   1.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-04 is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of present and future residents by ensuring that the Subdivision of Land results in:
      A.   Patterns of lots, blocks, streets, open space, and sites for public facilities that are consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan;
      B.   New developable lots having thorough and efficient networks of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular access and networks of utilities that are efficient and cost-effective to maintain;
      C.   Systems of open space and stormwater drainage, and other natural areas that connect with and complement similar areas on adjacent lots where possible;
      D.   Improved energy efficiency;
      E.   Avoidance of development on lands such as water bodies, floodways, landslides and fault zones, steep slopes, unstable soils, and wildlife and habitat areas; and
      F.   Prevention of noise-sensitive land uses or other uses that would conflict with operations of the airport.
   2.   Applicability:
      A.   General: This Section 11-04-04 applies to all land divisions within the City, unless another provision of this Code, including but not limited to Section 11-05-05 .4.F, Subdivision Plat - Preliminary provides a different standard or requirement.
      B.   Exception for Five-Acre Parcel Division: Approval of a Subdivision of Land pursuant to Subsection 4. below are not required for the division of land into parcels of five acres or more meeting the following standards:
         (1)   The land is not zoned for or intended to be used for residential development purposes;
         (2)   The dedication of public streets or construction of private streets is not required other than dedications for the widening of existing streets; and
         (3)   The parcels front onto a street and meet the dimensional standards of the zoning district within which they are located unless a modification or waiver of those standards is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   3.   Records of Survey: The following changes of parcel boundaries shall require the review and approval of a Record of Survey prepared in accord with Idaho Code, 55-19, to establish that resulting parcels are conforming, buildable parcels.
      A.   Property Line Adjustment:
         (1)   Conforming Lots of Record: The following standards apply to all Property Line Adjustments involving conforming lots of record that do not qualify as Residential Small Lots pursuant to Section 11-04-03.4, Residential Small Lots.
            (a)   The boundaries of a parcel within a Residential zoning district or that contains a residential use may be adjusted through the Property Line Adjustment process twice. Any additional boundary adjustments shall require a Subdivision.
            (b)    The total number of buildable parcels shall not be greater than the number of buildable parcels and/or lots existing prior to the Record of Survey. When Property Line Adjustments occur between section land and subdivided lots, no lot shall increase in area by more than 20 percent.
            (c)   The resulting parcels shall meet the minimum requirements for area, frontage, and width for the existing zoning district.
            (d)   All existing buildings, driveways, and parking areas shall meet the setback requirements of the existing zoning district as measured from any parcel boundary being created by this process. Any setback that is legally nonconforming may remain as a legal nonconforming setback, provided the legal nonconforming setback is not altered by the Property Line Adjustment. If any building not meeting the required setback is to be partially or completely demolished, the demolition shall be completed prior to the approval of the Property Line Adjustment.
            (e)   If existing residential buildings are to remain, the parcel containing such building(s) shall comply with the parking requirements in this Code. If any off-site parking is permitted by this Code, the amount of permitted off-site parking and the Section of this Code authorizing the off-site parking shall be documented on the Record of Survey.
            (f)   If the Property Line Adjustment results in the creation of a new buildable parcel that abuts a public right-of-way (without increasing the total number of buildable parcels on the site), a detached sidewalk that complies with all applicable standards on this Code, including but not limited to those standards in Section 11-04-07 Access and Connectivity and Section 11-04-09.4 Street Frontage Landscaping, shall be provided.
            (g)   All parcels that abut an alley shall be required to take parking access from the alley.
            (h)   If the original parcel abuts an alley, each lot created by the Property Line Adjustment shall abut that alley.
            (i)   If the lot(s) has driveway access from the street rather than the alley, the area between the edge of the street pavement and the property line shall not be paved to a width any wider than the existing driveway. The applicant shall obtain a license agreement from the Ada County Highway District prior to landscaping and/or paving in the public right-of-way.
            (j)   When utilities cross land being divided, a utility easement to each proposed lot shall be provided and indicated on the Record of Survey. If an easement is located in a proposed area for a permanent structure to be construction, the easement shall be vacated prior to the approval of the Record of Survey.
         (2)   Residential Small Lots:
            (a)   If a Property Line Adjustment involves one or more Residential Small Lots, it shall not result in more buildable parcels than the total number of original substandard lots of record or the maximum number of Residential Small Lots permitted by Section 11-04-03.4, Residential Small Lots.
Figure 4.5. Substandard Original Lot of Record
            (b)   A Property Line Adjustment that includes a partial lot requires documentation that the split of the lot was recorded prior to October 30, 1965. If the partial lot was created by recorded deed prior to October 30, 1965, and does not qualify as a buildable parcel, it shall be combined with an original lot to count as one buildable parcel.
            (c)   Adjusted side property lines shall be perpendicular to the public street. Exceptions can be made for lots where the original side lot line/property lines were not perpendicular to the street, such as pie shaped lots (See Figure 4.6).
Figure 4.6. Property Line Adjustment Not Allowed
            (d)     A Property Line Adjustment shall not result in buildable parcels that decrease the area, frontage, or width below the minimum allowed in the applicable zoning districts.
            (e)   All parcels that abut an alley shall be required to take parking access from the alley.
            (f)   If the original parcel abuts an alley, each new lot created by the Property Line Adjustment shall abut that alley.
            (g)    All existing buildings, driveways, and parking areas shall meet the setback requirements of the existing zoning district as measured from any parcel boundary being created by this process. Any setback that is legally nonconforming may remain as a legal nonconforming setback, provided the legal nonconforming setback is not altered by the Property Line Adjustment. If any building not meeting the required setback is to be partially or completely demolished, the demolition shall be completed prior to the Planning Director's approval of the Record of Survey.
