The provisions of this subchapter are applicable to all uses, events and structures of a temporary nature that would otherwise be prohibited under the terms of the zoning, subdivision and other land use regulations, adopted and in force in Bonner County, Idaho, except that the provisions of this subchapter do not apply to:
   A.   Any event at which fewer than four hundred (400) persons are in attendance or are expected to attend at a single location.
   B.   Uses of land, events and structures which are a part of, or customarily accessory to, a permitted use or conditional use.
   C.   Events and temporary uses which occur entirely within an existing structure.
   D.   Structures which are of a temporary nature and associated with the construction of a permitted use or conditional use. (See also section 12-420 of this title for temporary structures.)
   E.   Uses, events and structures located entirely on lands owned or controlled by the United States or the State of Idaho. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)