1. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-07 is to support the City's mobility and climate goals by providing comfortable walking, cycling, transit and other active modes of transportation in new development and the redevelopment of property.
2. Applicability: Unless otherwise stated in this Code, all development of vacant land, all construction of new structures, all modification of existing structures, and the Subdivision of Land, and developments on parcels shall comply with the standards of this Section 11-04-07.
3. General:
A. Compliance with Life Safety Regulations: In addition to all other provisions of this Section 11-04-07, all developments shall comply with all applicable regulations and ordinances for fire protection, emergency vehicle access, and life safety adopted by the City, including those that may limit the number of residential dwelling units relying on a limited number of vehicle access points. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and life safety standards, the Planning Director in consultation with the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and the Idaho Transportation Department shall determine which standard shall apply.
B. Americans with Disabilities Act:
(1) Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and other federal and state accessibility laws is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Compliance with this Code does not assure compliance with the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws or any regulations or guidelines enacted or promulgated under or with respect to such laws. The city is not responsible for enforcement of the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws.
(2) All development shall comply with accessibility requirements based on the most recent version of the International Building Code and the International Code Council, or any future update of that document adopted by Boise City.
(3) Where a project develops or redevelops property in the MX-5 district with street frontage adjacent to one or more of the City's ADA accessible on-street existing or planned parking spaces, the applicant shall reconstruct the curb to include an ADA compliant pedestrian access ramp from the street level to the sidewalk along each such frontage. The design shall comply with the federal Public Right-of-Way Accessibility (PROWAG) Guidelines to the maximum extent practicable. The map of ADA accessible on-street parking spaces is available on the City's website.
C. Compliance with Solid Waste Ordinance and Solid Waste Design Standards: All developments shall comply with all applicable regulations, ordinances, and design standards for solid waste adopted by the City, including specifics around site design and solid waste service. All designs shall include measures to protect pedestrians and bicyclists to the maximum extent practicable. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and solid waste design standards, the Planning Director in consultation with the Director of Public Works shall determine which standard shall apply.
4. Design Standards:
(1) Provide safe and convenient access for bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicles to and from perimeter streets, parks, schools, public transit facilities, public and private institutions to the maximum extent practicable.
(2) Provide safe and convenient access for bicyclists and pedestrians to and from existing and proposed pathways and trails existing or designated on a Subdivision Plat, the Boise Pathways Master Plan, or other adopted City or ACHD plans.
(3) Accommodate safe, convenient, and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle travel on streets, or on off-street pathways. In cases where the street network cannot be designed to accommodate pedestrian or bicycle travel due to soil, topography, easement, or other constraints.
(4) Except for designated collector and arterial streets, allow individuals traveling within a development or subdivision, and to and from properties adjacent to that land, without accessing the collector or arterial street network.
(5) Incorporate traffic calming strategies, including but not limited to curb extensions, median islands, speed bumps, chicanes, traffic filters, and neighborhood traffic circles, into street networks to the maximum extent practicable. Traffic calming devices that can significantly impede the response of or possibly damage emergency vehicles and equipment, such as speed bumps are not allowed.
B. Public Streets:
(1) General: Public streets shall be accepted, dedicated to, and owned by the Ada County Highway District (ACHD), Idaho Department of Transportation, or other governmental or quasi-governmental entity.
(2) Street Design:
(a) The design of all streets shall conform to requirements established by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), ACHD, and the Idaho Transportation Department. Where there is a conflict in the standards, the City will require the design that achieves the highest level of safety and comfort.
(b) Street intersections in residential areas shall create a 90 degree intersection to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) Street Grades: Street grades shall comply with applicable ACHD and adopted fire safety standards.
(4) Dead-End Streets:
(a) Dead-end streets shall not be permitted, except streets temporarily terminating at the boundary of a subdivision may be allowed when ACHD or City Council determines the extension of the street is necessary for the proper development of the street pattern. An approved turnaround shall be required at the terminus of all temporary and permanent dead-end streets. A sign indicating the street is planned to be extended in the future will be installed at the end of the street.
(b) A paved hammerhead turnaround 15 feet wide and 50 feet long may be required in cases where lots are not accessible for solid waste collection vehicles to turn around completely.
(5) Street Names: Street names shall be approved by the Ada County Land Records Division.
(6) Street Access:
(a) Each lot shall have direct access to a public street or alley that has been improved to applicable street standards and has been accepted, dedicated to, and accepted by the Ada County Highway District, or shall have access to a private street that has been improved to applicable City private street standards.
(b) If alley access to individual lots is available, access points from that lot to an abutting street shall be prohibited unless the Planning Director determines the use of the alley access is impracticable due to the nature or operating characteristics of the proposed use on the lot.
(c) Where alley access is not available or use of alley access is impracticable, street access points between abutting parcels shall be consolidated and shared to the maximum extent practicable.
(d) Where alley access is not available and a lot has frontage on two or more streets, a single street access point shall be located on the street with the lowest traffic volume to the maximum extent practicable, unless the Planning Director determines that the access point on the street with the lowest traffic volume will adversely impact planned and existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
(7) Gated Streets, Driveways, and/or Subdivisions:
(a) After the Effective Date, the use of access control gates that restrict access to new or existing developments in any Residential or Mixed-Use zoning district or any portion of a Planned Unit Development, is prohibited.
(b) Gates are permitted to be installed for security purposes in the Industrial or Open Lands zoning districts provided they are set back at least 30 feet from the public right-of-way line.
(8) Insufficient Roadway Width: When shorter segments of curb and gutter improvements are not feasible as determined by the Planning Director, a substitute physical demarcation or barrier shall be installed to provide a clear boundary between required landscaping and orderly, parallel, on-street parking, and to accommodate storm drainage. An approved barrier such as ribbon curbing with vertical landscaping, low fencing, or other approved means shall be installed to ensure the public right-of-way does not become an area that is unmaintained and, if feasible, allows
for on-street parking

C. Private Streets:
(1) General: Private streets are strongly discouraged and shall only be permitted when approved by the Planning Director based on unique circumstances that make the construction and dedication of public streets impracticable. When approved by the Planning Director, private streets shall comply with standards in Subsection B above and, shall be located and designed to:
(a) Provide safe, convenient, and comfortable movement of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian travel;
(b) Not adversely affect access to adjacent properties or the public transportation network;
(c) Not interfere with or decrease public access to adjacent property or places of public interest;
(d) Not connect one public street to another, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director;
(e) Not interrupt the continuity of public streets or the public street network; and
(f) Comply with the ACHD structural standards for streets, as shown on design and construction documents prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer.
(2) Single-Family-Detached/Single-Family Attached/Duplex Residential
(a) Private streets are permitted in Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached, and Duplex Dwelling developments, provided they comply with the general requirements in Subsection (1) above and:
i. The parcel shape or site topography will not allow the street design to meet ACHD width standards for public streets; or
ii. Compliance with ACHD public street standards is in conflict with the intent of minimizing disruption to vegetation or other topographical elements required by Section 11-02-07.3.G, HS-O: Hillside Development Overlay.
Up to 3 lots w/ length less than 200 feet | 24 | 24 | Yes | Yes [1] |
Up to 3 lots w/ length greater than 200 feet | 28 (24 for the final 200 feet) | 28/24 | Yes | Yes [1] |
4 or more lots w/ length less than 200 feet | 24 | 24 | Yes | Yes [1] |
4 or more lots w/ length greater than 200 feet | 28 (24 for the final 200 feet) | 28/24 | Yes | Yes [1] |
Notes: [1] Setback requirements shall be from the back of sidewalk. |
D. Alleys - Public and Private: Alleys are subject to the following standards:
(1) The minimum alley width for a one-way alley shall be 12 feet.
(2) The minimum alley width for a two-way alley shall be 20 feet.
(3) Alley construction shall meet ACHD standards.
E. Cul-de-Sacs:
(1) Cul-de-sacs shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable and shall only be permitted when unusual terrain or site conditions prevent a through street connection.
Where permitted, cul-de-sacs shall connect to the closest local, collector, or arterial street, to adjacent cul-de-sacs, or to any adjacent existing or proposed public open space, park, pathway, trail or school with a pedestrian easement or public right-of-way at least 15 feet in width shown on the Subdivision Plat, unless deemed impracticable by the Planning Director.

F. Block Size and Design: Where a Subdivision Plat includes streets in a Residential or Mixed-Use zoning district, the dimensions of each new block created shall meet the following standards to the maximum extent practicable in light of topographic conditions.
(1) The length of new blocks created shall not exceed 330 feet in width and 660 feet in length.
(2) Each block shall be bordered by public or private streets meeting the requirements of this Section 11-04-07.4 and with all applicable Ada County Highway District technical requirements.
(3) The Planning Director may adjust the standard in Subsection (1) above if the Planning Director determines that a larger perimeter is necessary because of constraints or unusual terrain or site conditions that make it impracticable to design blocks of this size, and that the reduced internal vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation caused by the larger block perimeter have been mitigated to the maximum extent practicable.
Cross-Access between Adjacent Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Uses: All development or redevelopment in Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning districts shall comply with the following standards.
(1) To the maximum extent practicable, each lot layout shall be designed to allow for cross-access to adjacent properties to encourage shared parking and shared access points to a street. This may be established by one or more of the following:
(a) Connecting streets and driveways;
(b) Coordinating parking lot and parking structure entrances;
(c) Common service/delivery areas;
(d) Legally shared parking lots and parking structures;
(e) Linkages between parking lots and parking structures; or
(f) Providing shared access for two adjacent lots from public rights-of-way to minimize driveways.
When cross-access is deemed impractical by the Planning Director on the basis of topography, the presence of natural features, or vehicular, bicycle and/or pedestrian safety, this requirement may be waived provided that appropriate bicycle and pedestrian connections are provided between adjacent Multiple-Family, mixed-use or nonresidential developments or land uses.
H. Transit Stops:
(1) Where an adopted plan of the City or a transit agency recognized by the City identifies a future transit stop location, no permanent or temporary structure, or utilities that are not transit supportive shall be located in any portion of the site identified for that transit stop, or for access points or parking facilities required by this Code. Transit footings or structures shall be installed at the time of development of the site to the maximum extent practicable.
(2) Use of those portions of the site shall be limited to a transit stop, required landscaping, buffering, and open space until arrangements for the dedication or acquisition of that portion of the site for transit stop purposes is finalized, or until the City or the transit agency that designated the location indicates in writing that it is no longer needed for transit stop purposes.
I. Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity and Circulation: All development and redevelopment shall comply with the following standards to the maximum extent practicable. In the event of a conflict between these standards and those in another provision of this Code, the standard requiring the greater level of connectivity shall apply.
(1) Sidewalks and Pedestrian Facilities: Unless otherwise required by specific standards applicable to the Residential and Mixed-Use zoning district, by the Boise Pathways Master Plan or other adopted plan, or standard adopted by the City:
(a) All sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet wide. A minimum of 10 foot wide sidewalks shall be provided and constructed within a development if the Planning Director deems the access is beneficial to provide pedestrian and bicycle access to schools, playgrounds, shopping areas, transportation, or other community facilities.
(b) Detached sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all arterial and collector streets identified within the current ACHD Master Street Map. Detached sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all local streets, including cul-de-sacs. The Planning Director may allow attached sidewalks on local streets when it has been determined detached sidewalks are unable to be constructed due to unusual terrain, site conditions, utility conditions, or other circumstances that make the provision of detached sidewalks impracticable.
(c) When sidewalks are separated from the curb line, a minimum distance of eight to 10 feet or within an approved suspended pavement system is required to accommodate buffering and street trees required by Section 11-04-09.4, Street Frontage Landscaping shall be provided.
(d) Sidewalks internal to developments shall be a minimum of five feet wide and shall be separated from vehicular areas (including but not limited to parking spaces, driveways, and drive aisles) by a vertical barrier such as curb, bollards or other means approved by the Planning Director. Any mailboxes, signs, utility equipment, vertical structures or other items located within or near any sidewalk shall be located in an area that preserves a five-foot clear horizontal passageway and an 80-inch vertical clearance below any items projecting from the building façade for pedestrians at all points on the sidewalk.