            (h)   If existing primary buildings are to remain, the parcel containing such building(s) shall comply with the parking requirements in this Code. If any off-site parking is permitted by this Code, the amount of permitted off-site parking and the Section of this Code authorizing the off-site parking shall be documented on the Record of Survey.
            (i)   If the Property Line Adjustment results in the creation of a new buildable parcel that abuts a public right-of-way (without increasing the total number of buildable parcels on the site), a detached sidewalk that complies with all applicable standards on this Code, including but not limited to those standards in Section 11-04-07 Access and Connectivity and Section 11-04-09 .4 Street Frontage Landscaping, shall be provided.
            (j)   If the lot(s) has driveway access from the street rather than the alley, the area between the edge of the street pavement and the property line shall be paved to align with the driveway. The applicant shall obtain a license agreement from the Ada County Highway District prior to landscaping and/or paving in the public right-of-way.
            (k)   When utilities cross property lines being relocated, a utility easement to each proposed lot shall be provided and indicated on the Record of Survey. If an easement is located in a proposed area for a permanent structure to be construction, the easement shall be vacated prior to the approval of the Record of Survey.
            (l)   The boundaries of a parcel within a Residential zoning district or containing a residential use may be adjusted through the Property Line Adjustment process twice. Any additional boundary adjustments shall require a Subdivision Plat or a Record of Survey for a Minor Land Division.
            (m)   A Property Line Adjustment shall only occur between an original corner lot and an original interior lot if the original corner lot is a minimum of 35 feet or more in width, or the minimum width for a corner lot permitted by Section 11-04-03.4 Residential Small Lots, whichever is smaller, unless three or more lots are combined resulting in a reduction in density. Adjusted corner lots shall comply with the following standards:
Figure 4.7. Property Line Adjustments Not Allowed
               i.    If a lot at the corner of two streets is proposed to be adjusted, the resulting corner lot shall be at least the same square footage as the original corner lot
Figure 4.8. Adjustments Demonstrated
               ii.   If an existing dwelling is located on a corner lot, a 15 foot rear setback shall be provided from the existing dwelling to the new rear property line, regardless of the orientation or street address of the existing dwelling.
            (n)   If the lot(s) contains an existing dwelling, a minimum of 200 square feet of open space as required in Section 11-04-03.4, Residential Small Lots, located outside of the setbacks for each existing dwelling shall be designated as such on the Record of Survey.
         (3)   Parcel Consolidation:
            (a)   A Record of Survey is required to allow the consolidation of two or more existing contiguous parcels, with at least one parcel deemed as buildable, into one buildable parcel.
            (b)   If an easement is located in a proposed area for a permanent structure to be construction, the easement shall be vacated prior to the approval of the Record of Survey.
      B.    Minor Land Division: The purpose of the Minor Land Division is to incentivize the development of affordable housing by allowing projects that comply with the affordability incentives in Sections 11-04-03.7.D(1)(a), 11-04-03.7.D(2)(b), or 11-04-03.7.D(3)(b) to create up to four buildable parcels without being subject to the procedures for review and approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat.
         (1)    Standards: In addition to complying with the affordability incentives in Sections 11-04-03.7.D(1)(a), 11-04-03.7.D(2)(b), or 11-04-03.7.D(3)(b), the Minor Land Division must meet the following conditions:
            (a)   No Minor Land Division shall create more than four new parcels.
            (b)   No property involved in a Minor Land Division shall be involved in a subsequent Minor Land Division for a period of one year from the recording date of the previous Record of Survey for a Minor Land Division.
            (c)   No new street dedication, excluding widening of an existing street, is involved;
            (d)   No new public utility lines shall be extended within the public right-of-way to property involved in a Minor Land Division.
            (e)   Wet line sewer and central water lines shall be currently located in the public right-of-way that abuts the parcel to be divided.
            (f)   All resulting parcels shall conform to the minimum requirements of all existing land use regulations including the adopted Code.
            (g)   All existing buildings that are to remain on the lots following the Minor Land Division shall meet applicable zoning requirements regarding allowed uses and parking and shall comply with the setback requirements of the existing zoning district as measured from any parcel boundary being created by the Minor Land Division process.
            (h)   Any setback that was legally nonconforming prior to the Minor Land Division may remain as a legal nonconforming setback, provided the legal nonconforming setback is not altered by the Minor Land Division.
            (i)   Any building not meeting the required setback that is to be partially or completely demolished or moved shall be either demolished or moved prior to the approval of the Minor Land Division.
            (j)   Any existing structures shall connect to public water and sewer lines prior to approval of the Minor Land Division.
            (k)   If required parking is provided by means of a permanent shared-parking agreement, a note on the face of the survey shall list the total required and provided parking for all parcels to which the shared parking provisions of the shared-parking agreement applies.
            (l)   When utilities cross land being divided, a utility easement shall be provided and indicated on the Record of Survey. If an easement is located in a proposed permanent structure construction area, the easement shall be vacated prior to the Planning Director's approval of the Minor Land Division; and
            (m)   All new parcels that abut the public right-of-way shall be improved with a sidewalk that complies with all applicable standards of this Code, including but not limited to those standards in Section 11-04-07, Access and Connectivity and Section 11-04-09.4, Street Frontage Landscaping. A curb and gutter and paved driveway apron that extends to the edge of street pavement shall also be required where applicable. All public right-of-way improvements, license agreements, and/or bonding shall be completed prior to the Planning Director's approval of the Minor Land Division.
            (n)   If the Boise Pathways Plan shows a pathway along or across any portion of any of the parcels to be created by the Minor Land Division, the required easement shall be dedicated to the public and indicated on the Record of Survey.
