
FLASHOVER. The sympathetic detonation between explosive charges or between charged blastholes.
FLYROCK. Rocks propelled from the blast area by the force of an explosion.
FRAGMENTATION. The breaking of a solid mass into pieces by blasting.
FREE FACE. A rock surface exposed to air or water which provides room for expansion upon fragmentation; sometimes called open face.
FUMES. The gaseous products of an explosion. For the purpose of determining the FUME classification of explosive materials, only poisonous or toxic gases are considered.
FUSE. See safety fuse.
FUSE CAP. A detonator which is initiated by a safety fuse; also referred to as an ordinary blasting cap. Synonymous with blasting cap, also see detonator.
FUSE CUTTER. A mechanical device for cutting safety fuse clean and at right angles to its long axis.
GAP SENSITIVITY. The maximum length of gap across which a detonation weave will travel and initiate a second or receptor cartridge. Both primer and receptor cartridge should be of the same composition, diameter and weight. Usually refers to gap in air, but other media may be used.
GELATIN DYNAMITE. A type of highly water resistant dynamite characterized by its gelatinous or plastic consistency.
GEOLOGY. A description of the types and arrangement of rock in an area; the description usually includes the dip and strike, the type and extent of preexisting breaks in the rock and the hardness and massiveness of the rock, as these affect blast design.
GRAINS. In the avoirdupois system of weight measurement 7,000 grains are equivalent to one standard 16 ounce pound (0.45 kg.). A GRAIN is 0.0648 grams in both the avoirdupois and the troy system.
GROUND FAULT. An electrical path between parts of the blasting circuit and earth.
GROUND VIBRATION. Shaking the ground by elastic waves emanating from a blast; usually measured in inches per second of particle velocity.
HANGFIRE. The detonation of an explosive charge at some non-predictable time after its normally designed firing time.
HARDWOOD. Red oak, white oak, hard maple, ash or hickory, free from loose knots, wind shakes or similar defects.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ADVISORY COUNCIL (“HMAC”). An international organization representing shippers and carriers, container manufacturers and reconditioners and emergency response companies for hazardous materials.
HERTZ (“HZ”). Synonymous with cycles per second.
HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Explosives which are characterized by a very high rate of reaction, high pressure development and the presence of a detonation wave in the explosive.
HIGHWALL. A nearly vertical face at the edge of a bench, bluff or ledge on a surface excavation.
HOLE DIAMETER. The cross-sectional width of the borehole.
IGNITER CORD. A small diameter pyrotechnic cord that burns at a uniform rate with an external flame and used to ignite a series of safety fuses.
IME. See Institute of Makers of Explosives.
IME-22 CONTAINER (“COMPARTMENT”). A container (portable), or a compartment (permanently affixed to a vehicle), which is constructed in accordance with IME SLP-22 specifications and is authorized by the Department of Transportation for the transport of certain types of detonators on the same vehicle with other explosives.
IME FUME CLASSIFICATION. A classification indicating the amount of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide produced by an explosive or blasting agent. Explosives with positive oxygen balances are not considered as being acceptable in these classifications. See Appendix F.
INCENDIVITY. The property of an igniting agent (e.g., spark, flame or hot solid) which indicates it is of sufficient intensity to ignite flammable material or explosive gases.
INHABITED BUILDING. A building regularly occupied in whole or part as a habitation for human beings, or any church, schoolhouse, railroad station, store or other structure where people are accustomed to assemble, except any building or structure occupied in connection with the manufacture, transportation, storage or use of explosive materials.
INITIATION. The start of deflagration or detonation in an explosive material.
INITIATOR. A detonator, detonating cord or similar device used to start detonation or deflagration in an explosive material.
INSTANTANEOUS DETONATOR. A detonator that has a firing time of essentially zero seconds as compared to delay detonators with firing times of from several milliseconds to several seconds.
INSTITUTE OF MAKERS OF EXPLOSIVES. A nonprofit, safety oriented trade association representing producers of commercial explosive materials in the United States and Canada and dedicated to safety in the manufacture, transportation, (IME) storage, handling and use of explosive materials.
INSTITUTE OF MAKERS OF EXPLOSIVES NO. 8 TEST DETONATOR. IME No. 8 test detonator has 0.40 to 0.45 grams PETN base charge pressed to a specific gravity of 1.4 g/cc and primed with standard weights of primer, depending on manufacturer.
INVENTORY. A listing of all explosive materials stored in a magazine.
ISSUING AUTHORITY. The governmental Agency, Office or official vested with the authority to issue permits or licenses.
LEADING (LEAD) LINES OR WIRES. The wires connecting the electrical power source with the circuit containing electric detonators. See firing line.
LEAKAGE RESISTANCE. The resistance between the blasting circuit (including lead wires) and the ground.
LEG WIRES. The two single wires or one duplex wire extending out from an electric detonator.
LOADING. Placing explosive material in a blasthole or against the material to be blasted.