(2) Bikeways: Designated bicycle lanes and/or multi-use pathways are required in the design of all arterial, collector, and local streets as shown in the network maps included in the ACHD Roadways to Bikeways Plan, Boise Pathways Master Plan, Ada County Ridge-to-Rivers Trails Plan, and other adopted City or ACHD plans. In the event of a conflict between one or more plans, the Planning Director shall determine which network map and design standard shall apply.
(3) Multi-Use Pathways: Multi-use pathways, separated from motor vehicle traffic, are required where indicated on the Boise Pathways Master Plan, Ada County Ridge-to-Rivers Trails Plan, or other plans adopted by the City. The land or public easement to accommodate such pathways shall be dedicated to the appropriate entity, such as the City, Idaho Transportation Department, ACHD, or in some unique cases the Homeowners Association (HOA).
Connection to Sidewalks, Bikeways, and Multi-Use Pathways: Each extension or connection of a street or public right-of-way to an abutting property, street, or public right-of-way shall include the extension or connection of associated bikeways, sidewalks, multi-use pathways, or trails.
(5) Consent of Irrigation Easement Holder: If one or more pedestrian walkway, pathway, or bicycle facility required by this Code is proposed to be located within or across an irrigation easement, the applicant shall coordinate with the irrigation company to determine if the facility can be built within the irrigation easement. If the irrigation company does not allow the facility to be built within the easement, it is the responsibility of the applicant to identify another location within the applicant's control for the facility or crossing that will not prevent the facility from connecting to similar improvements on adjacent properties.
Design Standards: The design of all sidewalks, bikeways, and multi-use paths shall comply with all requirements in the relevant adopted City plan, ACHD plan, or technical manual such as NACTO and shall integrate with the design standards of the improvements on the adjacent development to ensure a safe, continuous, and comprehensive travel network. Where there is a conflict in the standards, the City will require the design that achieves the highest level of safety and comfort.
J. General Ingress and Egress:
(1) Driveways:
(a) Where lots/parcels are adjacent to an alley, all access to developments, parking areas, and parking garages shall be from the alley rather than from driveways leading to a street abutting the lot/parcel.
(b) Except as stated in Subsection (a) above, driveways providing reasonable access to required private or public parking areas, including garages, may extend through the front or street side setback in a perpendicular manner provided they comply with Section 11-04-07.4.J(2), below.
(c) Except as stated in Subsection (a) above, driveways that extend through the setback in other than a perpendicular manner may be approved due to physical limitations of the site or for safety purposes. The Planning Director may approve such driveways upon a determination that:
i. The driveway is required to enhance the natural elements of the site such as preserving existing trees; or
ii. The driveway is required for safety reasons such as avoiding backing into a collector or arterial street or a street with limited motorist visibility.
(d) A driveway for a Single-Family Detached Dwelling or a Duplex Dwelling shall be a minimum of nine feet in width and shall not exceed 30 feet in width for each unit unless a different maximum width is permitted or required by another provision of this Code or an adopted City standard.
(e) Circular driveways are prohibited unless specifically approved by the Planning Director based on considerations of safety.
(f) A paved hammerhead turnaround 15 feet wide and 50 feet long may be required in cases where lot(s) are not accessible for solid waste collection vehicles to turn around completely.

Figure 4.15. Driveway Width
(a) Applicability: Service drives may be used to provide access to commercial or Multiple-Family parking lots and spaces, loading spaces, drive-up windows, or other areas that need a provision of access.
(b) Standards:
i. Service drives shall not intersect the street where they will impede an abutting property from having access to at least one street, or where compliance with applicable intersection and driveways would interrupt the continuity of public streets.
ii. Service drives shall not encourage or promote pass through between public or private streets, unless specifically approved by the Planning Director, based on considerations of bicycle, pedestrian, or traffic safety.
iii. Service drives shall intersect a street at a 90 degree angle, unless otherwise approved by the City and the Ada County Highway District.
iv. Each service drive identified as a fire access drive shall comply with all applicable Fire Department standards.
v. A paved hammerhead turnaround 15 feet wide and 50 feet long may be required in cases where lots/parcels are not accessible for solid waste collection vehicles to turn around completely.
(c) Widths:
i. One-way service drives without parking on either side shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide. Two-way service drives without parking on either side shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide.
ii. The width of a service drive at the point where it intersects a street shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width if the street is limited to one-way traffic, or a minimum of 20 feet in width if the street accommodates two-way traffic.
iii. The width of a service drive at the point where it intersects a street shall not exceed a maximum of 36-feet for Multiple-Family, commercial or mixed-use developments and a maximum of 40-feet for industrial developments.
iv. The width between building appurtenances such as carport overhangs shall be a minimum of 24 feet.

v. Where a service drive provides perpendicular access to a parking space or a garage, the parking space or garage shall be set back from the service drive so that the combined distance of the service drive width and the garage or parking space is a minimum of 22 feet.

(d) Grade: Maximum grade for service drives shall be 10 percent unless a steeper grade is specifically approved by the Fire Code Official. A maximum grade of two percent, unless specifically approved by the ACHD, shall be required for the initial 80 feet from the intersecting curb to provide a landing at the junction of the service drive and the public right-of-way.
K. Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land Districts Vehicular Circulation: In the Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land zoning districts, access to lots located on arterial and collector streets as depicted on the ACHD Master Street Map shall meet the requirements below.
(1) Access points shall be oriented at right angles to the street.
(2) Access points shall be minimized and located a minimum of 50 feet from each other, or meet ACHD requirements, whichever is more restrictive.
(3) Access points shall be located at least 50 feet from any intersecting public street right-of-way.
(4) Access points shall be located at least 10 feet from an adjacent property line, except where one, shared driveway can be established or is planned to serve both the subject property and the adjacent property.
(5) Primary circulation and access points shall be oriented toward the abutting street with the lowest traffic volumes to the maximum extent practicable unless the Planning Director determines that the access point on the street with the lowest traffic volume will adversely impact planned and existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
(6) Driveways or service drives that allow all turning movements shall be aligned with one another on arterial, collector and local streets to contribute to a safe and efficient circulation pattern.
L. Pedestrian Access and Connectivity:
(1) Required Connections: All parcels that contain a Multiple-Family and nonresidential use, shall provide the following pedestrian connections, as applicable:
(a) A safe, convenient, and accessible pedestrian connection from the main entrance of a building to a public sidewalk and/or internal walkway that connects to a public sidewalk.
(b) Connections between internal and perimeter sidewalks at a maximum interval of 1,320 feet along the perimeter street.
(c) Sidewalks between the principal entrance of each building in a development containing more than one building.
(d) Connections to any sidewalks on adjacent properties that extend to the boundaries of such properties. Multiple pedestrian connections between adjacent developments shall be provided to the maximum extent practicable.
(e) Connections to community facilities on site, including, but not limited to, trash collection areas, mail collection facilities, bicycle parking and site amenities.
(f) Connections to any adjacent park, trail, or transit stop.
(2) Standards for Pedestrian Connections:
(a) Each site shall include detached sidewalks at least five feet wide, on both sides of each abutting street, unless otherwise specified by district-specific requirements for the Mixed-Use zoning districts, or as otherwise required by the Boise Pathways Master Plan or other plan adopted by the City or ACHD. All sidewalks shall be sited and illuminated appropriately to provide safe passage and observation of the pathway route.
(b) Mixed-use development and Multiple-Family Dwellings within one-quarter mile radius of a transit stop shall include a direct, on-site pedestrian connection to the transit station to the maximum extent practicable. If that is not practicable, a direct pedestrian connection to a public sidewalk leading to the nearest transit station with signage directing pedestrians the station shall be provided on site.
(c) At each point where a sidewalk shall cross a parking lot, service drive, internal street, or driveway, it shall be clearly marked using retroreflective painted lines, a change in color, change in materials, change in elevation, or some combination of those techniques, some of which are illustrated in Figure 4.18
, below.

5. Compliance with Design Standards:
A. In addition to the standards required by this Section 11-04-07, all Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development shall comply with the standards and other mandatory content in the Citywide Design Standards and Guidelines and the Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, as applicable in the area where the property is located.
B. In the event of a conflict between the standards in this Section 11-04-07
and applicable standards in the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, the provision requiring the higher level of safety and visual building quality and interest, as determined by the Planning Director, shall apply.
(Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
1. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-08 is to establish standards for vehicle and bicycle parking, on-site circulation, loading areas, and parking lot design to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by:
A. Providing necessary access for service and emergency vehicles;
B. Providing for safe, convenient, and comfortable interactions between motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians;
C. Encouraging active transportation options and enhanced pedestrian safety;
D. Encouraging emission free vehicles;
E. Providing flexibility to respond to the transportation, access, and loading impacts of various land uses in different areas of the city;
F. Reducing stormwater runoff, reducing heat island effect from large expanses of pavement, improving water quality, and minimizing dust pollution;
G. Mitigating traffic congestion; and
H. Mitigating the visual impact of large expanses of exposed parking.
2. Applicability:
A. Generally: Unless otherwise stated in this Code, the standards in this Section 11-04-08 shall apply to all uses in all zoning districts.
B. Exceptions:
(1) The MX-5 zoning district is exempt from the requirement to provide off-street parking spaces, but any parking spaces provided shall comply with all other standards in this Section 11-04-08.
(2) Structured parking facilities shall be exempt from maximum parking limits.
3. General Parking Standards:
A. Use of Parking Areas:
(1) Required off-street parking facilities shall be used for vehicle parking only. Vehicle sales, rental and leasing, storage, repair, and other uses are prohibited, except for approved temporary and/or seasonal uses.
(2) No property owner or operator may designate any on-street parking space for the use of a specific establishment, and no property owner or operator may limit the use of any on-street parking space by the general public by using the parking space for the operation of a valet parking service, without the prior written consent of the City.
B. Parking and Loading Calculations:
(1) All square footage-based parking and loading requirements shall be computed based on the gross floor area of the subject use or structure, unless otherwise specified.
(2) Parking spaces designed or designated exclusively for two-wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles and scooters shall not be included in the calculation of minimum or maximum vehicle parking requirements. However, a reduction in the minimum number of parking spaces is allowed in accordance with Subsection 11-04-08.7.C when two-wheeled vehicle parking spaces are provided.
(3) Lots containing more than one use shall provide parking and loading based on the shared parking calculations in Section 11-04-08.7.B, Shared Parking Facility Reduction.
C. Reductions of Existing Parking: Off-street parking or loading spaces existing on the Effective Date shall not be permanently reduced in a way that would bring the property out of conformance with this Section 11-04-08 or would increase the degree of existing nonconformity with the provisions of this Section 11-04-08.
D. Parking for Unlisted Uses: The Planning Director shall determine the required parking for uses not listed in Table 11-04.9
: Off-Street Parking Requirements, based on expected volume of activity on the site, the level of congestion on surrounding streets, proximity to Residential zoning districts, and the factors listed in Section 11-03-01
.7, Classification of New and Unlisted Uses.
4. Accessible Parking: All development that provides on-site vehicle parking spaces shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the International Building Code (IBC), and the standards in this Section 11-04-08.3. If the standards in this Section 11-04-08.3 conflict with the requirements of the ADA or IBC, the requirements of the ADA or IBC shall apply.
A. Amount of Accessible Parking Required:
(1) All development shall provide at least the following number of accessible parking spaces, unless a different number is required by Subsection (2) below:
(2) All outpatient and other facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impairments shall provide accessible spaces that are equal to 20 percent of the number of required parking.
B. Additional Requirements:
(1) Valet parking facilities shall provide a passenger loading zone located on an accessible route to the entrance of the facility.
(2) Accessible parking spaces shall not contain slopes in excess of two percent and shall not require access involving steps to or from abutting pedestrian walkways.
(3) Accessible spaces shall be located closest to the main entrance.
(4) When there are multiple buildings or main entrances, accessible spaces shall be distributed equally.
(5) Accessible spaces shall be clearly marked as spaces reserved for persons with disabilities.
(6) When Section 11-04-08.6, Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Spaces, requires the provision of any type of Electric Vehicle parking spaces, at least five percent, but not less than one, of the required EV parking spaces shall also be accessible parking spaces.
C. Traditional Accessible Parking Stall Dimensions:
(1) Length: All accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length.