            (o)   All existing trees on site shall be protected during construction and trees planned for removal shall be mitigated in compliance with Section 11-04-09.8, Tree Preservation.
         (2)   Exceptions: Notwithstanding Subsection (1) above, if any of the following conditions are present, an application for Subdivision of Land shall be required pursuant to Section 11-04-04.4:
            (a)   The possibility for public or private streets that would provide greater connectivity to the area;
            (b)   Creating lots that will have incompatible setbacks to surrounding parcels (i.e. side yards adjacent to rear yards);
            (c)   The creation of multiple driveway access points on a collector or arterial roadway when a public or private street could avoid the situation;
            (d)   Creating a larger remnant parcel that could otherwise be included in an overall subdivision; and
            (e)   New property lines configured in a way that could create future setback or access issues.
   4.   Subdivision of Land:
      A.   Applicability: All divisions of land into parcels of one or more lots or tracts for development shall be required to complete the Subdivision of Land process, except:
         (1)   Divisions of land that are exempt from the Record of Survey and Subdivision of Land process pursuant to Section 11-04-04.2.B; or
         (2)   Divisions of land that are eligible to obtain a Record of Survey pursuant to Section 11-04-04.3.
      B.   General: No Building Permit for the construction of any new structure upon property within a proposed Subdivision of Land shall be issued until the Subdivision Plat has been recorded.
      C.   Design Standards: All Subdivisions of Land shall comply with the following standards unless Section 11-05-05.4.F, Subdivision Plat - Preliminary or another provision of this Code provide a different standard or requirement.
         (1)   Sensitive Lands: All Subdivisions of Land shall comply with the standards in Section 11-04-05, Sensitive Lands applicable during the subdivision process.
         (2)   Access and Connectivity:
            (a)   All Subdivisions of Land shall comply with the standards in Section 11-04-07.4, Access and Connectivity applicable during the subdivision process, including standards related to block layouts, maximum block dimensions, street and mobility networks, and perimeter access points.
            (b)   Partial street dedications shall not be permitted unless the street forms the boundary of the property being subdivided, the adjacent property is not under common ownership, and the street is anticipated to be a through street upon development of adjacent properties. All partial street dedications shall require construction of partial street Sections that meet Ada County Highway District (ACHD) standards.
         (3)   Common Drives: Common driveways shall only be permitted in unique circumstances where the configuration benefits the design of the development, reduces the number of public street access points, can accommodate the collection of all applicable types of solid waste in an organized and efficient manner, and does not impede pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular travel within the public right-of-way. Common driveways may serve Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached, and Duplex Dwellings and shall:
            (a)   Provide safe and effective movement of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle travel;
            (b)   Provide continuous, safe, and efficient pedestrian and bicycle facilities;
            (c)   Not adversely affect access to adjacent properties or the public transportation network;
            (d)   Not interfere or decrease public access to adjacent property or places of public interest;
            (e)   Not connect one public street to another, unless specifically approved by the Planning Director;
            (f)   Not interrupt the continuity of public streets or the public street network;
            (g)   Be located within a common lot owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. A perpetual recorded ingress/egress access easement and an agreement for maintenance for the common driveway, sidewalks, and any required landscaping shall be recorded prior to issuance of Building Permits.
            (h)   Accommodate all driveway storm water runoff within a facility located in the common lot; and
            (i)   Comply with the ACHD ISPWC (Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction) structural standards for streets, as shown on design and construction documents prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer.
         (4)   Design:
            (a)   Common driveways shall comply with the following standards:
            (b)   Access may be allowed to no more than six lots.
            (c)   The minimum pavement width, including required ribbon-curbing along each side, shall be 24 feet. The maximum length shall be 150 feet.
            (d)   "No parking" signs shall be placed on the common driveway. Required off-street parking shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the common driveway.
            (e)   Shall terminate in an appropriate turnaround as approved by the Fire Department.
            (f)   Lots that abut a common driveway shall take access from the common driveway and not the public right-of-way.
            (g)   All utility easements shall be within the common lot of the common driveway.
         (5)   Block Numbering: Block numbers shall be designated as required by Idaho Code.
         (6)   Lot Layout:
            (a)   Dimensions: All lot areas, dimensions, and minimum street frontages shall comply with the standards in Section 11-04-03, Lot and Building Forms and Dimensions for the zoning district in which the lot is located, unless otherwise provided in this Code.
            (b)   Double Frontage Lots: Double frontage lots are prohibited except where it is shown that unusual topography or other conditions make it impossible to meet this requirement. Lots with double frontage shall be limited to one street access on one frontage by a plat note.
            (c)   Landlocked Parcels: All parcels that do not have the required frontage or access shall be labeled "non-buildable" on the plat. Each such non-buildable parcel shall be required to have a pedestrian ingress and egress easement unless adequate street frontage exists for a pedestrian pathway.
            (d)   Building Envelopes: To address unique site conditions or constraints, the Planning Director may require that the plat indicate a building envelope within which primary structures may be constructed.
      D.   Utility and Pathway Easements:
         (1)   Easements shall be provided as required by the utilities, and other public services.
         (2)   City Council may require applicants to reserve permanent public use easements for public access pathways, or for future improvement and maintenance by the City or landowner or association. Any easement required under this Section may be used in conjunction with or as an alternative to a public pedestrian access requirement under Section 11-04-07.4.I, Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity and Circulation.
         (3)   Residential projects that may be included in a Subdivision of Land at a later date shall place utilities in a street or in easements parallel and next to the street unless the City approves an alternative location.