LOADING DENSITY. The weight of explosive loaded per unit length of borehole occupied by the explosive, expressed as pounds/foot or kilograms/meter of borehole.
LOADING POLE. A nonmetallic pole used to assist in the placing and compacting explosive charges in boreholes.
LOW EXPLOSIVES. Explosive which are characterized by deflagration or low rate of reaction and the development of low pressure. See deflagration.
MAGAZINE. Any building, structure or container, other than an explosives manufacturing building, approved for the storage of explosive materials.
MAGAZINE KEEPER. A person responsible for the inventory and safe storage of explosive materials, including the proper maintenance of explosive materials, storage magazines and areas.
MAGAZINE, SURFACE. A specially designed and constructed structure for the storage of explosive materials on the surface of the ground.
MAGAZINE UNDERGROUND. A specially designed and constructed structure for the storage of explosive materials underground.
MAIN EXPLOSIVE CHARGE. The explosive material that performs the major work of blasting.
MANUFACTURING CODES. Code markings stamped on explosives materials packages, indicating among other information, the date of manufacture.
MASS EXPLODE (MASS EXPLOSION). An explosion which affects almost the entire load or quantity of explosives virtually instantaneously.
MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED FIRING CURRENT. The highest electric current which will result in the safe and effective performance of an electric detonator.
MILLISECOND. One thousandth part of a second (.001 or 1/1000 second)
MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (“MSHA”). An Agency of the Department of Labor concerned with promulgation and enforcement of health and safety regulations in the mining field.
MISFIRE. A blast or specific borehole that failed to detonate as planned. Also, the explosive materials that failed to detonate as planned.
MS CONNECTORS. Nonelectric, short interval (millisecond) delay devices for use in delaying blasts which are initiated by detonating cord. Same as detonating cord MS connectors.
MSHA APPROVAL. A document issued by MSHA which states that an explosive or explosive unit has met MSHA requirements and which authorizes an approval marking identifying the explosive or explosive unit as approved as permissible.
MUCKPILE. The pile of broken material resulting from a blast.
NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (“NFPA”). An independent, non-profit association organized to promote the science and improve the methods of fire protection and prevention, electrical safety and other related safety goals.
NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (“NFPA”) STANDARDS. Standards for explosive materials and ammonium nitrate issued by the National Fire Protection Association.
NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL (“NSC”). A non-profit organization charged by Congress to provide a regular information service on the causes of accidents and ways to prevent them.
NATURAL BARRICADE. Natural features of the ground such as hills, or timber of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures which require protection cannot be seen from the magazine when the trees are bare.
NITROGLYCERIN. An explosive chemical compound used as a sensitizer in dynamite and represented by the formula (C3H5(ON02)3.
NONELECTRIC DETONATOR. A detonator that does not require the use of electric energy to function.
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (“OSHA”). An Agency of the Department of Labor active in eliminating occupational hazards and promoting employee health and safety.
OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING (“OSM”). An Agency of the Department of the Interior regulating surface coal mining and the surface effects of underground coal mining.
OVERBURDEN. Material of any nature laying on top of a deposit of material which is to be mined.
PARALLEL BLASTING CIRCUIT. An electric blasting circuit in which one leg wire of each detonator is connected to one of the wires from the source of firing current and the other wire from the firing current source. (Can also be used to refer to certain nonelectric systems.)
PARTING. A rock mass located between two seams of coal; a joint or crack in rock.
PERMISSIBLE DIAMETER. The smallest allowable diameter of particular permissible explosive, as approved by the Mine Safety and Health (SMALLEST) Administration (“MSHA”).
PERMISSIBLE (“MSHA”) APPROVED EXPLOSIVES. Explosives that are approved by the Mine Safety and Health Explosives Administration for use in gassy and dusty atmospheres. Permissible explosives must be used and stored in accordance with certain conditions specified by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (“MSHA”).
PLACARDS. Signs placed on vehicles transporting hazardous materials (including explosive materials) indicating the nature of the cargo.
PLOSOPHORIC MATERIALS. [Binary Explosives], two of more unmixed, commercial manufactured, prepackaged chemical ingredients including oxidizers, flammable liquids or solids or similar substances that are not independently classified as explosives but which when mixed or combined form a mixture that is classified as an explosive and that is intended for blasting. It may be classified by the Hazardous Materials Regulations of the United States Department of Transportation as an explosive depending on its susceptibility to detonation.(**)
POWDER. A common synonym for explosive materials.
POWDER FACTOR. The amount of explosive used per unit of rock. Also called EXPLOSIVE LOADING FACTOR.
POWER SOURCE. The source of power for energizing electric blasting circuits, e.g., a blasting machine or power line.
PREBLAST SURVEY. A documentation of the existing condition of structures near an area where blasting is to be conducted.
PREMATURE FIRING. The detonation of an explosive charge before the intended time.
PRESPLIMNG (PRESHEARING). A smooth blasting method in which cracks for the final contour are created by firing a single row of holes prior to the initiation of the rest of the holes in the blast pattern.