(2) Width: All accessible spaces shall be a minimum of eight feet in width plus a five foot wide adjacent access aisle, as shown in Figure 4.19
(3) Van Accessible:
(a) One in every six accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall have an adjacent access aisle that is eight feet in width and shall be designated as "Van Accessible" as noted in Figure 4.20
(b) A single accessible parking space that is van accessible shall be located on the left side of the access aisle as noted in Figure 4.20
(4) Signage And Markings: All access aisles shall install a sign similar to the signs depicted below and read "Access Aisle No Parking" and shall apply blue pavement markings reading "No Parking" with accompanying diagonal striping within the limits of the access aisle adjacent to the accessible space in addition to the signage for the accessible parking stall.

5. Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Standards:
A. All development not exempted by the provisions of Section 11-04-08.2.B shall provide vehicle parking spaces in the amounts required by Table 11-04.9, below, as those amounts may be modified by Section 11-04-08.6, Parking Adjustments below.
B. No minimum parking requirements apply to developments within the Mixed-Use Downtown Zoning District (MX-5).
Household Living | ||
Accessory Dwelling Unit | ||
Caretaker's Residence | 1 per DU | |
Dwelling, Single-Family Detached | 1 per DU | |
Dwelling, Cottage Village | 1 per DU | |
Dwelling, Single-Family Attached | 1 per DU | |
Dwelling, Live/Work | 2 per DU | |
Dwelling, Duplex | 1-3 BR: 1 per DU 4+ BR: 0.75 per BR | |
Dwelling, Triplex or Fourplex | ||
Dwelling, Multiple-Family | Studio/Efficiency: 0.5 per DU 1BR: 1 per DU 2BR: 1.25 per DU 3+BR: 1.5 per DU Guest: 1 per 10 DU | 125% of required minimum |
Group Home, FHAA Small | 1 per 4 persons design capacity | |
Livestock and Animals, Accessory | ||
Manufactured Home | 1 per DU | |
Manufactured Home Community | 1 per DU | |
Group Living | ||
Assisted Living Facility | 1 per 3 beds | |
Boarding House | 1 per BR | |
Continuing Care Retirement Facility | 0.5 per DU plus 1 per 4 beds | |
Convalescent or Nursing Home | 0.25 per bed | |
Dwelling, Co-Housing | * | |
Fraternity or Sorority House | 1 per bed | |
Recovery Residence | 50% of parking otherwise required for residential use in that type of structure | |
Residential Home Occupations | ||
Home Occupation, Child or Adult Daycare | 1 per employee | |
Home Occupation, Other | ||
Adult or Child Day Care | ||
Adult or Child Day Care Facility | 1 per 400 sf GFA | |
Adult or Child Day Care Center, Small | 1 per 400 sf GFA | |
Adult or Child Day Care Center, Large | 1 per 400 sf GFA | |
Community and Cultural Facilities | ||
Art Gallery, Museum, or Library | 1 per 400 sf GFA | 2 per 400 sf GFA |
Cemetery | ||
Community Center | 1 per 400 sf GFA | 2 per 400 sf GFA |
Fire or Police Facility | ||
Food Kitchen | ||
Forest Reserve or Recreation Area | ||
Jail or Detention Facility | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Mortuary or Mausoleum | ||
Park or Playground | ||
Religious Institution | 1 per 400 sf GFA | |
Uses Related to and Operated by a Religious Institution | * | |
Shelter Home | * | |
Education and Health | ||
Hospital | 1 per bed design capacity | |
College or Other Institution of Higher Education | * | |
School | Elementary, Middle, Junior High: 1 per classroom High School: 4 per classroom | 125% of required minimum |
Trade or Vocational School | 1 per 3 classroom seats | |
Transportation | ||
Aircraft Landing Field | Determined by airport management | |
Park and Ride Facility | ||
Transit Facility | * | |
Transit Terminal | * | |
Agriculture and Animals | ||
Agricultural Uses or Stables | ||
Animal Daycare or Kennel | 2.5 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Animal Hospital or Clinic | 2.5 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Beekeeping, Accessory | ||
Commercial Feedlot | ||
Slaughterhouse, Rendering Plant | ||
Urban Farm | ||
Communication Facilities | ||
All Uses | ||
Food and Beverage Service | ||
Brewpub, Micro-distillery, or Micro-winery | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | 5 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Food Truck, Accessory | ||
Food Truck Court | ||
Neighborhood Café | 1 per 1,000 sf GFA | 4 per 2,000 sf GFA |
Restaurant | 5 per 1,000 sf GFA | 7 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Sidewalk Café, Accessory | ||
Tavern or Lounge | 5 per 1,000 sf GFA | 7 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Lodging | ||
Bed and Breakfast | 1 per guest bedroom plus 1 for manager | |
Hotel or Motel | 1 per guest bedroom | 125% of required minimum |
Recreation Vehicle Park | 1 per RV spot | |
Office, Personal and Business Service | ||
Financial Institution | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Medical or Dental Clinic | 1 per 300 sf GFA | 5 per 1,000 GFA |
Office | 1 per 400 sf GFA | 4 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Personal and Business Service | 1 per 400 sf GFA | 4 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Recreation and Entertainment | ||
Auditorium or Theater, Indoor | 1 per 4 seats in main assembly area | 125% of required minimum |
Club, Lodge, or Social Hall | 1 per 400 sf GFA | |
Conference or Event Center | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | 125% of required minimum |
Firing Range, Indoor | 2 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Golf Course | 5 per 1,000 sf GFA of restaurant /bar area | |
Recreation, Indoor | Bowling Alley: 2 per lane All other: 4 per 1,000 sf GFA | 150% of required minimum |
Recreation, Outdoor | * | |
Retail | ||
Building Materials | 1 per 500 sf GFA | 125% of required minimum |
Retail Sales, Neighborhood < 2,000 SF | 0.5 per 1,000 sf GFA | 2 per 1,000 sf GFA |
Retail Sales, Small <5,000 SF | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Retail Sales, Medium 5,001 SF to 10,000 SF | 2.5 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Retail Sales, Large 10,001 SF to 60,000 SF | 1 per 500 sf GFA | 125% of required minimum |
Retail Sales, Big Box >60,000 SF | 2 per 1,000 sf GFA | 125% of required minimum |
Sexually Oriented Business | ||
Sexually Oriented Business | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA | 125% of required minimum |
Vehicles and Equipment | ||
Drive-Through Facility | ||
Electric Vehicle Charging Facility | ||
Parking Garage as Principal Use | ||
Parking Lot as Principal Use | ||
Service Station | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA retail, office, waiting area | |
Vehicle Fleet Operations Center | ||
Vehicle Repair, Major | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA retail, office, waiting area plus 1 per service bay | |
Vehicle Repair, Minor | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA retail, office, waiting area plus 1 per service bay | |
Vehicle Sales, Rental, and Leasing, Light | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA retail, office, waiting area plus 1 per service bay | |
Vehicle and Equipment Sales, Rental and Leasing, Heavy | ||
Vehicle Wash | 2 per 1,000 sf GFA retail, office, waiting area | |
Manufacturing and Processing | ||
Contractor Shop and Yard | ||
Industry, Artisan | 2 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Industry, Light | 1 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Industry, Heavy | 1 per 1,000 sf GFA | |
Mining and Extraction | ||
Storage, Wholesale, and Warehousing | ||
Bulk Storage of Flammable or Dangerous Materials | ||
Fulfillment Center | 1 per 2,000 sf GFA | |
Outdoor Storage | ||
Outdoor Storage, Accessory | ||
Self-Service Storage | 3 per 1,000 sf GFA of indoor office area | |
Trucking Terminal | ||
Wholesale or Warehouse, Small or Large | 1 per 2,000 sf GFA | |
Utilities | ||
Power Plant | ||
Renewable Energy Facility, Accessory | ||
Utility Facility, Minor | ||
Utility Facility, Major | ||
Waste and Salvage | ||
Composting Facility | ||
Junkyard, Vehicle Salvage | ||
Recycling Collection Facility | ||
Sanitary Landfill | ||
Solid Waste Transfer Facility | ||
Accessory Uses | ||
Unlisted Uses Accessory to an Allowed Use | ||
Temporary Uses | ||
Construction Office | ||
Mobile Food Truck | ||
Off-Site Construction Staging | ||
Safety Facility | * | |
Sales and Leasing Office | ||
Seasonal Sales | ||
6. Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Spaces:
All Multiple-Family Dwelling,
mixed-use, and nonresidential development shall comply with the Use-Specific Standards in Section 11-03-03
.4.R, Electric Vehicle Charging Station and the following standards.
A. Number of EV Parking Spaces Required:
(1) The development shall include at least the minimum number of EV parking spaces shown in the following table:
Multiple-Family Dwelling Units | |||
< 5 | None | None | None |
5-10 | None | 20% of total | 1 space |
11 | None | 20% of total | 10% of total |
Public, Civic, or Institutional, Commercial or Industrial Uses | |||
< 5 | None | None | None |
5 | 20% of total | None | None |
(2) Each EV parking space provided shall be counted towards the minimum off-street parking requirements for the project, but shall not count against any limit on the maximum number of off-street parking spaces permitted.
B. Adjustment Of EV Parking Requirements: When the cost of installing EV parking spaces required by Subsection (1) above would exceed 10 percent of the total project cost, the applicant may submit to the Planning Director a cost estimate for the total project and for the EV installations required by this Section 11-04-08.6 and may request a reduction in the EV parking requirements, and the Planning Director may approve an adjustment in the required numbers or types of EV parking facilities to limit installation costs to no more than 10 percent of the total project costs.
C. Dimensions and Design:
(2) EV charging equipment shall be designed and located so as to not impede pedestrian or vehicle travel or create hazards within the public right-of-way.
(3) EV charging equipment shall be designed and located to be accessible by:
(a) Locating each EV charging spaces on an accessible route, with an adjacent sidewalk at least seven feet wide;
(b) Requiring that the parking space served by EV charging equipment be a minimum of 11 feet wide and 20 feet deep;
(c) Providing an adjoining access aisle that is a minimum of five feet in width;
(d) Providing clear ground space with an unobstructed side reach at the same level as the vehicle charging space; and
(e) Accessible charger, connector, and other operable parts.
(4) Charging equipment shall be protected by wheel stops, bollards, or similar devices to prevent damage.
(5) Charger cords shall be retractable or have a hanging or storage locations outside of pedestrian pathways.
(6) Cords connecting chargers to vehicles shall not cross driveways, sidewalks, or loading areas.
(7) EV parking spaces with an installed Electric Vehicle Charging Station shall be signed to reserve the parking space for EV users.
(8) All Electric Vehicle Charging Stations shall include an emergency power shutoff located in a location easily accessible by emergency responders.
7. Parking Adjustments:
A. General:
(1) The minimum and maximum parking requirements in Table 11-04.11
Table 11-04.9
: Off-Street Parking Requirements, may be adjusted as described in this Subsection 7, provided that no combination of reductions in Subsections B through G shall result in the reduction of the minimum number of parking spaces required in Table 11-04.9
by more than 50 percent.
(2) A Conditional Use Permit is required for any request to reduce minimum parking requirements by more than 50 percent.
B. Shared Parking Facility Reduction:
(1) Where two or more uses listed in Table 11-03.1
: Table of Allowed Uses share a parking lot or garage, the total off-street parking requirement for those uses shown in Table 11-04.9
: Off-Street Parking Requirements may be reduced by the factors shown in Table 11-04.11
: Shared Parking Reduction.
To calculate the shared parking reduction, add the requirements for each use category, then divide the sum by the factor indicated below. | |||||
Multiple-Family Dwellings | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
Public, Institutional, or Civic | 1.1 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.5 |
Food, Beverage, Indoor Entertainment, or Lodging | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.0 | 1.3 | 1.7 |
Retail | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.3 | 1.0 | 1.2 |
Other Commercial | 1.3 | 1.5 | 1.7 | 1.2 | 1.0 |
To calculate the revised minimum parking requirement, calculate the minimum off-street parking requirement individually for the two uses with the highest off-street parking requirement, and then divide that sum by the number shown in the cell for that combination of uses in Table 11-04.11. For example: a development with 5,000 square feet of Small Retail space (3 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area) and 20, two-bedroom Multiple-Family Dwelling units (1.25 per dwelling unit) would take the total spaces required and divide by 1.2.
(15) + (25+3) = 43.
43/1.2 = 35.833
The shared parking requirement is 36 spaces.
(3) If more than two uses share a parking lot or structure, the reduction factors in Table 11-04.11
are applied only to the two uses with the highest parking requirements. The minimum parking required for the third and additional uses sharing the parking lot or facility are then added to the adjustment calculated in Subsection (2) above without further adjustment.
C. Two Wheeled Parking Reduction: For every four motorcycle, scooter, or similar two-wheeled vehicle spaces (excluding bicycle parking) provided, the number of standard vehicle spaces required may be reduced by one, provided that each two wheeled parking space is at least four feet wide and at least 10 feet long and is clearly posted or marked as a motorcycle/scooter parking space.
D. Tree Preservation: The Planning Director may allow up to a 10 percent reduction of the required parking spaces to save healthy, desirable trees.
E. Affordable and Sustainable/Resilient Housing Reduction: Affordable housing projects meeting the affordability and/or sustainability/resiliency requirements of Section 11-04-03.7, Incentives, shall be eligible for the parking reductions as set forth in that Section.
F. Adaptive Reuse Reduction: Adaptive reuse projects meeting the requirements of Section 11-04-03.7.D(6) shall be eligible for the parking reductions as set forth in that Section.
G. Transportation Demand Management Reduction: The Planning Director may allow a reduction in required parking for employers that enter into a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Agreement with the City that specifies how on-site parking will be reduced through property owner or operator programs or initiatives that reduce the amount of parking demand on-site. If a reduction in parking is granted through a TDM Agreement, the employer will be required to remain in good standing with the TDM Agreement and shall submit an annual report documenting the terms of the Agreement are being met. Any TDM Agreement, whether used independently or in combination with other allowed parking reductions, is subject to the 50 percent limitation on overall parking reduction. Such programs may include the following:
(1) Compressed work week schedules;
(2) Flexible arrival and departure times;
(3) Telework opportunities;
(4) Incentives for employees to use alternative modes of transportation to the workplace;
(5) End of commute amenities such as a locker room, changing room or shower;
(6) Implement/support ridesharing program (i.e., vanpool, carpool);
(7) Designate a Commute Coordinator (Employee Transportation Coordinator) to facilitate employee/property commute program;
(8) Display transportation information in a prominent location including transit routes and schedules; carpooling and vanpooling information; bike routes; and commute subsidy information;
(9) Provide information for new tenants and employees on transportation options (e.g., flyers, posters, brochures, onboarding information, and emails on commute alternatives); host/participate in transportation fairs, local commute events such as May in Motion or Boise Bike Week;
(10) Provide employee subsidies for alternative transportation;
(11) Provide preferred parking for carpool/vanpool;
(12) Provide pre-tax benefits for transit/vanpool costs;
(13) Allocated space for bike share station/kiosk;
(14) Provide ongoing funding/sponsorship of bike share program/station;
(15) Provide transit, scooter, and bike share passes; or
(16) Provide website links to local transportation/commute programs that may include but are not limited to: Commuteride, City Go, alternative transportation programs on developer, property management, or employer websites.
H. Adjustments to Exceed Parking Maximums: Up to 10 percent of the parking maximum may be exceeded by the Planning Director through an administrative approval if the Planning Director determines that:
(1) The additional parking spaces are required to reduce adverse impacts to the surrounding neighborhood; and/or
(2) The additional parking is required due to unique characteristics of the use not generally shared by other uses in the same use category shown in Table 11-03.1
: Table of Allowed Uses.
8. Vehicle Parking Location and Design:
A. Location:
(1) Off-Site Locations Permitted: Parking required by Table 11-04.11
shall be provided on the same lot or combination of contiguous lots for which it provides required parking, except that in the R-3, Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning districts, parking may be located up to 600 feet from the lot containing the principal uses for which it provides parking. The Planning Director may require written evidence from the owner of the off-site location confirming the continued availability of the site to meet such parking requirements.
(2) On-Site Location:
(a) Prohibited Location: Perpendicular vehicle parking is prohibited within the public right-of-way, and all vehicle parking is prohibited on undeveloped or unimproved public right-of-way.
(b) Required Setbacks:
i. In the Residential zoning districts, except for working vehicles in daily use parked on driveways, in front of homes, parking areas and parking spaces shall not be permitted:
A. In required setbacks;
B. Unimproved parking areas; or
C. Other areas not designed for vehicle parking.
ii. Trailers, camp trailers, boats, boat trailers, recreational vehicles, and all other vehicles not in daily use may use gravel surfacing but are prohibited from parking in the required setbacks.
iii. Open air public or private parking areas and service drives in a Residential zoning district shall be permitted in side yards that do not abut a street, provided that a minimum five foot wide landscaping and screening area be constructed and maintained along the abutting property line as provided for in Section 11-04-09.10.D(2), Parking and Storage Areas.
iv. In the Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning districts, parking areas and parking spaces shall not be permitted in any required setback, except as follows:
A. Rear setback areas shall not be used for off-street parking or loading areas unless the rear setback abuts an alley providing access to the parking spaces.
B. Side yards that do not abut a street may be used for unenclosed off-street parking provided that a minimum five foot wide landscape area is constructed and maintained along the abutting side property line.
(c) Time Limit: No commercial vehicle or trailer shall be parked, stored, or otherwise left unattended at any place in a Residential zoning district whether on public or private property for over two hours except while engaged in construction or any other permitted activity.
(d) Site Layout: The following standards shall apply in the R-2, R-3, and Mixed-Use zoning districts, unless otherwise required by the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, including but not limited to any Building Type Frontage Standards applicable to specific street segments.
i. Surface parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of buildings.
ii. For multi-building developments, no more than 50 percent of the primary street frontage shall be occupied by parking and vehicular access driveways.
iii. Garage entries, carports, and parking structures shall be internalized in building groupings or oriented away from street frontage to the maximum extent practicable.
B. Dimensional Standards:
(1) Surface Parking Lots and Areas: Dimensions of all parking or maneuvering areas in surface parking lots shall be designed as required by Table 11-04.12
below, except that accessible parking spaces shall be designed as required by Section 11-04-08