      E.   Subdivision Buffers Along an Arterial and Collector Street:
         (1)   Front Lot Line/Property lines:
            (a)   Frontage roads separated from a collector or arterial street (as adopted in the current Ada County Highways District Master Street Map) by a landscaped median at least 10 feet wide, are permitted with approval of ACHD. The median shall be planted with trees and shrubs that at maturity will form a solid screen at least six feet high and a continuous tree canopy.
            (b)   The front lot line/property line of a parcel may directly abut a collector or arterial street provided that an ACHD-approved alley is provided at the rear of such lots to provide direct lot access. Direct lot access to the collector or arterial is prohibited.
         (2)   Side and Rear Lot Line/Property Lines:
            (a)   Except as described in Subsection (d) below, a non-buildable lot to contain required landscaped buffer areas shall be provided where single-family residential lots are adjacent to collector or arterial streets. If the creation of a non-buildable lot is impracticable, the Planning Director may authorize the creation of an easement to contain the required landscaping.
            (b)   The buffer shall be located outside of any planned future public right-of-way and outside the side and rear lines of each lot.
            (c)   The width of the buffer along arterial streets shall be a minimum of 30 feet. Along collector streets it shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
            (d)   As an exception to Subsections (a) and (b) above, if the Planning Director determines that the creation of a non-buildable lot is impracticable due to site or terrain conditions or utility locations, the Planning Director may approve the location of the buffer within one or more of the platted lots if:
               i.   In cases where the rear lot line/property line runs along an arterial or collector street, the depth of the lot is a minimum of 130 feet; and
               ii.   In cases where the side lot line/property line runs along an arterial or collector street, the width of the lot is a minimum of 80 feet
Figure 4.9. Buffer Easement within Buildable Lot
   5.   Required Improvements: All Subdivisions of Land shall be required to construct the following improvements and to comply with the requirements concerning those improvements, related land dedications, and other matters described in this Section 11-04-04.5.
      A.   Filing of Plans and Financial Surety:
         (1)   Plans for the required improvements shall be certified by a professional engineer registered in the State of Idaho, unless otherwise specifically approved by the applicable public agency.
         (2)   At or prior to the time of filing certification of the Final Plat, the applicant shall file with the Planning Director a form of financial security to secure the completion of the construction of required improvements not yet completed. All bonds or other guarantees shall be in the amount of 110 percent of the estimated cost of the improvement.
         (3)   The financial surety shall be valid for a period of at least one year in order to cover the expected period of construction. The City may allow an additional six month period for construction if the validity of the financial surety is extended to cover that six month extension and the applicant pays all fees and costs to extend the surety and increases the amount of the surety to cover revised construction costs. Extensions of bond surety and construction time beyond this initial six month extension may be approved by the City Council upon a showing of undue hardship and the payment of all required fees.
         (4)   Improvement(s) installed by the applicant as a condition of platting shall require certification that the construction is in accordance with approved plans.
         (5)   After the completion of required improvements, the applicable public agency shall certify the completion and acceptance of those improvements in writing and shall transmit a copy of the certification to the applicant. Upon receipt of the certification, the City shall authorize release of the financial guarantee upon application.
      B.    Water Lines and Hydrants:
         (1)   In all Subdivisions of Land, the applicant shall provide central water lines and fire hydrants that comply with all applicable City, state, and other governmental regulations, unless an alternative form of water supply has been approved by City Council.
         (2)   Alternate provision for domestic water supply and fire protection may be approved by City Council if Council determines that the proposed alternative meets the standards of the City Fire Code, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the Idaho Department of Health, and subject to any conditions imposed by City Council to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
      C.   Sanitary Sewer: In all Subdivisions of Land, the applicant shall provide sanitary sewers that comply with all applicable city, state, and other governmental and agency provider regulations. Plans and specifications shall be approved by the appropriate sewer entity prior to signing of the Final Plat by the City Engineer.
      D.   Drainage: In all Subdivisions of Land, the applicant shall provide storm drainage facilities that comply with all applicable City, state, and other governmental regulations, including without limitation ACHD design and review requirements related to storm drainage.
         (1)   All natural drainage courses shall be left undisturbed or be improved in a manner that will improve the hydraulics and ease of maintenance of the channel. For purposes of this provision, the term "natural drainage course" shall not be deemed to apply to minor swales and depressions that are located entirely on the applicant's property and that serve a relatively small area where runoff is infrequent.
         (2)   Relocation of natural swales is only permitted if the applicant meets applicable standards and regulations related to drainage hydraulics and ease of maintenance.
         (3)   The City Council may require the reservation of an easement along any stream or important surface drainage course located in a proposed Subdivision of Land for the purpose of widening, deepening, sloping, improving, or protecting the stream or drainage course.
      E.   Irrigation Conveyance:
         (1)   No ditch, pipe, or structure for delivery of irrigation water or for carrying irrigation wastewater shall be obstructed, rerouted, covered, or changed in any way unless it has been approved in writing by the authorized representative of the person(s) owning the water rights delivered or diverted by means of the ditch. The applicant shall be required to provide such written authorization to the City prior to approval of the Final Plat.
         (2)   Any covering or fencing program involving the distribution system of any irrigation district shall have the prior approval of the affected district.
         (3)   In the event the applicant cannot obtain a response for the modifications proposed from the authorized representative of the water entity, approval shall be assumed to be obtained if the following documents are submitted to the Planning Director:
            (a)   Copy of certified letter to the authorized representative along with documentation of receipt of letter. The letter to the authorized representative shall be accompanied by plans and shall request written approval forwarded to the Planning Director within 30 days of receipt.
            (b)   Letter from a registered professional engineer stating that the improvements and/or modifications to the ditch, lateral, canal, or drain will meet the provisions of Titles 31 and 42 of the Idaho Code, relating to requirements of delivery of water to downstream users.