PRILLED AMMONIUM NITRATE. Ammonium nitrate in a pelleted or prilled form.
PRIMARY BLAST. A blast used to fragment and displace material from its original position to facilitate subsequent handling and crushing.
PRIMARY EXPLOSIVE. A sensitive explosive which nearly always detonates by simple ignition from such means as spark, flame, impact, friction or other primary heat sources of appropriate magnitude.
PRIMER. A unit, package or cartridge or explosives used to initiate other explosives or blasting agents, and which contains:
(a) A detonator; or
(b) Detonating cord to which is attached a detonator designed to initiate the detonating cord.
PROPAGATION. The detonation of an explosive charge by an impulse received from an adjacent or nearby explosive charge.
QUANTITY-DISTANCE TABLE. A table listing minimum recommended distance from explosives materials stores of various weights to a specific location.
RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY (“RF”). The energy radiated as electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency spectrum.
RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER. An electronic transmitting device which radiates radio frequency waves. The transmitting device may be fixed (stationary) or mobile, and includes car telephones, citizens band radios, AM and FM radio transmitters, television transmitters and radar transmitters.
REGULATIONS FEDERAL, COMMONWEALTH, LOCAL. Regulations promulgated by federal, commonwealth or local regulatory Agencies governing the manufacturer, transportation, storage, sale, possession, handling and use of explosive materials.
RELIEF. The effective distance from a blasthole to the nearest free face (Synonymous with burden.)
RESISTANCE. The measure of opposition to the flow of electrical current, expressed in ohms.
ROTATIONAL FIRING. Delay blasting system used so that the detonating explosives will successively displace the burden into the void created by previously detonated explosives in holes which fired at an earlier delay period.
ROUND. A group of boreholes fired or intended to be fired in a continuous sequence with the application of initiating energy.
SAFETY FUSE. A flexible cord containing solid flammable materials by which fire or flame is conveyed at a continuous and uniform rate from the point of ignition to a cut end. A fuse detonator is usually attached to that end, although SAFETY FUSE may be used without a detonator to ignite material such as deflagrating explosives.
SAFETY STANDARD. Suggested precautions relative to the safety practices to be employed in the manufacture, transportation, storage, handling and use of explosive materials.
SCALED DISTANCE. A factor relating similar blast effects from various weight charges of explosive material at various distances. SCALED DISTANCES referring to blasting effects is obtained by dividing the distance of concern by a fractional power of the weight of the explosive materials.
SEAM. A stratum or bed of coal or other material. May also refer to a crack or joint in a blast area which may be filled with mud or other material. A SEAM may be in any orientation.
SECONDARY BLASTING. Blasting to reduce the size of boulders resulting from a primary blast.
SEISMOGRAPH. An instrument, useful in monitoring blasting operations, which records ground vibration. Particle velocity, displacement or acceleration is generally measured and recorded in three mutually perpendicular directions.
SENSITIVENESS. A measure of an explosive’s cartridge-to-cartridge propagating ability under certain test conditions. It is expressed as the distance through air at which a primed half cartridge (donor) will detonate an unprimed half cartridge (receptor). Also see gap sensitivity.
SENSITIVITY. A physical characteristic of an explosive material classifying its ability to be initiated upon receiving an external impulse such as impact, shock, flame, friction or other influence which can cause explosive decomposition.
(a) CAP-SENSITIVE EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL. Any explosive material that can be detonated by means of a No. 8 blasting cap or its equivalent. Cap-sensitive material shall be classified as an explosive.
(b) NON CAP-SENSITIVE EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL. Any explosive material that can not be detonated by means of a No. 8 blasting cap or its equivalent. Non cap-sensitive material shall not be classified as an explosive.(**)
SEPARATION DISTANCES. Minimum recommended distances from explosive materials accumulations to other specified locations.
SEQUENTIAL BLASTING MACHINE. A blasting machine designed to actuate separate series of detonators at accurately timed intervals. Also called sequential timer.
SEQUENTIAL TIMER. See sequential blasting machine.
SERIES BLASTING CIRCUIT. An electric blasting circuit that provides one continuous path for the current through all caps in the circuit.
SERIES-IN-PARALLEL BLASTING CIRCUIT. A circuit in which electric detonators are divided into two or more balanced groups being connected together in series and the groups being connected together in parallel.
SHOCK TUBE. A small diameter plastic tube used for initiating detonators. It contains only a limited amount of reactive material so that the energy that is transmitted through the tube by means of a detonation wave is guided through and confined within the walls of the tube.
SHOCK WAVE. A transient pressure pulse that propagates at supersonic velocity.
SHORT DELAY BLASTING. The practice of detonating blastholes in successive intervals where the time difference between any two successive detonations is measured in milliseconds.
SHOT ANCHOR. A device that anchors explosive material charges in the borehole so that the charges will not be blown out by the detonation of other charges or, in seismic work, cannot be pulled out of the borehole by the leg wires.