Table 11-04.12
below, except that accessible parking spaces shall be designed as required by Section 11-04-08
For Standard Vehicles | ||||
0° | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 23 ft.- 0 in. | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 12 ft.- 0 in. |
30° | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 18 ft.- 0 in. | 17 ft.- 8 in. | 12 ft.- 0 in. |
45° | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 12 ft.- 9 in. | 20 ft.- 5 in. | 13 ft.- 0 in. |
60° | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 10 ft.- 5 in. | 21 ft.- 10 in. | 16 ft.- 0 in. |
90° | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 9 ft.- 0 in. | 20 ft.- 0 in. | 22 ft.- 0 in. |
For Compact Vehicles | ||||
0° | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 18 ft.- 0 in. | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 12 ft.- 0 in. |
30° | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 15 ft.- 0 in. | 14 ft.- 0 in. | 12 ft.- 0 in. |
45° | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 10 ft.- 7 in. | 15 ft.- 11 in. | 13 ft.- 0 in. |
60° | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 8 ft.- 8 in. | 16 ft.- 9 in. | 16 ft.- 0 in. |
90° | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 7 ft.- 6 in. | 15 ft.- 0 in. | 22 ft.- 0 in. |
(2) Compact Spaces:
(a) A maximum of 40 percent of the total spaces required may be designed, designated, and used for compact size vehicles. The dimensional standards for compact vehicle spaces and driveways are indicated in Table 11-04.12
(b) Compact spaces shall be clearly marked for use by compact vehicles on the pavement or curb.
(3) Bumper Overhang: Standard parking stall lengths may be reduced from 20 feet to 18 feet when the adjacent sidewalk or landscaping is increased by two feet above the minimum requirement. The minimum width for a sidewalk or landscape strip adjacent to a bumper overhang is seven feet.
(4) Parking Structure Space Dimensions:
(a) Spaces within parking structures shall be a minimum of eight and one-half feet wide and 18 feet long.
(b) Compact parking stalls shall not be provided within parking structures.
C. Tandem Parking: Unless otherwise prohibited elsewhere in this Code, tandem parking for Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached Dwellings, and Manufactured Home Communities is allowed.
D. Driveways:
(1) All driveways shall extend into the site perpendicular to the street from which they provide access, unless the Planning Director approves an alternative based on a determination that the driveway:
(a) Is required to enhance the natural elements of the site such as preserving existing trees; or
(b) Is required for safety reasons such as avoiding backing into a collector or arterial street with limited motorist visibility.
(2) All parking areas, driveways, and other vehicular access for Single-Family Detached, Duplex, Triplex, or Fourplex dwellings may consist of wheel strips, pavers, or other hard surface material approved by the Planning Director. Other residential uses are subject to standards in accordance with Subsection F, below.
(3) Driveways for Single-Family Attached, Single-Family Detached or Duplex Dwellings shall be a minimum of nine feet in width. Driveways or service drives for other residential uses are subject to Section 11-04-07.4.J(2), Service Drives.
(4) Driveways are permitted in the front and street side setbacks in accordance with Section 11-04-07.4.J(2), Service Drives.
(5) For Single-Family Attached, Single-Family Detached Dwellings, individual driveways in the front or street side setback shall not exceed a width of 30 feet within the setback, unless another provision of this Code requires a narrower width.
(6) Parking on Residential Small Lots is regulated by Section 11-04-03.4, Residential Small Lots.
E. Surfacing: Driveways, parking areas and vehicle storage areas shall be built with a non-permeable material such as concrete or asphalt, except that:
(1) A gravel surface area may be used within the I-1 or I-2 zoning districts for enclosed material storage yards or grounds maintenance areas only and shall not be used in areas where vehicles are stored or driven. The storage and maintenance areas shall be located behind the building and be enclosed by a six foot high sight obscuring fence.
(2) The Planning Director may approve an alternative surface based on considerations of durability, permeability, and visual interest and quality:
F. Residential Garages:
(1) Street access is prohibited when alley access is available.
(2) Residential garages that provide a single space shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and 20 feet long.
(3) Residential garages shall provide 22 feet of back up space.
G. Parking Area Landscaping: All development shall comply with Section 11-04-09, Landscaping, Fencing, Walls, and Screening.
9. Required Bicycle Parking:
A. Amount Required:
(1) The development shall include at least the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces shown in the following table based on the category of the use or individual use as shown in Table 11-03.1
: Table of Allowed Uses:
Multiple-Family Dwellings | 1 space per studio or first bedroom and 0.5 spaces for each additional bedroom | 1 space per 10 DU |
Assisted Living Facility or Continuing Care Retirement Facility | 2 spaces or 1 space for every 10 employees, whichever is greater | 1 space per 20 beds |
Retail Uses and Personal and Business Services | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 2,000 sf. GFA | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 1,000 sf. GFA |
Food and Beverage Uses (excluding Food Truck uses) | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 2,000 sf. GFA | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 1,000 sf. GFA |
Office | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 2,000 sf. GFA | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 2,000 sf. GFA |
Auditorium or Theater, Indoor and Conference or Event Center | * | * |
Forest Reserve or Recreation Area, Park or Playground, and Outdoor Recreation | * | * |
Industrial Uses | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 4,000 sf. GFA | 2 spaces plus 1 additional space for every 10,000 sf. GFA |
School | 1 space for every 10 employees plus 1 space for every classroom | 3 spaces for every 10 students |
College or Other Institution of Higher Education | * | * |
Religious Institution | 1 space plus 1 additional for every 4,000 sf. GFA | 2 spaces plus 1 additional for every 4,000 sf. GFA |
(2) If more than 10 bicycle parking spaces are required, a minimum of 10 percent of the required bicycle parking spaces shall be designed to accommodate cargo bicycles or bicycles with trailers.
B. Location:
(1) Short-term bicycle spaces designed to meet the needs of visitors to the development shall be located within 50 feet from the main entrance of the building.
(2) Short-term bicycle racks shall be located so that they:
(a) Are easily accessed from the street and protected from motor vehicles;
(b) Are visible to passers-by to promote usage and enhance security;
(c) Do not impede or interfere with pedestrian traffic or routine maintenance activities when bicycles are parked at/in them; and
(d) Do not block access to buildings, bus boarding or freight loading.
(3) Long-term bicycle spaces shall be designed to meet the needs of employees, residents, public transit users, and others with similar needs.
(4) Long-term bicycle parking shall be enclosed, covered and secured, or attended. Covered bicycle parking includes but is not limited to a secure and accessible room in a building, a secure and accessible enclosure within a parking structure, or a cluster of bicycle lockers. All bicycle parking lockers and structures shall be located outside of the required setbacks.
(5) Required long-term bicycle parking for residential uses shall not be located within dwelling units or within deck or patio areas accessory to dwelling units.
(6) Not less than 50 percent of required long-term spaces shall be accessible and not require the use of stairs or an elevator.
(7) Long-term spaces that are accessed using stairs shall require a bike runnel.
C. Design Standards:
(1) No more than 25 percent of the required bicycle parking spaces may require the bicycle to be hung or parked vertically, rather than being parked with both tires on the ground.
(2) Standard bicycle parking spaces shall be a minimum of six feet long and two and one-half feet wide.
(3) Cargo bicycle and bicycle trailer parking spaces shall be a minimum of 10 feet long and three feet wide.
(4) A four foot wide aisle is required between rows of bicycle parking spaces or between a row of bicycle parking spaces and any wall or potential obstructions.
(5) Three and one-half feet of clearance shall be provided between bicycle parking spaces and vehicle parking spaces or travel lanes for the opening of passenger-side doors.
(6) All bicycle parking spaces and associated racks shall not impede pedestrian walkways.
(7) All covered spaces shall have an overhead clearance of seven feet.
(8) Bicycle racks shall be located on improved non-permeable surfaces and shall be anchored to the ground.
(9) Bicycle racks shall be installed to the manufacturer's recommended specifications and adhere to any further design criteria or codes established by the City. Accommodation of varied bicycle sizes and styles, including electric bicycles and cargo bicycles, is encouraged through provision of racks installed with greater clearance from obstructions, walkways, and other bicycle parking spaces.
(10) Designated bicycle parking areas shall include adequate lighting.
(11) Bicycle racks shall provide two points of contact with the bicycle frame such as an inverted "U" or a post and ring and shall allow locking of frame and at least one wheel with a U-lock. Wave,
schoolyard, wheel well, bollard and spiral racks are prohibited.

