A.   Special use permits issued under the terms of this chapter shall be valid for a period specified in the permit, and in the discretion of the Board, may include site preparation and cleanup or restoration after the event concludes, the use is discontinued or the structure is removed. On petition by the permittee, the Board may allow one extension of time for the completion of the terms of the special use permit. Special use permits shall be deemed to run with the land to which they are attached, and the terms of these permits shall not be modified, abrogated or abridged by a change in ownership of the lands, or other private contracts or agreements. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
   B.   A special use permit shall be issued for a single event, use or structure, or a combination, for a specific period and shall not be renewable for annual or repeated events, uses or structures, with the following exceptions:
      1.   Fun runs, cycling events, triathlons, or other similar recreational and community events may be renewable provided:
         a.   The repeat event is located on the same site.
         b.   The applicant has been issued a special use permit or renewal within the previous two (2) years.
         c.   There have been no violations of previous permits.
         d.   The applicant submits a renewal application and pays the fee set forth by the official fee schedule.
         e.   The number of renewals for a repeat event shall not exceed five (5).
         f.   The number of attendees or expected attendees does not exceed the original permitted number.
      2.   The Planning Director is authorized to issue the renewal and apply the conditions of the original permit and other conditions reasonably related to the conditions of section 12-246 of this subchapter. (Ord. 539, 8-20-2014)