      F.   Street Lighting: All applicants subdividing within the City limits shall be required to install street lights that comply with Public Works specifications and standards.
      G.   Access and Connectivity Improvements:
         (1)   The applicant shall construct those improvements required by Section 11-04-07, Access and Connectivity unless the City has approved in writing an alternative or adjustment of the requirement to construct such improvements.
         (2)   All public right-of-way improvements, license agreements, and/or bonding shall be completed prior to issuance of any Residential Certificate of Occupancy in the development.
      H.   Land Dedications:
         (1)   General:
            (a)   The applicant shall dedicate to the City, or to the entity responsible for providing the services listed in Sections 11-04-04.5.B through 11-04-04.5.G above, the land on which the facilities related to the provision of that service is located, unless the City or service provider entity requests that the applicant retain ownership of the land subject to a lease or other agreement allowing for the provision of the service.
            (b)   The dedication shall be roughly proportional both in nature and extent to the anticipated impacts of the proposed development, as shown through an individualized determination of impacts.
         (2)   Park or School Sites: Whenever the applicant desires or proposes to reserve area for a school or public park, the area shall be shown on the Subdivision Plat, and the applicant shall provide documentation that the proposed site is acceptable to the school district and the City, as applicable. Written acceptance of the dedication of any proposed school site by the appropriate school entity, and written acceptance of any proposed park by the Boise Parks and Recreation Department, shall be received by the City Engineer prior to approval of the Final Plat.
      I.   Landscaping: Required landscaped areas shall be comply with the standards in Section 11-04-09, Landscaping, Fencing, Walls, and Screening.
      J.   Pressure Irrigation:
         (1)   Unless a Variance is obtained pursuant to Section 11-05-05.3.L, a pressurized individual lot irrigation system is required for any residential subdivision.
         (2)   Irrigation system maintenance and operation shall be provided by the irrigation district or canal company, a municipal irrigation district, a Homeowners' Association, or another entity capable of operating and maintaining a pressurized irrigation system.
      K.   Written Assurance:
         (1)   Written assurance that provisions have been made for ownership, operation, and maintenance of the system is required before the plat is signed by the City Engineer. Such assurance shall include a letter from an existing entity capable of owning, operating, and maintaining the system assuming responsibility for such operation and maintenance.
         (2)   If the system is to be owned, operated, and maintained by a Homeowners' Association, the applicant shall create binding covenants, conditions, and restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, providing for control, use, maintenance, and operation of the system.
      L.   Proof of Compliance: Prior to final approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall provide proof of compliance with this Section and with Idaho Code, Section 31-3805(1)(b). (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
   1.   Airport Influence Area Standards: All development within the Airport Influence Overlay district shall comply with the standards in Section 11-02-07.3.D, AI-O Airport Influence Area Overlay.
   2.   Boise River System Standards: All development within the Boise River System Overlay district shall comply with the standards in Section 11-02-07.3.E, BR-O: Boise River System Overlay.
   3.   Flood Hazard Standards: All development within the Flood Protection Overlay district shall comply with the flood hazard standards in Section 11-02-07.3.F, FP-O Flood Protection Overlay.
   4.   Hillside Development Standards: All development within the Hillside Development Overlay district shall comply with the standards in Section 11-02-07.3.G, HS-O: Hillside Development Overlay.
   5.   Wildland Urban Interface Standards: All development within the Wildland Urban Interface Overlay district shall comply with the standards in Section 11-02-07.3.H, WUI-O: Wildland Urban Interface Overlay.
   6.   Foothills Development Standards:
      A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-05.6 is to implement residential subdivision density and design elements of the Comprehensive Plan in the Foothills Planning Area. It is also designed to protect and promote preservation of contiguous areas of Foothills open space that contain important and significant natural and cultural resource values, as identified in the Comprehensive Plan and this Code.
      B.   Applicability:
         (1)   This Section 11-04-05.6 shall apply to all proposed developments in the Foothills Planning Area at the time an Annexation is proposed and/or a Zoning Map Amendment is requested.
         (2)   The standards of this Section 11-04-05.6 also apply to developments within the Hillside Development Overlay as described in Section 11-02-07.3.G, HS-O: Hillside Development Overlay.
      C.   General Requirements:
         (1)   In addition to application materials otherwise required for an annexation or rezoning, applications for development in the Foothills Planning Area shall include materials required for a Hillside and Foothill Areas Development Permit, and where applicable, a Floodplain Permit.
         (2)   Upon annexation the buildable areas shall be zoned as R-1A, and shall be required to comply with the provisions of this Section 11-04-05 .6, unless City Council determines that some buildable areas not including steep slopes or sensitive lands shall be zoned R-1B in return for the zoning of other A-1 for preservation as open space.
         (3)   Developments shall be required to connect to municipal water and sewer services and participate in other municipal service districts as applicable.
      D.   Permitted Development Densities:
         (1)   Additional Dwelling Units Permitted:
            (a)   In return for the preservation of open space, applicants shall be permitted to develop additional dwelling units beyond those permitted in the existing base zoning district(s) pursuant to the formula in Table 11-04.6 .
            (b)   These provisions do not increase the area of the site that may be developed, but increase the number of units that may be developed within the same buildable area. Additional dwelling units may be added to the density base units without the requirement for additional open space preservation.
            (c)   The number of additional dwelling units permitted is based upon the ratio of (i) buildable area to be preserved as open space to (ii) the buildable area to be developed.