10. Off-Street Loading Facilities: All primary commercial and industrial uses shall comply with the standards in this Section 11-04-08.10 regarding the provision of vehicle loading spaces.
A. Quantity and Size: The quantity and size of loading spaces required shall be as indicated in Table 11-04.14, below.
Less than 20,000 | None | N/A |
20,000-49,999 | 1 | 10 feet x 25 feet |
50,000-99,999 | 2 | One 10 feet x 25 feet and One 12 feet x 50 feet |
100,000 and more | 2, plus 1 additional space for every 100,000 square feet beyond the first 100,000 | 14 feet x 50 feet and 13 feet high |
B. Standards:
(1) Loading areas shall comply with setback and landscaping requirements.
(2) Loading areas shall not be oriented toward Residential zoning districts and shall not be permitted between the primary façade of a building and the front lot line/property line.
(3) Loading areas shall be clearly posted or marked.
(4) For buildings greater than 20,000 square feet in the MX-5 zoning district, applicants may request approval of alleys for loading activities as an alternative to on-site loading area.
(5) Loading spaces and access routes to loading spaces shall not interfere with parking lot or parking garage maneuvering areas or with designated on-site patron drop-off/pick up locations.
11. Modifications: The Planning Director may modify the requirements of this Section 11-04-08 if the Planning Director determines that the site cannot accommodate these requirements and that alternative loading methods or facilities can be provided in a manner compatible with surrounding uses.
12. Compliance with Design Standards:
A. In addition to the standards required by this Section 11-04-08
, all Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development, including but not limited to Parking Garages shall comply with the standards and other mandatory content in the Citywide Design Standards and Guidelines and the Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, as applicable in the area where the property is located.
B. In the event of a conflict between the standards in this Section 11-04-08
and applicable standards in the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, the provision requiring the higher level of visual building quality and interest, as determined by the Planning Director, shall apply.
(Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
1. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-09 is to establish requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of landscapes that:
A. Conserve, protect and promote the City's natural environment and high quality of life;
B. Contribute ecologically and aesthetically to the prosperity of the City;
C. Achieve healthy, attractive, and safe environments based on recognized design and urban forestry principles;
D. Expand the tree canopy to reduce the heat island impact and mitigate climate impacts;
E. Improve pedestrian comfort;
F. Conserve water;
G. Integrate stormwater management and minimize polluted water;
H. Screen the visibility of less desirable uses and functions;
I. Preserve native vegetation and the appropriate use of native landscape materials; and
J. Reduce adverse impacts to wildlife.
2. Applicability: All applications for development or property use listed below shall comply with the provisions of this Section 11-04-09.
A. Development:
All new development involving the construction of new Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential buildings. Residential uses with four or fewer units in a single structure are exempt from these standards.
(2) The expansion and alteration of the gross floor area of an existing Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use or nonresidential building by 50 percent or more.
B. Compliance With Existing Approvals Required: If an application under this Code does not otherwise require a change to the existing landscaping, fencing, walls, or screening on the lot or parcel, but the existing development is not in compliance with the landscaping, fencing, walls, or screening required by a previous permit or approval for that development, the City may require compliance with the terms of those prior approvals as a condition on the approval of the current application.
C. Existing Parking Lots:
(1) When existing parking lots are re-striped or a new coat is applied to the surfacing, the applicant shall replace and repair the existing landscaping to the standards that applied at the time the related building was constructed or the related use began operations.
(2) When the area of an existing parking lot is replaced or is expanded up to 25 percent, the applicant shall replace and repair the existing landscaping to the standards that applied at the time the related building was constructed or the related use began operations and shall install parking lot perimeter landscaping that complies with Section 11-04-09
(3) When the area of an existing parking lot is expanded by 26 percent or more, the applicant shall comply with all standards in this Section 11-04-09
regarding parking lot landscaping.
3. General Landscaping Standards:
A. Landscape Plan Required: A landscape plan is required for all activities subject to this Section 11-04-09, regardless of whether the application is for a Zoning Certificate, Certificate of Appropriateness, Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Minor or Major Design Review.
B. Adopted Streetscape Plans: Where the City has adopted streetscape standards for any street bordering a project site, and there is a conflict between the adopted streetscape standards and the standards of this Section 11-04-09, the adopted streetscape standards shall apply.
C. Site Area Landscaping:
(1) Any part of a site not used for buildings, parking, driveways, walkways, utilities, or approved storage areas shall be retained or reclaimed to its natural state such that it is free of dust and noxious weeds or landscaped pursuant to the standards in this Section 11-04-09.
(2) Plants, walls, fences, buffering, and screening, located on adjacent properties do not satisfy landscape requirements for the subject property. All required landscaping shall be located on the property required to provide it pursuant to this Section 11-04-09.
(3) An approved protective curbing shall be required adjacent to all planting areas that border driveways, parking lots or vehicle use areas.
(4) If the location of any utility facility, utility easement, or service area required by adopted City or utility provider standards prevents the location of trees, shrubs, or other landscaping in locations required by this Section 11-04-09, the applicant shall be required to install an equivalent numbers of trees, shrubs, or landscaping in other landscaped areas of the site. If the required number of trees cannot be accommodated on the remaining available site area, the applicant shall satisfy the mitigation requirements under Section 11-04-09.8, Tree Preservation.
D. Landscape Material Standards:
(1) Approved Plant Materials:
(a) The latest edition of the Treasure Valley Tree Selection Guide, or any successor publication as determined by the Director of Parks and Recreation, is hereby adopted as the list of approved and recommended trees for on-site planting.
(b) Plant selection, establishment, and maintenance for storm water facilities shall comply with the Public Works Department Stormwater Plant Materials Resource Guide to the maximum extent practicable.
(c) New plant varieties are being produced every year and other species not listed in the above publications or species that are more disease resistant, pest resistant, or drought tolerant may also be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation.
(2) Prohibited Plant Materials: The plants listed as Trees Not Permitted for Rights-of-Way Property Planting in the Treasure Valley Tree Selection Guide are prohibited from being planted along any street or within any parking lot subject to this Section 11-04-09.
(3) Minimum Plant Sizes:
(4) Plant Species Diversity:
(a) Trees: When five or more trees are to be planted to meet the requirements of any portion of this Section, a mix of species shall be provided as shown in Table 11-04.16
(b) Other Plant Materials:
i. To improve pollinator habitat, at least 25 percent of planted areas shall include native flowering and nectar producing plant species.
ii. Where shrubs are required to be planted, up to 25 percent of the total number of required shrubs may be substituted with flowering perennials, grasses, or ferns.
(5) Non-Vegetative Materials:
(a) Non-vegetative materials, such as decorative rock, artificial grass, bark, and perma-bark, shall not count toward the minimum landscape requirement.
(b) The use of bark or other loose material shall be designed and located to prevent being displaced or washed out of the planting area.
(c) Non-vegetative material, including but not limited to rock mulch and decorative rock, may only be used to augment the landscape or around the base of trees and shrub groupings or flower beds, and shall not constitute the only ground cover in more than 20 percent of any area required to be landscaped.
(d) Planting areas using rock mulch or decorative rock shall have 50 percent of the ground surface covered by vegetation at plant maturity.
(e) Natural colors shall be used.
(6) Mulch:
(a) Organic mulch such as bark or soil aid shall be applied and maintained in all planting areas at a minimum two-inch depth, except that decorative rock mulch may be permitted as part of the approved landscape plan.
(b) Use of mulch as the only ground cover in required planting areas is prohibited.
(c) Impermeable plastic weed barrier under the mulch is prohibited.
Water Conservation Standards: All required landscaping shall be designed to address the physical site characteristics of the property, the needs of those using the property, and the best water-conserving methods for a semi-arid continental climate. The landscape plan shall reduce water consumption through site design, plant selection, irrigation practices, and improved soil water holding capacity through amendment with compost, complying with the following xeriscaping and conservation standards:
(1) Soil Amendment: Prior to the installation of lawn or other plant materials in areas that have been disturbed or compacted by construction activity, soils shall be amended to increase soil water holding capacity. Proper soil amendment includes thoroughly loosening soils to a depth of six inches, adding compost as a soil amendment at a rate of four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet of total area to be planted, and thoroughly incorporating compost to a depth of at least two inches. Areas with existing native vegetation that remain undisturbed shall be exempt from the soil amendment requirement, provided that native soil and vegetation in such area is protected from disturbance and compaction during the construction process.
(2) Lawn Areas:
(a) Lawn areas shall be a drought-tolerant and/or adaptive sod or seed mix that is appropriate to the natural conditions found at the site, except that lawn species that require regular mowing or maintenance, such as Kentucky Bluegrass:
i. Shall not exceed 33 percent of the landscaped area on a site; and
ii. Shall not be used in median strips, parking strips, or difficult-to-maintain areas less than six feet in width.
(b) Lawn areas larger than 15,000 square feet shall have soil moisture sensors that are properly installed and adjusted.
(c) In all zoning districts, any area that does not provide recreational value or is used solely for decorative purposes is prohibited from using lawn that requires regular maintenance for landscape purposes. This prohibition includes but is not limited to the installation of Kentucky Bluegrass turf in roadway medians, traffic circles and roundabouts, street frontage areas located between detached sidewalks and curbs, and within parking lot landscaped islands or stormwater swales. Low ground cover alternatives shall be used to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) Plant Selection, Plant Location and Efficient Irrigation:
(a) Plants shall be placed based on adaptability to regional and micro climatic conditions, including shade, sun, and wind.
(b) Plants having similar water needs shall be grouped together in distinct hydrozones and spaced to minimize watering needs while maximizing growth and spread of plants.
(c) Native and other low-water-use plants shall be installed to the maximum extent practicable.
(d) Invasive, destructive, and exotic plants shall not be installed.
(4) Water Features: Water features such as fountains, waterfalls and ponds are discouraged, but if used shall comply with the following standards:
(a) The water used shall be recycled through the feature;
(b) The feature shall be designed to prevent leakage;
(c) Provisions for continued maintenance of the feature shall be identified in a narrative that accompanies the landscape plan; and
(d) Evidence of the right to use the water for this purpose is required when the water will be obtained from an irrigation ditch or a well.
F. Placement and Installation of Trees:
(1) Location and Spacing: All trees planted pursuant to this Section 11-04-09 shall comply with the following standards. Class I, II, and III trees are identified in the Treasure Valley Tree Selection Guide.
(a) For every 60 feet of perimeter landscape, one Class III tree shall be planted.
(b) Class III trees shall be spaced 40 to 50 feet apart, depending on mature crown spread.
(c) Class II trees may be used and spaced 25 to 45 feet apart, depending on mature crown spread.
(d) Class I trees shall be used where overhead power lines prohibit use of taller trees and may be used to mark entry points into a subdivision or to mark a special feature.
(e) Class I trees shall be spaced 15 to 30 feet apart, depending on mature crown spread.
(f) For design flexibility, trees may be grouped together or spaced evenly as desired. Unless Community Forestry approves an alternative spacing, trees shall be spaced no closer than 80 percent of the average mature width of the trees as demonstrated in the following examples:

