6-1.3   Examination and Approval of Payrolls; Payment of Persons Leaving Service.
   The Auditor shall, within 48 hours after the close of the period covered by any payroll, and after examination thereof, if found correct, approve the same, and shall deliver to the Collector-Treasurer a draft to pay the amount so approved; shall at any time, on receiving a proper certificate from the Officer or Board in charge of a Department, deliver to the Collector-Treasurer a check or other order to pay the amount due any person in that Department leaving the service of the city.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 3; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 3; CBC 1985 6-1.3)
   Ord. ss 5-5.27, 5-5.28, 5-5.29; Ord. ss 6-3.8, ss 6-3.12
6-1.4   Examination of Bills and Demands.
   (A)   The Auditor shall examine every bill and demand rendered against the city or the county and shall ascertain whether the following facts exist.
      (1)   Such bill or demand has been incurred by some person duly authorized.
      (2)   Funds appropriated for the purpose are on hand in sufficient amount for the payment of such bill or demand.
      (3)   The clerical computations involved in such bill or demand are correct.
      (4)   The certificate prescribed by Subsection 5-5.27 has been furnished.
   (B)   If the Auditor finds that all of said facts exist, he or she shall make an appropriate notation on the bill or demand and forthwith forward the same to the Collector-Treasurer for payment, and, as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, shall draw a draft upon the Collector-Treasurer for the payment of such bill or demand. If the Auditor finds that any of such facts does not exist, he or she shall return the bill or demand with his or her objections to the person submitting the same.
(Ord. 1949 c. 9 § 2; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 4; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 4; CBC 1985 6-1.4)
   Ord. ss 5-5.27; Ord. ss 6-3.5, ss 6-3.8; Ord. ss 6-3.1; Ord, ss 11-6.37
6-1.5   Check or Order for Payment.
   The Auditor shall, when requested in writing by any Officer in charge of a Department, if he or she deems it proper so to do, audit accounts and issue drafts for the payment thereof whenever necessary.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 5; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 5; CBC 1985 6-1.5)
6-1.6   Departmental Charges.
   The Auditor, at the close of each month, shall charge as an expenditure of a Department the transaction, act or neglect of which caused a claim or suit, the amount paid in settlement, or on execution, therefor, unless provision is made for such payment out of some other appropriation; shall charge the amount of every bill allowed by him or her for printing or binding furnished any Department by the Purchasing Agent during such month, except city documents, to the appropriation for the Department to which the same was furnished, and shall credit such amount to the general revenue of the city; and shall charge to the appropriation for each Division of the Public Works Department, or to the appropriation for any special work, the amount of all bills for materials, tools or machinery furnished for such Division, or for such work, by other divisions of said Department, and shall credit such amount to the general revenue of the city, unless such materials, tools or machinery have been furnished by the water service, in which case the amount charged shall be credited to the water income.
(Ord. 1953 c. 8 § 11; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 6; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 6; CBC 1985 6-1.6)
   Ord. ss 5-5.26, ss 5-5.33; Ord. ss 11-6.29
6-1.7   Monthly Report to Mayor and City Council.
   The Auditor shall, immediately after the first day of every month, make to the Mayor and, prior to its fourth regular meeting of every month, to the City Council, a report showing the amounts of the several appropriations, the amounts of all drafts on account of each appropriation made during the month preceding, the amounts of such drafts made since the beginning of the financial year and the balance of such appropriation remaining subject to draft.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 7; Ord. 1972 c. 11 § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 7; CBC 1985 6-1.7)
   Ord. ss 2-7.3; Ord. ss 5-5.31
6-1.8   Annual Report.
   The Auditor shall include in his or her annual report a statement of all the receipts and expenditures of the city for the past financial year, giving in detail the amount of each regular and special appropriation and the expenditures therefrom; the receipts from each source of income; the reduction, if any, of the city debt; and the change, if any, in the sinking funds, which statement shall be, arranged so far as practicable to conform to the accounts of the Collector-Treasurer.
(Ord. 1954 c. 2 § 19; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 8; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 8; CBC 1985 6-1.8)
   Ord. ss 5-5.33; Ord. ss 6-3.5