SHOT BREAK. A space consisting of an undrilled or drilled area which may include loaded or unloaded blastholes to separate two individual blasts located on the same bench.
SHOT FIRER. See blaster. (SHOT FIRER usually refers to an underground coal mine blaster.)
(a) The shorting together of the free ends of:
1. Electric detonator leg wires; or
2. The wire ends of an electric blasting circuit or part thereof.
(b) The term also applies to an electrical shorting device applied to the free ends of electric detonators by the manufacturer.
SIGNS—EXPLOSIVE (PLACARDS). Signs, called placards, placed on vehicles transporting explosives denoting the character of the cargo, or signs placed near storage areas as a warning to unauthorized personnel.
SLURRY. See water gel or slurry.
SPACING. The distance between boreholes. In bench blasting, the distance is measured parallel to the free face and perpendicular to the burden.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The ratio of the weight of any volume of substance to the weight of an equal volume of pure water.
STABILITY. The ability of an explosive material to retain chemical and physical properties specified by the manufacturer when exposed to specific environmental conditions over a particular period of time.
STATIC ELECTRICITY. Electric charge at rest on a person or object. It is most often produced by the contact and separation of dissimilar insulating materials.
STEMMING. Inert material placed in a borehole on top of or between separate charges of explosive material. Used for the purpose of confining explosive materials or to separate charges of explosive material in the same borehole.
STORAGE. The safekeeping of explosive materials usually in specially designed structures called magazines.
STRAY CURRENT. A flow of electricity outside an insulated conductor system.
SUBDRILLING. The practice of drilling boreholes below floor level or working elevation to ensure breakage of rock to working elevation.
SYMPATHETIC DETONATION. The detonation of an explosive material as the result of receiving an impulse from another detonation through air, earth or water. Synonymous with SYMPATHETIC PROPAGATION. (See also flashover.)
TABLE OF RECOMMENDED SEPARATION DISTANCES OF AMMONIUM NITRATE AND BLASTING AGENTS FROM EXPLOSIVES OR BLASTING AGENTS. A quantity distance table designed to prevent explosion of ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate-based blasting agents by propagation from nearby stores of high explosives or blasting agents. It is based on a “donor-receptor” relationship developed by the United States Bureau of Mines.
TAMPING. The action of compacting the explosive charge or the stemming in a blasthole. Sometimes refers to the stemming material itself.
TAMPING POLE. A wooden or plastic pole used to compact explosive charges or stemming. (See also loading pole.)
TEMPORARY STORAGE. Storage of explosives for less than 24 hours.
TEST BLASTING CAP NO. 8. See Institute of Makers of Explosives No. 8 Test Detonator.
TOE. In bench blasting, excessive burden measured at the floor level of the bench.
UNBARRICADED. The absence of a natural or artificial barricade around explosive storage areas of facilities.
UNCONFINED DETONATION VELOCITY. The detonation velocity of an explosive material fired without confinement; for example, a charge fired in the open. (Paper tubes are generally not considered as confinement.)
UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY INC. (“UL”). A nationally recognized incorporated testing laboratory qualified and equipped to conduct the necessary tests to determine compliance with appropriate standards and the satisfactory performance of materials or equipment in actual usage.
UNITED STATES BUREAU OF MINES (“USBM”). A former bureau of the Department of Interior active in promoting safety in coal mines and in carrying out board programs in mining and related fields.
VOLT. The unit of electromotive force. It is the difference in potential required to make a current of one ampere flow through a resistance of one ohm.
VELOCITY. The measurement of speed.(**)
VELOCITY, PARTICLE. The velocity at which the earth vibrates, measured in inches/second, or centimeters/second.(**)
VELOCITY, PEAK PARTICLE. The highest recorded particle velocity.(**)
VELOCITY, SEISMIC. The velocity at which a vibration or seismic wave travels in the earth outward from the source. It is measured in thousands of feet per second.(**)
VOLUME STRENGTH. Synonymous with CARTRIDGE STRENGTH. See bulk strength.
WARNING SIGNAL. A visual or audible signal which is used for warning personnel in the vicinity of the blast area of the impending explosion.
WATER GEL or SLURRY. A wide variety of materials used for blasting manufactured with varying degrees of sensitivity to initiation and may be classified as explosives or non explosive blasting agents. WATER GELS may be premixed at an explosive manufacturing building or mixed at the site immediately before delivery into the borehole.(**)
WATER RESISTANCE. The ability of an explosive to withstand the desensitizing effect of water penetration.
WATT. A unit of electrical power equal to one joule per second.
WEIGHT STRENGTH. The energy of an explosive material per unit of weight. Often expressed as a percentage of the energy per unit of weight of a specified explosive standard.
(**) Commonwealth Board of Fire Prevention Regulations, 527 CMR 13.03 Definitions
(C) General requirements. These requirements apply equally to divisions (L) and (M) below. Provisions are as follows.
