The Collector-Treasurer shall, on or before the tenth of each month, render to the Mayor a statement of the receipts and payments of the Treasury Department for the preceding month and a summary of the like items for the current financial year up to the close of the preceding month.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 s. 25 § 8; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 157; CBC 1985 6-3.9)
The Collector-Treasurer may make payments to school teachers, school building custodians, Police Officers, witnesses, jurors and persons employed in and about the various Departments and institutions of the city and of the county, in such of the public buildings in the different Sections of the city, or upon such public works, as he or she may designate, and as will best facilitate such payments and prevent the loss of time by the persons receiving them.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 25 § 9; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 158; CBC 1985 6-3.10)
(A) The Collector-Treasurer, unless the donors have otherwise directed, shall receive all properties given, devised or bequeathed to, or deposited with, the city for any specific purpose, and shall use the same, or the income thereof, as designated in the gift, devise, bequest or deposit. If the income only is to be used, he or she shall hold the properties as permanent funds. He or she shall invest and keep invested the said permanent funds in conformity with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 54 notwithstanding the last sentence thereof. For the purpose of investment and reinvestment he or she shall have power, from time to time, in his or her discretion to sell or exchange any of the securities of which any of the said permanent funds consist; but all purchases, exchanges and sales shall be with the written approval of the Mayor.
(B) To facilitate the investment management of trust funds for which the Collector-Treasurer is custodian, the Collector-Treasurer may cause any security which is an asset of a trust fund for which the Collector-Treasurer is custodian, unless otherwise provided by the specific terms of an individual trust instrument, to be registered and held in the name of a partnership or a corporate nominee named by him or her. The Collector-Treasurer may do or cause to be done all acts necessary to the creation of such nominee registrations.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 25 § 10; Ord. 1972 c. 3; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 159; Ord. 1976 c. 16; CBC 1985 6-3.11)
M.G.L. Chapter 44, Sections 53A, 54; St. 3 § 1
The Collector-Treasurer shall use the income of the Police Charitable Fund for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances who shall be found by the Police Commissioner to have been honorably discharged from the Police Force by reason of sickness, age or other disability, or to be the widows or orphans of Police Officers who have died while in the service of the city; and may monthly pay to such persons the amount of such income determined and allowed by the Police Commissioner, with the approval of the Mayor, on a monthly payroll sent to the City Auditor.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 25 § 11; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 160; CBC 1985 6-3.12)
Ord. ss 6-1.3
The provisions contained in this Section are adopted pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 60, Section 62A, which allows municipalities by ordinance to authorize payment agreements between the Treasurer and persons entitled to redeem parcels in tax title.
(CBC 1985 6-3.13(a); Ord. 2018 c. 10 § 1)
The provisions contained in Subsections 6-3.13(a) through 6-3.13(g) are to foster the collection of unpaid taxes and promote residential stability. The city determines that such a program will reduce uncertainty for elderly, low-income taxpayers vulnerable to tax foreclosure and will help those taxpayers defined herein as eligible meet their tax obligations while avoiding the legal expense and time delay of taking the property in a Land Court proceeding.
(CBC 1985 6-3.13(b); Ord. 2018 c. 10 § 1)