            (d)   Additional dwelling units are allowed based on the percentage of built area occupied and open space dedicated as shown in Table 11-04.6 : Density Bonus Formula, provided that the formula is unchanged. If the numbers for the applicant's built area fall in between the numbers provided in the left-hand column, the density bonus will be calculated based on built area shown in the table that is closest to, but higher than, the applicant's built area. For example, if the applicants project has a built area equal to 73 percent of the site area, the density bonus will be based on the factors shown for a project with a built area equal to 75 percent.
            (e)   The density formula may be adjusted to allow density transfers from non-contiguous parcels after a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) ordinance is in effect.
         (2)   Eligible Preserved Open Space:
            (a)   Preserved open space eligible for a density bonus based on Table 11-04.6 : Density Bonus Formula, shall comply with the following requirements:
               i.   The open space shall be classified as priority open space in Subsection (4) below.
               ii.   The open space shall be at least one acre in size and shall have an average width of at least 30 feet.
               iii.   The open space shall not have a slope greater than 25 percent.
            (b)   Public rights-of-way that connect development pockets and provide access to public open space may be included in the density calculation for open space.
            (c)   Roads within a development pocket and other public rights-of way that have dwelling units fronting or siding onto them shall not be included in density calculations for open space.
         (3)   Ineligible Preserved Open Space:
            (a)   The following shall not be considered as preserved open space in the density bonus calculation, except as may be provided in Subsection (4):
               i.   Urban development such as club houses, tennis courts, swimming pools, dirt bike tracks, golf driving ranges, and similar uses that dramatically alter land from its natural state; and
               ii.   Commercial land uses.
            (b)   Park sites internal to a subdivision or development may only be included as eligible open space when they are retained in a primarily natural condition and include a significant opening from the subdivision or development into a larger designated open space outside the subdivision or development.
         (4)   Priority Open Space:
            (a)   Some areas of the Foothills have a combination of characteristics that cause them to be considered worthy of special incentives for preservation, even if they do not meet those size, slope, or dimensional standards to qualify as open space eligible for a density bonus under Subsection (2) above. When these areas are identified on a property and proposed for preservation, the PZC may classify them as priority open space and allow all or a portion of them to qualify for the approval of additional dwelling units.
            (b)   General Eligibility Criteria: Priority open space shall include at least four of the following characteristics to be eligible for a density bonus:
               i.   Wetlands;
               ii.   Riparian areas;
               iii.   Rare plant communities;
               iv.   Critical deer and elk winter range and migration corridors;
               v.   Potential Public Preservation Sites as documented by the HPC;
               vi.   Unique geologic or visual features;
               vii.   Archeological or other historic sites;
               viii.   Designated trails and trailheads in the Ada County Ridge to Rivers Pathway Plan;
               ix.   Other public trails and trailheads as approved by the Parks and Recreation Board;
               x.   Areas adjacent to publicly held open spaces or areas that have been identified for consideration as permanent public open space; or
               xi.   Areas that have been dedicated to or acquired by a public agency through a discounted sale.
            (c)   Additional Criteria for Steeply Sloped or Fragmented Open Space
               i.   Preservation of priority open space in steeply sloped areas or in fragmented pieces shall only be eligible for approval of additional dwelling units if it meets the following criteria, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission after receiving input from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, the Parks and Recreation Board, and other public agencies with expertise in the issue at hand in determining the proper amount to be allowed to be set aside in return for a density bonus.
                  A.   Public access is provided to the priority open space;
                  B.   The open space protects important vegetation, terrain, or scenic views and vistas that could be damaged or destroyed from an allowed use such as mining, logging, grazing, or construction of utilities or infrastructure;
                  C.   The open space links interspersed eligible areas into a more biologically complete and continuous wildlife corridor; or
                  D.   The open space is dedicated to or acquired by a public agency through a discounted sale.
               ii.   Links type golf courses may be permitted in designated preserved open space, provided that the intervening spaces are maintained in a primarily natural condition. Golf courses shall use native plants and natural contours shall be left intact. Parking lots, club houses, driving ranges, maintenance facilities, and similar golf related uses shall not be counted as open space contributory to the density bonus. Designated trails and park sites shall be preserved in or around the golf course.
         (5)   Design Standards:
            (a)   General Standards:
               i.   Residential uses shall be clustered in development pockets rather than scattered throughout the property.
               ii.   Development pockets shall comply with design principles in the Comprehensive Plan concerning clustering, environmental protection, open space conservation, and scenic and aesthetic goals.
               iii.   Gated entrances are prohibited due to the potential for such limited access to restrict or delay emergency response.
               iv.   Designated open space shall be linked to the maximum extent practicable.
               v.   Disturbance of the land shall be minimized, and development shall be avoided in areas that would require excessive grading, cut, and fill.
               vi.   Road and trail access to adjacent properties shall be provided to prevent landlocked parcels or breaks in the trail systems, and to provide the opportunity for future connectivity.
               vii.   Roads and infrastructure shall not cross designated open space, floodways, wetlands, and areas of high wildlife habitat value to the maximum extent practicable.
            (b)   Standards for Trails: Trails that comply with the following design standards shall be provided as part of the subdivision or development.
               i.   The Ada County Ridge-To-Rivers Pathway Plan shall guide trail locations.
               ii.   Public access to trails within and contiguous to the development shall be provided, unless no contiguous or intersecting public trails exist or are proposed, in which case private trails may be established through the open space, provided that the design preserves the natural character and wildlife habitat value.
               iii.   Trail design shall preserve the natural scenic and wildlife habitat values to the maximum extent practicable.
               iv.   Public trails shall be secured through dedication, easement, or other such binding mechanism, and shall be shown on the Subdivision Plat.