(1) Use and handling permit shall be issued by the Head of the Boston Fire Department for all blasting conducted within city limits.
(2) Prior to a use and handling permit being issued, the Blaster shall provide the following:
(a) A valid explosive users certificate (own and possess certificate) issued by the commonwealth’s Fire Marshal;
(b) A certificate of insurance providing general liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000/$1,000,000. (Note: a use and handling permit shall be issued only for the explicit time period covered by the effective dates of the GL policy.);
(c) A blasting bond with the city or the commonwealth named as the certificate holder. (Note: a use and handling permit shall be issued only for the period of time covered by the effective dates of the bond);
(d) A Certificate of competency (blaster’s license) for each person(s) who could be responsible for blasting operations, including shot design, charge loading, wiring and detonation;
(e) Written proof, in a form approved by the Head of the Fire Department that Dig Safe has been notified of the proposed blasting operations and a dig safe number was issued in accordance with M.G.L Chapter 82, Section 40;
(f) Proof that the required preblast inspection surveys have been completed; and
(g) The route that the explosives are going to be transported to the site must be pre-approved by the Special Hazards Section of the Fire Prevention Division. The time of arrival at the site and the time leaving the site should be included.
(D) Preblast information requirements.
(1) A blast analysis and a blast design plan as specified in 527 CMR 13.09 (1), (k) and (l), shall be provided and explained to the Head of the Fire Department.
(2) The blast analysis shall consider adjacent area structure(s), building(s), building foundations, utilities, including gas and water supply lines, septic systems and swimming pools and area geology within the distances defined in Table 1 in division (H) below. The blast analysis shall identify commercial equipment, such as computers, electron microscopes, laser equipment, relays and the like, which are sensitive to vibrations, and other underground objects that might be damaged by the effects of a blast.
(3) In preparing the blast design plan and blast analysis, the following shot variables, as a minimum, shall be considered to minimize the adverse effects of ground vibrations and flyrock:
(a) Maximum charge weight detonating at one time (i.e., within 8 milliseconds);
(b) True distance (distance the waves must travel);
(c) Geological conditions;
(d) Degree of confinement;
(e) Physical properties of the rock;
(f) Coupling;
(g) Spatial distribution;
(h) Detonator timing scatter;
(i) Time duration of energy release; and
(j) Type of explosive or blasting agent.
(4) The following shot variables, as a minimum, shall be considered to minimize the adverse effects of air blast:
(a) Maximum charge weight detonating at one time (i.e., within 8 milliseconds);
(b) Depth of burial of the charges;
(c) Exposed detonating material on the ground surface;
(d) Atmospheric conditions;
(e) Temperature and temperature gradients;
(f) Wind velocity, direction and gradients;
(g) Atmosphere and time of day;
(h) Topography;
(i) Volume of displaced rock;
(j) Delay interval and orientation; and
(k) Type of explosive.
(5) (a) The blaster shall familiarize the Fire Department with the site and proposed blasting operations. The blaster shall provide a vicinity map drawn to scale to illustrate the blasting zone(s) and all structures and other infrastructure. The vicinity map should include all structures to a radial distance determined from Table 1 in division (H) below. A visit to the site to familiarize the Fire Department’s designated personnel with conditions may be required per order of the Head of the Fire Department.
(b) Exception: For quarries complying with all of the requirements of division (M) below, the radial distance of the vicinity map shall be the distance of the Blast Analysis as determined in division (M)(3) below.
(6) A preblast conference may required by the Head of the Fire Department, at which the Head of the Fire Department shall review its concerns and comments with the blaster. Any conditions resulting from this conference shall be made in writing and shall become part of the permit by reference.
(7) The Head of the Fire Department, in a written statement, shall, if it deems it necessary and in the public interest, require an independent blasting consultant, specialist, engineer or geologist, at the cost of the applicant, acceptable to the Head of the Fire Department be retained as a consultant. Said consultant, specialist, engineer or geologist shall produce a preblast analysis and assist the blaster in the preparation of a blast design plan as defined in 527 CMR 13.09(1), (k) and (l), and by this Subsection. The analysis will include an assessment of the impacts of blasting on the stability of existing steep soil or rock slopes in the vicinity, sufficient to meet approval of the Head of the Fire Department.
(E) Storage of explosive materials.
(1) On site storage of explosive materials shall be in approved day boxes or in DOT approved truck mounted magazines as detailed in 527 CMR 13.05 Storage.
(2) Adequate security must be provided to prevent unauthorized access to the explosive material while it is on-site.
(3) A system must be in place to warn responding emergency personnel about location of explosives. The system utilized should be documented and submitted at time of permit application.
(4) An effort shall be made to locate the day box, or truck mounted magazine, at safe distances from homes and roads.
(5) Overnight storage of explosives on site shall not be allowed unless written permit is obtained from the Fire Chief or his or her designee. If a storage permit is granted then location of the magazine shall comply with Table 1 of 527 CMR 13.05. In addition, a fire watch as determined by the Head of the Fire Department of not more than two uniformed fire fighters shall be posted on site, at the blaster’s expense with sufficient fire fighting equipment to extinguish or control any fire exposure to the stored explosives.
