(A) There shall be in the city a Division of the Traffic and Parking Department known as the Office of the Parking Clerk, under the control and direction of an official known as the Parking Clerk, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Boston City Council under the provisions of the charter and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 90, Section 20A½.
(B) The Parking Clerk shall supervise and coordinate the processing of parking notices in the city. The Parking Clerk shall have the authority to hire or designate such personnel as may be necessary or contract by competitive bid including, but not limited to, advertising in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for at least two consecutive weeks, the use of detailed, written publicly available selection criteria by the Parking Clerk, in conformance with any and all special and general laws dealing with open competitive bidding for such services, subject to appropriation, to implement the provisions of this Section and M.G.L. Chapter 90, Sections 10A½, 20C and 20E.
(C) Positions in the Office of the Parking Clerk shall be filled until June 30, 1983, by granting preference to persons who had been employees of the Police, Fire or Traffic and Parking Departments of the city after July 1, 1981, and all positions shall be subject to M.G.L. Chapter 31.
(D) The amount expended for personnel of the Office of the Parking Clerk shall not exceed 5% of the total receipts collected during the previous fiscal year.
(CBC 1985 6-6.1; Ord. 1982 c. 14)
Editor’s note:
The powers and duties of the Traffic and Parking Commission, the Traffic and Parking Commissioner and the Traffic and Parking Department were assumed by the Transportation Commission, the Transportation Commissioner and the Transportation Department respectively under the provisions of s. 20 of Ch. 608 of the Acts of 1986.