(2) Curbing to Protect Tree s: All planting areas that border driveways, parking lots and other vehicle use areas shall be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other protective devices located a minimum of 30 inches from all tree trunks.
(3) Avoiding Interference with Utilities: The following standards apply to the planting of trees near existing utilities and to trenching for new utilities near existing trees:
(a) Overhead Utilities: Class I may only be planted under or within 10 lateral feet of any overhead utility wires if approved by Community Forestry.
(b) Underground Utilities:
i. All trees shall be planted outside of any utility easement, unless written approval is obtained from the applicable agency.
ii. All trees shall be planted outside of any easement that contains a City sewer main, unless written approval is obtained from the City Engineer.
iii. If any utility easement precludes trees required by this Section, the width of the required buffer shall be increased to accommodate the required trees.
(c) Trenching: New underground utilities shall be located outside of the critical root zone of existing trees if trenched or be tunneled a minimum of three feet below existing grade within the tree's critical root zone. If trenching is to be done within the critical root zone, an air spade or hand trenching is required. No root two inches or larger shall be cut. This requirement is for placement of new utilities and does not affect the City's or the utility's ability to access existing utilities for repair, replacement, and maintenance.
(4) Avoidance of Irrigation and/or Drainage Easements:
(a) Any tree planted within any irrigation or drainage easement shall have written approval obtained from the agency holding the easement or managing facilities in the easement.
(b) If any irrigation or drainage easement precludes installation of any trees required by this Section 11-04-09, the width of the required buffer shall be increased to accommodate the required trees or, if the site cannot accommodate the additional buffer, the applicant shall meet all tree mitigation requirements in Section, Tree Preservation.
G. Berms:
(1) Berm slopes shall not exceed three to one (3:1, horizontal: vertical).
(2) Slopes shall not exceed four to one (4:1) on areas that require mowing.
H. Clear Areas:
(1) Trees, shrubs, and other landscaping shall not encroach into the minimum required clear height and width of primary or emergency vehicle access and shall preserve a minimum clear height of 80 inches above all pedestrian pathways.
(2) Trees, shrubs, and other landscaping shall not encroach into any pedestrian walkway, including but not limited to sidewalks and multi-use pathways.
(3) Landscaping shall not block the clear vision triangle at street intersections as determined by the ACHD.
(4) The clear vision triangle shall be kept free of visual barriers including vegetation, except deciduous trees pruned at least eight feet in height above the sidewalk and 14 feet above the roadway, and walls, signs, vehicles, solid fences, or other sight obstructions exceeding three feet in height.
I. Irrigation:
(1) Irrigation Required: All landscape areas requiring irrigation shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system. Areas of landscaping that will not require supplemental watering after initial establishment are not required to have permanent irrigation.
(2) Irrigation Water Source:
(a) To the maximum extent practicable, all requirements for landscape irrigation for all forms of development and redevelopment shall be met through the use of non-potable surface water as defined by Idaho Code 67-6537.
(b) If non-potable surface water supply is available prior to an annexation of land or City approval of a change of use for the property pursuant to this Code, the use of such water shall be retained for landscaping irrigation purposes following such City approvals.
J. Installation:
(1) Certificate of Completion: Before issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy, a licensed landscaping professional shall submit to the city certification that the landscaping has been installed in compliance with the approved plans. Certification shall demonstrate that a certified arborist has been consulted.
(2) Installation Schedule: All required landscaping, irrigation systems and site features shall be installed according to the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy.
(3) Extension of Time for Installation: Upon recommendation of the Planning Director, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for a specified time period, not to exceed 180 days when:
(a) Due to weather or other circumstances, the landscaping or other required site amenities cannot be completed; and
(b) The applicant has provided surety to the City for the required improvements.
4. Street Frontage Landscaping:
A. Applicability: Street frontage landscaping shall be required to be installed between the curb and inside of sidewalk and between the sidewalk and each street-facing façade or parking lot, as applicable, of a primary Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential building. Street frontage landscaping between the sidewalk and street-facing facades shall not be required in the MX-1, MX-2, MX-3, MX-4, and MX-5 zoning districts where a landscape buffer would prevent the placement of a proposed building at the allowed front or street side setbacks.
B. Size and Location:
(1) Street frontage landscaping shall be installed along the full width of the required front setback.
(2) All required landscaping shall be located outside any public street right-of-way to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) The required planting area between the sidewalk and façade or parking lot shall be measured from the property line (after dedication of any public right-of-way) or from the back of the sidewalk, whichever is greater.
(4) Landscape buffer widths shall be a minimum of eight feet for Class II and III trees and ten feet for Class I trees, as measured from the inside of the sidewalk to the inside of the curb.
(5) Irrigated landscaping, by agreement with the Ada County Highway District (ACHD), is required in unpaved areas within the undeveloped public street right-of-way.
C. Street Trees: The following standards shall apply to all areas located between a detached sidewalk and a public street right-of-way. If an attached sidewalk is present, the following standards shall apply to the area located between the attached sidewalk and the closest primary building on the property.
(1) All required street frontage landscaping shall be planted with trees and shrubs, or other vegetative groundcover, not including turf that requires regular maintenance, with a minimum density of one tree per 40 lineal feet.
(2) The largest possible class of tree shall be planted in street frontage landscaping to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) Coniferous and evergreen trees are only allowed to be installed in planting areas between sidewalks and streets greater than 20 feet in width in width.
(4) Tree grates shall be a minimum of 36 square feet in size.
(5) Trees located in the public right-of-way shall be comply with Title 7, Chapter 3 of the Boise City Code.

5. Site Perimeter Buffers:
A. Arterial and Collector Street Buffering:
(1) Applicability: Where lots containing Single-Family Detached or Attached, Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex, Co-Housing, Cottage Village Dwellings or Manufactured Home Communities are adjacent to collector or arterial streets as shown on the current Ada County Highway District Master Street Map, the following landscape buffer standards apply.
(2) Frontage Road:
(a) Frontage roads, as permitted by the Ada County Highway District and separated from a collector or arterial street by a 10 foot wide landscape buffer, may be permitted.
(b) The landscape buffer shall be planted with trees and shrubs that at maturity will form a solid screen at least six feet high and a continuous tree canopy.
(3) Side and Rear Perimeters:
(a) If a non-buildable lot abutting an arterial or collector street is created pursuant to Section 11-04-04.4.E(2), Side and Rear Lot Line/Property Lines, it shall be landscaped pursuant to Subsection B below.
(b) If the buffer required by Section 11-04-04.4.E(2), Side and Rear Lot Line/Property Lines, is located within one or more platted lots, only the required side and/or rear setbacks on those lots (not the entire depth of the buffer shall be landscaped pursuant to Subsection B below.
(c) Fences and walls shall not be placed within the following areas:
i. The internal boundary of the required landscape buffer;
ii. A minimum of five feet from the back of attached sidewalks;
iii. At the back of sidewalks separated from the curb by landscaping (unless the fence is not higher than four feet tall); or
iv. 15 feet from back of curb.
B. Other Side and Rear Perimeter Buffers:
(1) Applicability: Side and rear landscape buffers shall be required for all boundaries of Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential developments that are not adjacent to collector or arterial streets as shown on the current Ada County Highway District Master Street Map.
(2) Size and Location: Landscape buffer widths shall be based on the required setbacks of the underlying zoning district or the minimum width to accommodate the required plantings at full maturity, whichever is greater. All required side and rear buffers shall be located within the property and shall be maintained by the property owner. Where a utility easement is present, buffers shall be located adjacent to but not interfere with the easement.
(3) Parking Lot/Vehicular Use Area Buffers:
(a) If an interior side or rear lot line/property line is adjacent to a parking lot or other vehicular use area including but not limited to vehicle sales areas, truck and bus parking areas and driveways the perimeter landscape strip shall be planted with one tree per 40 lineal feet.
(b) Species shall be selected from the Treasure Valley Tree Selection Guide or an alternative approved by Community Forestry.
(c) Clustering of trees is allowed, but clustered trees shall be spaced no closer than 80 percent of the average mature width of the trees, except as otherwise allowed by Community Forestry.
(d) In the event of a conflict between the standards in Subsection (a) above and the standards in Section 11-04-09.5.B(4), Lot Buffers Between Different Land Uses below, the standard requiring the more intense visual screen, as determined by the Planning Director, shall apply.
C. Lot Buffers Between Different Land Uses:
(1) Applicability: Lot buffers shall be required along the entire contiguous property lines between Residential uses and mixed-use or nonresidential uses.
(2) Required Landscaping: Required buffering shall be of one of the following four different types of landscaping, each of which has a defined purpose, but all of which shall be required to provide visual buffering to a height of eight feet above grade at maturity.
(a) Type A - Screened Separation: Type A landscaping is intended to function as a full screen and visual barrier.