            (c)   Standards for Preserved Open Space: Priority open space shall be preserved and managed to comply with the following standards.
               i.   Contiguous areas of open space within the development and adjacent properties shall be preserved by aligning them along common corridors to the extent possible.
               ii.   Indigenous plant species, except for noxious and invasive weeds, shall be maintained undisturbed to the extent possible.
               iii.   Areas of highest wildlife habitat value and migration corridors in designated wildlife habitat identified in the Comprehensive Plan shall be preserved.
               iv.   Unique geologic and historic features defined as heritage sites, and sites designated for historic preservation by city, state, and federal agencies shall be preserved.
               v.   Landslide areas and areas with unstable soils shall not be developed.
               vi.   Fencing shall not encroach into preserved open space.
               vii.   Agricultural or utility uses may be permitted in open spaces, including livestock grazing, community gardens, or irrigation ponds, and only including those buildings, structures, and necessary appurtenances required by those uses, such as dams and irrigation or drainage systems. These use exceptions shall comply with the policies of the Foothills Policy Plan, shall be shown on the site plan, and shall not degrade the value of the permanent open space.
               viii.   Fencing shall not encroach into preserved open space.
            (d)   Grading and Building Disturbance Envelopes:
               i.   Building envelopes may be required to be shown on the final site plan, and if required shall be recorded or referenced in the notes on the Final Plat.
               ii.   Slopes greater than 25 percent shall be shown on the Conditional Use Permit site plan with a disturbance envelope that defines the area outside of which no grading will be allowed.
         (6)   Ownership and Maintenance of Open Space:
            (a)   Open space areas may be owned and maintained:
               i.   By and for the use of the Homeowners' Association of the project of which it is a part;
               ii.   By any neighboring Homeowners' Association with abutting preserved open space;
               iii.   By an organization managing adjacent lands held as permanent open space and jointly maintained under a Development Agreement with the City;
               iv.   By the City, if the open space is dedicated or sold to the City after a recommendation of approval to accept such lands by the Board of Parks and Recreation, Planning and Zoning Commission, or other public agency, or a private land trust for open space uses, as noted in a Development Agreement approved by City Council; or
               v.   Through other open space preservation strategies under sole or joint ownership, such as deed restrictions, or conservation easements, as executed when approved by the City.
            (b)   Where the goals and policies of adopted plans specify the need for public trails or open space, easements for public lands or trails may be required. Trails or open spaces may be held in private ownership subject to an easement, or may be purchased by the City, or dedicated by the landowner(s) to the City.
            (c)   The City will accept no responsibility for the costs of maintenance of open space or recreational facilities unless the Board of Parks and Recreation, PZC, and the City Council specifically approve that responsibility in a written agreement. (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
   1.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-06 is to:
      A.   Provide standards that will help to reinforce existing and desired development patterns and building features intended to implement the Comprehensive Plan;
      B.   Design sites and orient buildings with an emphasis on character and creating a comfortable walking environment;
      C.   Design buildings that respond to the unique context of the site;
      D.   Reduce impacts to wildlife;
      E.   Promote original and distinctive building design; and
      F.   Incorporate sustainable development practices.
   2.   Applicability: The provisions of this Section 11-04-06 shall apply to all Multiple-Family, mixed-use, and nonresidential development listed in Section 11-04-02, Applicability, and as otherwise required in the Citywide and Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines.
   3.   Compliance with Additional Form and Design Standards Required:
      A.   In addition to complying with the standards in this Section 11-04-06:
         (1)   All development shall comply with all other standards related to building and site form and design applicable to the zoning district in which the property is located, as listed in Sections 11-02-02 through 11-02-06; and
         (2)   All new Multiple-Family, mixed-use, and nonresidential development, including but not limited to Parking Garages shall comply with all other standards and mandatory content related to building design in the Citywide and Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, as applicable in the area where the property is located.
         (3)   Residential uses with four or fewer units in a single structure are exempt from these standards.
      B.   In the event of a conflict between two or more standards in this Section 11-04-06, or between the standards in this Section 11-04-06 and applicable standards in the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, the provision requiring the higher level of visual building quality and interest, as determined by the Planning Director, shall apply.
   4.   General Site and Building Design Form Standards:
      A.   Buildings and Parking Placement: In all zoning districts except the R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, A-1 and A-2 zoning districts, each primary building and each parking garage shall be located so that no surface parking lot is located closer to any abutting street than the façade of the building or parking garage fronting that street.
      B.   Building Entrances:
         (1)   At least one pedestrian entry to each primary building shall be visible and directly accessible from at least one of the adjacent streets unless Subsection (3) below requires additional pedestrian entries or Subsection (4) below requires pedestrian entries in different locations.
         (2)   At least one pedestrian entry to each primary building shall be visible and directly accessible from any pathway designated on the Boise Pathways Master Plan that is located on the same lot or on an abutting lot.
         (3)   On each primary building frontage exceeding 100 feet in length that has a nonresidential ground floor use, at least one pedestrian entry to the building shall be visible and directly accessible from the street within each 50 horizontal feet of building length.
Figure 4.10. Building Entrance Requirements
         (4)   In districts with an established pattern of building entrances facing the street, new buildings shall be designed with entrances complying with the established pattern to the maximum extent practicable.
         (5)   Regardless of whether the entry is required by Subsections (1) through (3) above, each outward opening pedestrian entry facing a street shall be designed so that it does not encroach on or interfere with pedestrian passage along any designated sidewalk.
         (6)   Regardless of whether the entry is required by Subsections (1) through (3) above, each pedestrian entry that provides access to a primary building or parking lot, and that faces a street or a surface parking lot, shall incorporate a covered area providing weather protection to those entering or leaving the building. Each covered weather protection feature shall extend at least five horizontal feet outward from the façade of the building or be inset a minimum of five feet into the façade of the building. Weather protection may be accomplished by canopies, arcades, awnings, or other building features. Covered areas shall not drain onto sidewalks.
