A.   A conditional use permit may be granted for a conceptual land use plan for a "large scale" PUD, subject to submission of preliminary development plans as provided in this title. The Zoning Commission shall consider the conceptual land use plan and shall make its recommendation to the Board, which shall conduct its own hearing on the plan. If phasing is proposed, a phasing schedule shall be provided with the application. Subdivisions may be considered concurrently with the conceptual land use plan or separately after approval of the conceptual land use plan, pursuant to the provisions of subchapter 6.4 of this title.
   B.   Development plans submitted as part of an approved "large scale" PUD shall be in substantial compliance with the approved conceptual land use plan. Any significant change affecting the original approval of the plan shall require a public hearing. A change in density or a more intensive use of the same area constitutes a significant change. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008; amd. Ord. 661, 3-18-2022)