(b) Type B - Filtered Screen: Type B landscaping is intended to function as a visual separator.

(c) Type C - Visual Enhancement: Type C landscaping is intended to function as a partial visual separator that softens the appearance of parking areas and building elevations.

(d) Type D - Other: Type D landscaping is all other landscaped areas that do not quality as Type A, B, or C landscaping.
(3) Standard Buffer Types:
(a) Each required standard buffer shall comply with the buffer widths and planting requirements in Table 11-04.17 below.
PRIMARY PLANT MATERIALS [1] | A mix of primarily evergreen trees and shrubs | A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs | Primarily deciduous trees | Native and low maintenance trees and shrubs, flower and perennial beds, and limited lawn areas |
PLANT SPACING | The selected plant materials and configuration shall provide full horizontal screening of the site feature or adjacent property within six years of installation. | Trees provided at the rate of one tree per 40 linear feet of landscape strip | Trees provided at the rate of one tree per 40 linear feet of landscape strip | N/A |
ADDITIONA L PLANTING MATERIALS | Groundcover | Groundcover | Shrubs and groundcover | N/A |
ALTERNATI VE LANDSCAPI NG | N/A | Alternative tree spacing will be considered provided the plant materials and configuration meet the intent of the standards within three years of planting. | Alternative tree spacing will be considered provided the plant materials and configuration meet the intent of the standards within three years of planting. | N/A |
Notes: [1] All buffer areas shall be comprised of, but not limited to, a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, lawn, or other vegetative groundcover. Fences, walls, and berms may also be incorporated into the buffer area. |
(b) Standard buffer types A, B, C, and D shall be required in the adjacent use situations shown in Table 11-04.18 below.
i. Standard buffer types A, B, C, and D shall be required in the adjacent use situations shown in Table 11-04.18
SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED & MULTIPLE-FAMILY (UP TO 3 STORIES) | B or C | A | B or C | A | A, B, C, or D | A, B, C, or D (storefront building frontages are exempt) | A, B, C, or D |
OFFICE, COMMERCIAL, AND MIXED-USE (UP TO 3 STORIES) | B or C | A | B or C | A | A, B, C, or D (storefront building frontages are exempt) | ||
INDUSTRIAL | B or C | A | B or C | A | A, B, C, or D | ||
PARKING AREA | A or B | N/A | B or C | A | C | C | A, B, C, or D |
| N/A
| A or B
| A or B except where designed as a shared service areas with adjacent property
| A
| A or B
| |
Notes: [1] Fence refers to a privacy fence placed at or near the property line and behind the landscaping. Fences shall have a maximum height of six feet in residential areas and eight feet in commercial/industrial areas. [2] Buffer width shall follow the minimum setback of the underlying zoning district or the minimum width to accommodate the required plantings at full maturity, whichever is greater. | |||||||
(4) Additional Standards:
(a) Where existing or proposed adjacent land uses cannot be adequately buffered with plant material(s), the City may require inclusion of a wall, fence, or other type of screen that mitigates noise and/or unsightly uses. If a wall or fence at least six feet tall is provided, the planting requirement may be reduced to at least one tree per 40 lineal feet, plus shrubs, lawn, or other vegetative groundcover, in lieu of the requirements of Subsections (2) and (3). Clustering of trees is allowed, but trees shall be spaced no closer than 80 percent of the average mature width of the trees, except as otherwise allowed by Community Forestry.
Chain-link fencing does not qualify as a screening material. If a chain link fence shall be installed for security or other reasons, the buffer shall still be landscaped as described in Subsections (2), (3), and (4).
(c) Landscaping and screens shall not eliminate required pedestrian access between Residential zoning districts and other districts or land uses.
(d) Landscaping and screens shall not conflict with utility easements.
6. Parking Lot Interior Landscaping:
A. Applicability: Interior parking lot landscaping shall be required in any parking lot with 10 spaces or more, including vehicle sales lots, as listed in Table 11-03.1
: Table of Allowed Uses.
B. Planter Design and Size:
(1) Landscaping shall be installed in planter islands or stormwater infiltration swales designed to allow infiltration and passive treatment of stormwater, as shown in Figure 4.29

(2) Planter islands or swales shall be a minimum of eight feet in width for Class II or III trees and 10 feet for Class I trees and shall be at least equal in length to the adjacent parking spaces. Dimensions are measured inside curbs.
C. Landscaping Locations:
(1) No linear grouping of parking spaces shall exceed 10 in a row, without an interior planter island or swale.
(2) Interior planter islands or swales shall be used to guide major traffic movement within the parking area.
(3) Terminal planter islands or swales shall be provided at the ends of rows of parking to protect parked vehicles and confine moving traffic to aisles and driveways.
(4) Interior planter islands or swales shall be distributed as evenly as practicable to reduce the visual impact of long rows of parked cars.
(5) Internal parking lot walkways shall include shade trees planted along at least one side of the walkway and spaced at a minimum of one tree per 30 linear feet.

D. Trees Required:
Each interior or terminal planter island or swale that serves a single row of parking spaces shall be landscaped in compliance with Type C landscaping as described in Section 11-04-09.5.C(2)(c) and at least one Class III tree.
(2) Each interior or terminal planter island or swale that serves a double row of parking spaces shall have at least two Class II trees and shall be covered with low shrubs or other vegetative groundcover.
(3) Class I trees shall only be allowed where a larger class of tree would create conflicts with overhead utility lines.
(4) Deciduous shade trees shall be pruned to a minimum height of eight feet above the adjacent parking areas. Evergreen trees are prohibited in interior planters.

E. Lights Prohibited: Light poles and fixtures shall be located outside of landscape planter islands, landscape buffers or swales that contain required trees.
7. Building Foundation Planting: All street-facing building elevations, except for those in the MX-5 zoning district and those located within 20 feet of the front lot line/property line in the MX-1, MX-2, MX-3, and MX-4 zoning districts, shall have landscaping along any exposed foundation except those portions of the buildings that provide access for pedestrians or buildings to the building. Foundation landscaping shall comply with the following standards:
The landscaped area shall be at least three feet wide and shall not impede the passage of pedestrians on the adjacent sidewalk.
B. There shall be at least one three-gallon shrub for every three feet of linear foundation.
C. Ground cover plants shall fully cover the remainder of the landscaped area.
8. Tree Preservation: All development shall comply with the following standards.
A. Credit Towards Required Landscaping: Existing trees that are retained or relocated on site may count toward the required landscaping.
B. Parking Reduction: Healthy desirable trees may be preserved in exchange for a parking reduction as set forth in Section 11-04-08.7.D, Tree Preservation.
C. Mitigation Trees:
(1) Each healthy desirable tree with four inch caliper or greater that is removed shall be replaced with one or more trees with a combined caliper equal to the caliper of the tree that was removed.
(2) Each required replacement tree shall be of one-and-one-half inch caliper or greater.
(3) Required replacement trees shall be located either on-site or off-site based on the recommendation of the City Forester.
D. Protection During Construction:
(1) Applicants shall coordinate with Community Forestry during construction to ensure adequate tree protection. Trees within a construction area shall be evaluated by a certified arborist, and a tree inventory of the site should be used to develop a tree protection plan that includes tree descriptions, protection fences, protection of root zones, and other information identified by the City Forester.
(2) Existing trees that are retained shall be protected from damage to bark, branches, and roots during construction. Protection barriers around existing trees are required for the duration of construction. Protection barriers shall be an immovable metal fence with no door or access within the tree protection zone and a minimum height of six feet, and shall be installed prior to construction with adequate signage.
(3) Irrigation shall be provided within the tree protection zone throughout the duration of construction and shall be removed, when appropriate, in conjunction with the installation of permanent irrigation. Acceptable irrigation delivery methods include but are not limited to drip irrigation, above ground sprinklers, soaker hoses, or tanks.
(4) Construction within the tree protection zone of existing trees shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable, but where construction activities shall occur, they shall comply with the following standards:
(a) Between six and 12 inches of mulch/wood chips or four inches of mulch with ground protection mats on top shall be used to reduce soil compaction.
(b) Trunk protection shall be installed to the maximum extent practicable for trees that are near impervious surfaces, or where vehicles or pedestrians performing work within the tree protection zone may cause damage.
(c) Impervious surfaces may be allowed at a distance from the trunk of a retained tree not less than the diameter at breast height plus five feet.
(d) If excavation is required within the critical root zone, air spading, hand digging, and/or boring methods shall be used, and if root pruning within the critical root zone is required, pruning shall be performed by hand, to the maximum extent practicable.
(e) Grade changes within the critical root zone of existing trees shall be avoided to the maximum extent practicable and are only permitted following a recommendation by the City Forester or a certified Arborist.
(f) Tree pruning for clearance shall be performed by a certified Arborist prior to construction.
(g) New underground utilities to be placed within the critical root zone of existing trees shall be installed as pursuant to Section 11-04-09.3.F(3)(c), Trenching.
9. Stormwater Integration:
A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-09
.9 is to encourage the incorporation of vegetated, well-designed stormwater filtration swales into landscape areas where topography and hydrologic features allow. Such integrated site designs improve water quality and provide a natural, effective form of flood and water pollution control. Landscape areas that incorporate stormwater swales shall generally be in addition to the landscaping required by this Section.
B. Design Standards: New Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development shall comply with the following standards to the maximum extent practicable, after initial consultation with Planning and Development Services and Public Works Departments regarding the appropriateness of the site and initial designs. Additional information regarding stormwater system design is provided in the Boise Stormwater Design Manual and Stormwater Plant Materials Resource Guide, that are available from the Public Works Department.
(1) Street Swales: Except for Industrial Uses, as listed in Table 11-03.1
: Table of Allowed Uses, swales shall not be located in required landscape buffers along streets. Swales located along streets within required landscape buffers may be approved through the Alternative Compliance process in Section 11-04-09
.11. Swales located within street buffers shall meet the following standards:
(a) Swales shall not exceed twelve inches in storage depth;
(b) The beginning of the swale slope hall be separated from the edge of the sidewalk by a minimum of two feet;
(c) Street trees shall be provided as required by this Section;
(d) Rapid sand infiltration windows shall be integrated for timely drainage of stormwater; and
(e) No infiltration basins are allowed.
(2) Perimeter Buffers: Swales located within required buffers in side and rear yards shall meet the following standards:
(a) Swales shall not exceed 18 inches in storage depth;
(b) Trees shall be provided as required by this Section; and
(c) Rapid sand infiltration windows shall be integrated for timely drainage of stormwater.
(3) Materials and Design:
(a) Gravel, rock, or cobble on the surface of swales shall not exceed 20 percent of the surface area of the bottom of the swale. Cobble may be incorporated into required landscape areas if designed as a dry creek bed or other design feature.
(b) Stormwater swales shall be vegetated with appropriate plant materials. Plant materials shall be a species that are able to withstand the anticipated changes in soil wetness and moisture levels. Examples of appropriate plants materials include, but are not limited to:
i. Trees: River Birch (Betula nigra), American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Cottonwood (populus trichocarpa), Willow (Salix spp), Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and Mountain Alder (Alnus tenuifolia).
ii. Shrubs: Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea), Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia), Rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.), American Cranberry Bush (Viburnum trilobum), Golden Currant (Ribes aureum) and Drummond Willow (Salix drummondiana).
iii. Groundcovers: Sedges (Carex sp.), Spike Rush (Eleocharus acicularis), Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sp.), and Fountain Grass (Pennisetum sp.).
iv. Comprehensive List: A comprehensive and updated list of appropriate plant materials can be found on the City website and should be consulted.
(c) Organic mulch shall not be used adjacent to the flow path. Plant material shall be installed adjacent to the flow path and infiltration area to aid in capturing sediment and reducing clogging.
(d) Open water ponds and holding areas with a permanent water level are not permitted in required landscape or buffer areas, except along Interstate-84. However, ponds that are aesthetically designed with special grading and vegetative features may be approved as provided for through Alternative Compliance.
(e) Slopes shall not exceed three to one (3:1, horizontal: vertical).
10. Fences, Walls, and Screening:
A. Permitted Fencing and Screening Materials:
(1) In Historic Districts, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required for fences made with any material other than wood or wrought iron.
(2) Electric fences are prohibited.
(3) Barbed wire is permitted only in the I-1 and I-2 zoning districts unless the Planning Director determines that it is necessary for public safety and security related to a specific use, and only as the top section of a security fence. Barbed wire shall be located at least 72 inches above grade.
(4) Walls, lattices, and screens shall be considered to be fences.
(5) Boxes, sheet metal scraps, old or decayed wood, broken masonry blocks, or other unsightly materials are prohibited.
(6) Chain-link fencing shall not qualify as a screening material.
B. Permitted Fences:
(1) In Residential and Mixed-Use zoning districts, maximum fence heights are as follows:
(a) Solid fences to a height of 36 inches or open-vision fences to height of 48 inches may be built within the front yard setback. Open-vision may include slatted fences where the gap width is at least 50 percent of the slat width.
(b) Fences to a height of 72 inches may be built within the setbacks along the rear and side property lines. The Planning Director may authorize a greater height if the Planning Director determines the additional height is necessary for public safety and security related to a specific use.
(c) Fences between the front setback and the front of the building may be built to a height of forty-eight inches, except that the Planning Director may approve a greater height to appropriately screen windows from headlights or other disruptive lighting impacts from the street.
(d) One ornamental gate or entryway in a front or street side setback may be allowed to exceed the fence height limits, provided the gate or entryway does not exceed eight feet in height by six feet in width, and is not located within a clear vision triangle.