(F) Transportation of explosives.
(1) All vehicles transporting explosives in or through the city shall be under the jurisdiction of the Fire Department. All vehicles transporting explosives in or through the city shall also be under the jurisdiction of any other authority given legal jurisdiction by applicable commonwealth or federal regulation or law.
(2) The route that the explosives are going to be transported to the site must be pre-approved by the Special Hazards Section of the Fire Prevention Division. The time of arrival at the site and the time leaving the site should be included.
(3) All traffic violations involving vehicles transporting explosives shall be reported to the Head of the Fire Department for investigation.
(4) The Fire Chief, or his or her designee, or the commonwealth’s Fire Marshal, or his or her designee, shall investigate all traffic accidents involving vehicles that are transporting explosives.
(5) None of the vehicles involved in the accident, or the explosives, shall be moved without the approval of the Fire Chief, or his or her designee, or the commonwealth’s Fire Marshal, or his or her designee.
(G) Record keeping.
(1) All blasting operations must be fully documented, as required in 527 CMR 13.09(8) Blasting Log and herein. The following are minimum standards for what are regarded as the essentials of adequate blasting logs and vibration records. These logs and vibration records must be provided to the Head of the Fire Department the same day as the blast. Records of each event must be kept, by the licensed blaster, for a minimum of three years. Quarries, and other locations where long-term blasting occurs, should also keep records on-site. Records of each event shall:
(a) Include the name and blaster’s license, of the operator conducting the blast;
(b) Include the location, date and time of the blast and reference to the blasting permit granted for the blast;
(c) Identify the nearest dwelling, public building, school, church, institutional building or underground structure outside the permit area and establish the direction and distance from the nearest blasthole to the nearest structure. All distances shall be made accurately by direct measurement in the field or by measurement from a scale drawing of the blast vicinity;
(d) Include weather conditions, including those which may cause possible adverse blasting effects;
(e) Record the type of material blasted;
(f) Incorporate sketches of the blast pattern, including number of holes, burden, spacing, decks and delay pattern;
(g) Specify the diameter and depth of the holes, and type and length of stemming at the top of borehole and between explosive decks in multi-deck shots;
(h) Record the type of explosive used, the total weight of explosive used, the weight per hole and the maximum weight of explosives detonated in any one-delay period;
(i) Specify the initiation system and the nominal firing time of each distinct detonation;
(j) Provide detailed descriptions of mats or other protection used;
(k) Document the type of seismographic instruments, their sensitivity (or range setting) and their calibration signals and certificates of annual calibration;
(l) Document the exact location of seismographic instrument, date, time and accurate distance from the blast; and
(m) Show that name and firm (can be the operator) analyzing the seismographic record.
(2) Vibration levels and airblast recorded. The levels that were actually recorded should be compared to the predicted levels in the blast plan and blast analysis. If the actual observations are consistently higher than those predicted, then modifications should be made to the scaled distance relationship being used and the new scaled distance predictive relationship, including all data and statistical analyses, should be forwarded to the Head of the Fire Department.
(H) Preblast inspection surveys.
(1) Preblast inspection surveys shall be conducted as outlined in 527 CMR 13.09(10) Preblast Inspection Surveys, and by this Subsection.
(2) (a) For blasting operation for which no historical data exists to assist in predicting probable vibration levels, the Head of the Fire Department may order preblast inspection surveys to be conducted to distances that differ from the 250 feet distance required by 527 CMR 13.09. The required distance for preblast inspection surveys is dependent on the size of the blast, as measured in terms of the maximum pounds of explosives detonated per delay. Table 1 provides distances to which preblast inspection surveys shall be required.
(b) Exception: Quarries complying with all of the requirements of division (M) below shall not be required to conduct preblast surveys unless required by 527 CMR.
(3) A map drawn to scale shall be submitted to identify all structures for which preblast surveys were made. This site map shall include all structures located at distances determined from Table 1.
TABLE 1 | ||
Required Radial Distances for Preblast Inspection Surveys | ||
Explosives, W pounds over | Explosives, W pounds not over | Distance to nearest blasthole, feet |
TABLE 1 | ||
Required Radial Distances for Preblast Inspection Surveys | ||
Explosives, W pounds over | Explosives, W pounds not over | Distance to nearest blasthole, feet |
0 | 10 | 250 |
11 | 20 | 325 |
21 | 30 | 400 |
31 | 40 | 475 |
41 | 50 | 550 |
51 | 60 | 625 |
61 | 70 | 700 |
71 | 80 | 775 |
81 | 90 | 850 |
91 | 100 | 925 |
101 or more | 100 * W½ | |
W = maximum pounds of explosives per delay (i.e., detonated within 8 milliseconds) | ||
Note: The distances in Table 1 are derived from 527 CMR Section 13.09 Table 2. The distances in Table 1, The Preblast Survey Table, are increased by approximately 50% over the distances in 527 CMR Section 13.09 Table 2. This increase is needed to take into account that particle velocities may be much higher than anticipated using the scaled distances assumed in 527 CMR Section 13.09 Table 2. Under some geological conditions particle velocities may be higher by a factor of two or more. Under conditions of high confinement, such as the opening holes in a heading or pre-splitting they may be higher by a factor of five or more. These numbers can also be derived approximately by utilizing the statistics published in RI-8507 and developing a model for the ninety-fifth percentile.