      C.   Façade Transparency:
         (1)   If the ground floor of the building is located within 10 feet of the sidewalk, at least 40 percent of the ground floor, street-facing façade between four and eight feet above the sidewalk, shall be transparent.
Figure 4.11. Street Frontage Transparency
         (2)   If the ground floor of the building is located between 10 and 20 feet from the sidewalk, at least 25 percent of the ground floor, street-facing façade between four and eight feet above the sidewalk shall be transparent.
         (3)   When the ground floor of the building is occupied by residential uses, at least 15 percent of the street-facing façade (all vertical surfaces generally facing the street) shall be transparent.
         (4)   Window glazing on the bottom two floors on street-facing façades of each primary building that does not provide visibility into residential dwelling units shall achieve a visible transmittance ratio (VT) of at least 0.60.
         (5)   At least 90 percent of the glazing of any building façade shall include features that enable birds to perceive the glass as a solid object using at least one of the following treatments:
            (a)   Non-reflective glass or window film that is opaque or translucent;
            (b)   External screens installed permanently over glass windows;
            (c)   Paned glass with mullions on the exterior of the glass;
            (d)   Glass covered with patterns (e.g., dots, stripes, images, abstract patterns. lettering), etched. fritted, stenciled, silkscreened, applied to the glass on films or decals, or another method of permanently incorporating the patterns into or onto the glass. Elements of the patterns shall be at least one-eighth (1/8) inch tall and separated no more than two inches vertically, at least one-quarter (1/4) inch wide and separated by no more than four inches horizontally; or
            (e)   Other glazing treatments providing an equivalent level of bird safety and approved by the Planning Director.
      D.   Building Façade Articulation: Each street-facing façade of a primary building shall be designed to avoid undifferentiated wall planes by dividing street-facing façade into a series of smaller horizontal and vertical components that comply with the following standards.
         (1)   Each street-facing façade shall incorporate at least three of the following elements within each 50 horizontal feet of the building façade:
            (a)   Use of vertical piers or columns;
            (b)   Change in building material or siding style;
            (c)   Providing vertical building modulation of at least 12 inches in depth;
            (d)   Projections, recessions, or reveals that include but not limited to, columns, pilasters, cornices, and bays, and having a change of wall plane that is a minimum of 12 inches in depth;
            (e)   A change in building material, siding style, or color; and/or
            (f)   Other methods as approved by the Planning Director.
         (2)   In the Industrial zoning districts, each street-facing façade shall follow what is required in the Citywide Design Review Standards and Guidelines.
   5.   Use-Specific Building Form Standards:
      A.   Applicability:
         (1)   All uses listed in Table 11-03.1 : Table of Allowed Uses, as an Allowed Use shall comply with the following Use-Specific Form Standards (the Allowed Forms), as applicable to the zoning district in which the property is located. In the event of a conflict between these standards and applicable standards in Chapter 11-02 , Zoning Districts or in Subsections 3 or 4 above, the standards in this Subsection 5 shall apply.
         (2)   If an application for an allowed use does not comply with one or more of the Allowed Form standards in this Section 11-04-09.5, an Alternative Form for the building or development containing the use may be approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 11-05-05.3.A, Allowed Use with Alternative Form.
         (3)   These standards shall apply to all new construction or site redevelopments that result in the expansion and alteration of the gross floor area of an existing primary building by 50 percent or more.
      B.   Uses Located in the MX-1 District:
         (1)   The use shall be located in a building at least two stories in height; or
         (2)   The use shall be located in a building or development containing at least two different uses listed in Table 11-03.1 : Table of Allowed Uses;
      C.   Uses Located in the MX-3 District:
         (1)   The use shall be located in a building at least four stories in height; and
         (2)   The use shall not provide a greater number of vehicle parking spaces than the minimum required by Section 11-04-08.5 Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Standards, as adjusted pursuant to Section 11-04-08.7, Parking Adjustments.
         (3)   As an alternative to Subsection (2) above, a Multiple-Family Dwelling may meet the requirements of Section 11-04-03.7.D(4) regarding affordable housing and sustainable development and earn the related incentives.
      D.   Uses Located in the MX-4 District:
         (1)   The use shall be located in a building at least four stories in height;
         (2)   The use shall be located in a building or development that does not include a surface Parking Lot;
         (3)   The use shall be located in a building or development that does not include a Parking Garage with a greater number of vehicle parking spaces than the minimum required by Section 11-04-08.5, Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Standards, as adjusted pursuant to Section 11-04-08.7, Parking Adjustments; and
         (4)   The use shall be located in a building where at least 80 percent of the ground floor street frontage is occupied by uses that are in active use by occupants or users of the building or development, or by the general public. This requirement is not met by ground floor parking areas, storage areas, utility facilities, or stairwells that are not accessible from the street frontage.
         (5)   As an alternative to Subsections (2), (3), and (4) above a Multiple-Family Dwelling may meet the requirements of Section 11-04-03.7.D(5) regarding affordable housing and sustainable development and earn the related incentives.
      E.   Uses Located in the MX-5 District:
         (1)   The use shall be located in a building at least four stories in height;
         (2)   The use or development shall not include a Surface Parking Lot outside of the building footprint; and
         (3)   The use shall be located in a building where at least 80 percent of the ground floor street frontage is occupied by uses that are in active use by occupants or users of the building or development, or by the general public. This requirement is not met by ground floor parking areas, storage areas, utility facilities, or stairwells that are not accessible from the street frontage. (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)