Public utilities or licensed companies maintaining within the city pipelines, conduits, wires or any other system for transmission of natural gas, fuels, water, sewerage, electricity, acids or dangerous substances shall provide control measures to isolate districts or neighborhoods in event of emergency threatening to spread to other districts.
(Ord. 1983 c. 36 § 1; CBC 1985 17-12.1) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
Gas transmission pipeline systems operating in the city shall, on or before June 30, 1984, in addition to any other control or regulator devices, be equipped with a safety relief discharge mechanism for immediate relief of gas pressures exceeding prescribed tolerances in a district, neighborhood or community.
(Ord. 1983 c. 36 § 2; CBC 1985 17-12.2) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission shall survey by means of recognized testing devices all major water lines and sewer lines for evidence of leakage at least semi-annually. The Commission shall also utilize available computerization systems for constant monitoring of pipeline flows.
(Ord. 1983 c. 36 § 3; CBC 1985 17-12.3) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1