(I) Blasting operations.
(1) No loaded drillholes shall be left unattended. Loaded or drillholes that are present after normal working hours shall not be detonated unless and until approval is received from the Head of the Fire Department, or his or her designee, or the Fire Marshal, or his or her designee.
(2) The Fire Department shall be notified by the blaster in charge each day that blasting is done at least two hours before any blasting on site. It is required that the blaster shall also call the Fire Alarm Office immediately before each blast.
(3) (a) Blasting mats shall be used for all blasts except where the Head of the Fire Department deems it impractical.
(b) Exception: Quarries complying with all of the requirements of division (M) below shall not be required to use blasting mats unless required by 527 CMR.
(4) The blast site shall be tested for extraneous, static and electromagnetic currents, especially when electric blasting caps are used near overhead power transmission lines, and within the recommended Tables of Distance from radio transmitters as listed and graphed in Institute of Makers of Explosives, Safety Library Publication No. 20, “Safety Guide for the Prevention of Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in the use of Commercial Electric Blasting Detonators (Blasting Caps)”, December 1988.
(J) Seismograph monitoring of blasts.
(1) All seismographs shall be placed and utilized in accordance with 527 CMR Section 13 and the Seismograph Field Practice Guidelines as listed in Appendix K of ISEE Blasters Handbook 17th Edition.
(2) In all cases, the operator should describe the field conditions and set-up procedures in the permanent record of each blast.
(3) One seismograph shall be placed at the location of the closest residence or above ground structure, not controlled by the project, to the blast. A second seismograph shall be placed at the location that is at the closest house or structure, not controlled by the project, approximately 180 degrees away from the first seismograph, or at another location mutually agreed upon by the blaster and the Head of the Fire Department. Where it is deemed necessary by the Head of the Fire Department, a third seismograph shall be located at a residence or other structure mutually agreed upon by the blaster and the Head of the Fire Department.
(K) Vibration and airblast. Blasts that exceed the maximum allowable limit for peak particle velocity vs, frequency or decibel levels as established by this Subsection or are known to the blaster to have produced flyrock shall immediately be reported to the Head of the Fire Department. In case of exceedance of vibration or airblast limits, the blaster shall, prior to the next blast, forward to the Head of the Fire Department a written statement, signed by the responsible Blaster, as to why the exceedance occurred and what steps will be taken to prevent further exceedance. In the case of flyrock, the blasting permit must be re-applied for and will not be issued without an independent analysis of the blast, which shall include an explanation of the reasons why the flyrock occurred and recommended steps to be taken to prevent further flyrock incidents.
(L) Construction blasting; vibration and airblast.
(1) The blaster shall be required to record the effects of all blasts on a seismograph of the type specified in 527 CMR 13.09(9)(C) 1 and 2.
(2) Blasting logs containing the information listed in 527 CMR 13.09(8) Blasting Log shall be kept for each blast.
(3) The ground vibration limits shall be the limits shown in 527 CMR 13.09(9) Allowable Limits of Effects of Blasting Option 2, Figure (b), Particle Velocity v. Frequency, USBM Recommendation (RI8507, 1980).
(4) The air blast limit shall be 133 dB peak.
(M) Quarry blasting.
(1) Signage, notification and access; blasting signs, warnings and access control. The operator shall:
(a) Conspicuously place a series of durable signs reading “WARNING! BLASTING AREA-DANGER” along the edge of any blasting area that comes within 100 feet of any public right-of-way and at the point where any other road provides access to the blasting area;
(b) At all entrances to the permit area from public roads or highways, place conspicuous signs that state “WARNING! EXPLOSIVES IN USE” which clearly list and describe the meaning of the audible blast warning and the all-clear signals that are in place, and which the marking of blasting areas and charge holes waiting for firing within the permit area;
(c) Warning and all-clear signals of different character or pattern shall be sounded prior to and following each blast. Warning sirens or horns shall be deployed at the perimeter of the quarry and directed toward abutting inhabited structures. These devices shall produce a sound level in the range of 115 to 125 dB at the source. Prior to the start of each blasting season, all residences and businesses, identified in the blast analysis, shall be notified by means of legal notice in local newspapers or other equivalent means of public notice. Notification shall report the approximate date that blasting will commence for the upcoming season, the expected number of blasts per day and per week during the season, and clear explanations of the meaning of all warning and all-clear signals; and
(d) Access within the blasting area shall be controlled to prevent the presence of unauthorized persons during blasting. No person shall enter the blasting area until an authorized representative has reasonably determined that no unusual hazards, such as imminent slides or undetonated charges exist, and access to and travel within the blasting area can be safely resumed.
(2) Safe vibration limits.
(a) The ground vibration limits shall be the limits shown in 527 CMR 13.09(9) Allowable Limits of Effects of Blasting Option 2, Figure (b), Particle Velocity v. Frequency, USBM Recommendation (RI8507, 1980), except that the maximum peak particle velocity for all frequencies greater than 20 Hz shall be 1.0 inches/second Allowable vibration limits for quarry blasting are shown on Figure 1 and are listed in Table 2.
TABLE 2 | |
Vibration Limits for Quarries | |
Vibration Limit | Particle Velocity (in/sec) |
TABLE 2 | |
Vibration Limits for Quarries | |
Vibration Limit | Particle Velocity (in/sec) |
1.0 | 0.19 |
2.0 | 0.38 |
2.65 to 9.95 | 0.50 |
10 | 0.50 |
12 | 0.60 |
14 | 0.70 |
16 | 0.80 |
18 | 0.90 |
19.9 | 1.0 |
20 to 100 | 1.0 |
(b) Where sufficient blast data is available to prepare square root scaled distance plots, compliance with vibration limits shall be achieved by submittal of blast designs that predict 90% of the permitted vibration level with a 95% degree of confidence. For the case that 95% of the vibrations have frequencies greater than or equal to 20 Hz, the target vibration for blast design shall be 0.90 x 1.0 inches/second, or 0.90 inches/second. For the case that 95% of the vibrations are greater than or equal to 10 Hz, the target vibration with a 95 % degree of confidence shall be 0.90 x 9.75 inches/second, or approximately 0.70 inches/second. For the case that 5% or more of the vibrations are less than 10 Hz, the target vibration for blast design shall be 0.90 x 0.5 inches/second, or 0.45 inches/second.
(c) Existing quarries shall analyze vibration data acquired during the previous blasting year for the purpose of designing blasts to comply with these vibration limits.
(d) New quarries, or quarries for which historical data is lacking, shall conduct a series of test blasts to establish vibration and noise propagation trends sufficient to predict vibrations at the 95% confidence level for proposed production blasts. Details of the test blasting procedures shall be submitted to the Head of the Fire Department for review and approval.
(3) Blast analysis. The area for the blast analysis for quarries will include the area completely included within the line at which peak particle velocity exceeded 0.25 ips, during the previous three years. These distances shall be determined in the blast analysis using published or site-specific predictive equations. For the case that peak vibration and airblast observations significantly differ from predictions of published models, the blast analysis shall be performed using site-specific data and predictive models. Development and planned usage of site-specific predictive models for ground vibration and airblast propagation shall be documented in reports submitted to the Head of the Fire Department.
(4) Seismograph monitoring. One seismograph shall be placed at the location of the closest inhabited building or structure, not controlled by the quarry, to the blast. A second seismograph shall be placed at the closest residence behind the open face of the blast. The third seismograph shall be placed at a location mutually agreed upon by the quarry and the Head of the Fire Department.
(5) Independent consultation.
(a) Quarries shall retain the services of a consultant who shall, on an annual basis, review the seismographic reports from the proceeding year and make recommendations designed to minimize the impact from vibrations on the surrounding neighborhood, for the upcoming year based on the location in which the quarry intends to blast. Prior to each blasting season, representatives from the quarry together with representatives from the licensed blaster hired by the quarry and the consultant shall meet with the Head of the Fire Department, or his or her designee, to review the quarry’s plans for blasting for the upcoming season.
(b) The consultant’s annual reports should include analyses of all items that mitigate the effects of noise and vibration (“N/V”) transmitted into the neighborhoods surrounding the quarry. These reports need to be comprehensive and cumulative so that any new blasting contractor will have readily accessible the entire year-by-year history (i.e., past five years) of implementations of blast designs and the success or failure of such designs to maintain N/V amplitudes at levels acceptable to the Head of the Fire Department.
(c) At a minimum, the shot variables to be considered are:
1. Maximum charge weight detonating at one time;
2. True distance (distance the waves must travel);
3. Geological conditions;
4. Confinement;
5. Physical properties of the rock;
6. Coupling;
7. Spacial distribution;
8. Detonator timing scatter;
9. Time of energy release; and
10. Type of explosive.
(N) Severability.
(1) Partial validity. In the event any part or provision of this Subsection is held to be illegal or void, this shall not have the effect of making void or illegal any of the other parts or provisions thereof, which are determined to be legal; and it shall be presumed that this Subsection would have been passed without such illegal or invalid parts or provisions.
(2) Segregation of invalid provisions. Any invalid part of this Subsection shall be segregated from the remainder of this Subsection by the court holding such part invalid, and the remainder shall remain in effect.
(CBC 1985 11-5.2; Ord. 2000 c. 6)