(2) Standards Applicable to All Fences:
(a) The property owner installing the fence shall locate the fence entirely on their property or within an easement unless agreements are made with the abutting property owners.
(b) If a fence is to be erected upon and within public right-of-way, approval shall also be obtained from the ACHD.
(c) In Mixed-Use zoning districts, concrete and masonry walls of any height and fences over seven feet tall shall be approved by the Building Department.
(d) Fences, walls, or plantings on or within the clear vision triangle shall be limited to 36 inches in height.
(e) Multiple fences, railings, and/ or privacy screens within setbacks shall be separated by a minimum distance of five feet in order to be considered separate

(f) All fences shall be maintained in accordance with Section 11-04-013.1, Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening Maintenance.
C. Retaining Walls: The following shall apply to retaining walls located within setbacks:
(1) Individual retaining walls shall not exceed 36 inches in height when located within a front setback or clear vision triangle.
(2) Individual retaining walls shall not exceed 72 inches in height when located within any other setback.
(3) Walls shall be separated by a minimum distance of five feet in order to be considered as separate walls.

(4) If the wall is located in the HS-O district, multiple walls with a combined height that exceeds the height allowed in the setback may be approved through the Category 2 Hillside Development Permit process if the design complies with the following conditions:
(a) The additional height is necessary and appropriate because of the size, configuration, topography, or other unique characteristics of the property;
(b) The Planning Director and City Engineer have jointly determined that the height, location, and grading for the walls are the minimum necessary for reasonable development of the property;
(c) The additional height will not have any substantial detrimental effect on adjacent or nearby properties;
(d) Terraces between the walls are of sufficient width and depth to accommodate landscaping or other techniques designed to reduce the visual impact. Conditions requiring such techniques shall be incorporated into the permit; and
(e) Clear vision triangles are free of obstructions that exceed 36 inches in height.
D. Screening:
(1) Applicability: This Section 11-04-09
.10.D shall apply to all Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development in all districts, except the I-2 zoning district when not adjacent to residential uses.
(2) Parking and Storage Areas: All parking and storage areas including vehicle sales areas, truck parking areas, bus parking areas, and service drives shall comply with the following standards:
(a) A solid Type B screen at least five feet deep, with a height not less than eight feet shall be provided when a parking lot is adjacent to the side and/or rear yard of a residential land use.
(3) Service Areas:
(a) All developments shall comply with all applicable regulations, ordinances, and design standards for solid waste adopted by the City, including specifics around site design and solid waste service. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and solid waste design standards, the Planning Director in consultation with the Director of Public Works shall determine which standard shall apply.
(b) Service areas visible from the street, pathway, public space, or parking area shall be enclosed and screened around their perimeter by a durable wall or fence at least six feet high.
(c) Developments shall use materials and detailing consistent with primary structures on-site. Acceptable materials include brick, concrete block, or stone.
(d) The sides and rear of the enclosure shall be screened with Type A, B, or C as described in Section 11-04-09
5.C(2), at least five feet deep in locations visible from the street, dwelling units, customer parking areas, or pathways to soften the views of the screening element and add visual interest.
(e) Collection points shall be located and configured so that the enclosure gate swing does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic or does not require that a hauling truck project into any public right-of -way.

(4) Mechanical and Utility Equipment:
(a) Roof-Mounted:
i. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be integrated into the building's overall design so as not to be visible from five feet above ground on any lot line/property line, and from any adjacent public rights-of-way or open spaces to the maximum extent practicable.
ii. Where integration to avoid visibility is not practicable, roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from five feet above ground on any lot line/property line, and from any adjacent public rights-of-way or open spaces using parapet walls or an enclosure using one of the primary building façade colors to surround the equipment.

(b) Ground-Mounted: Ground-mounted mechanical equipment located within view of customer entrances and public rights-of-way or open spaces shall be integrated into the overall site design, the architectural design of the building, and screened from public view using one or a combination of the following:
i. A decorative wall, fence or enclosure that is constructed of one of the primary materials and colors used on the adjacent façade of the building, and of a height that is not less than the height of the equipment to be screened; or

ii. Landscaping that is of sufficient height at maturity and of opacity to effectively soften and screen views of the equipment, and that is integrated into the overall landscape plan.

11. Alternative Compliance:
B. Process:
(1) General: The applicant shall request Alternative Compliance in conjunction with the submittal of a Zoning Certificate, Conditional Use Permit, or Design Review application, or upon the determination that the development does not comply with the specific provisions of this Section 11-04-09, at the applicant's option. The request will be considered by the same approval body as the base application. The request shall specify:
(a) The specific requirements that are proposed to be modified;
(b) The reasons for the modification; and
(c) A demonstration of how the alternative means for compliance meets the requirements' intended purpose.
(2) Stormwater Swales: Stormwater swales within front setbacks can be approved administratively provided that the landscape plans approved by the applicable approval body are not changed substantially and comply with Section 11-04-09.9. A landscape plan with swale construction details that incorporates the landscape design shall be submitted for the staff level review.
C. Standard: The proposed alternative means for compliance with the specific requirements shall demonstrate that the alternative provides an equal or superior means of meeting the intent and purpose of the regulation.
D. Required Findings: An application for Alternative Compliance may be approved if the Planning Director determines that:
(1) Strict adherence or application of the requirements is not practicable because one of the following conditions exist:
(a) Topography, soil, vegetation, or other site conditions are such that full compliance is impossible or impractical;
(b) The site involves space limitations or an unusually shaped lot;
(c) Safety considerations;
(d) Other regulatory agencies or departments having jurisdiction are requiring design standards that conflict with the requirements of this Section;
(e) The proposed design includes innovative design features based on "new urbanism," "neotraditional design," or other site designs that promote walkable and mixed use neighborhoods; or
(f) Environmental quality benefits.
(2) The Alternative Compliance provides an equal or superior means for meeting the requirements; and
(3) The alternative means will not be detrimental to the public welfare or adversely affect the uses and character of surrounding properties.
12. Compliance with Design Standards:
A. In addition to the standards required by this Section 11-04-09
, all Multiple-Family Dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development shall comply with the standards and other mandatory content in the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, as applicable in the area where the property is located.
B. In the event of a conflict between the standards in this Section 11-04-09
and applicable standards in the Citywide or Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines, the provision requiring the higher level of visual building quality and interest, as determined by the Planning Director, shall apply.
(Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
1. Purpose: Boise City is committed to appropriate growth that does not exceed the supply of available water. The purpose of this Section is to confirm, prior to planning approval, the long-term adequacy of water supplies to serve the development or redevelopment of land. The City recognizes that water supply is regulated by several state agencies and does not intend this regulation to duplicate or conflict with such jurisdiction. Pursuant to the Local Land Use Planning Act (LLUPA), however, the City will consider the impact of development on water supplies and water quality. Assured water supply requirements are intended to provide protection and benefit to residents, the development community, designated water providers, and other regulatory agencies by ensuring that land development and growth aligns with long-term water supply needs. This Section is intended to supplement the roles and responsibilities of the State of Idaho's water supply regulators solely for planning and zoning purposes, to confirm that water resources will be available to serve continued growth in Boise.
2. Applicability:
(1) All proposed development on previously undeveloped lands; or
(2) All proposed redevelopment that:
(a) Includes the creation of five or more total dwelling units; or
(b) Is in a Groundwater Management District (GMD) defined by Idaho Statute 42-5224; Critical Groundwater Area (CGA) or Groundwater Management Area (GMA) defined by Idaho Statute 42-233A and 233B, respectively; or an Aquifer Recharge District (ARD) defined by Idaho Statute 42-4202.
B. These requirements apply whether or not the proposed development or redevelopment requires a Subdivision of Land.
3. Exemption: The Planning Director may exempt a project from the requirements of this Section if the applicant has submitted information demonstrating that, upon completion of the project and issuance of all required use and occupancy permits, the development or redevelopment will not increase total consumptive water use when compared to the use of the property at the time of application.
4. Designated Water Provider: Every provider of water for drinking or general domestic use as a public utility, with a service area within the City limits or the City Area of Impact and that intends to serve any proposed redevelopment or new development subject to the provisions of this Section, is required to be certified as a Designated Water Provider by demonstrating it has an Assured Water Supply, as defined in Subsection 5 and approved by the Planning Director or designee.
5. Elements of Demonstrating Assured Water Supply: To demonstrate a water supply is assured, the information provided shall meet the following criteria. A Designated Water Provider shall base its analysis of the criteria upon reasonable population projections within the existing certificated service area. An individual applicant shall base its analysis on the maximum permitted occupancy of the proposed development or redevelopment:
A. Physical and Legal Water Availability:
(1) An individual applicant shall demonstrate that it has sufficient physical and legal water availability by providing a copy of its water right permit or license issued by the Idaho Department of Water Resources or a decreed water right issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, with a permitted quantity in an amount sufficient to supply water to the maximum occupancy of the development. If the applicant does not have a water right permit, license, or decreed water right at the time of application, the applicant may submit, in the alternative, a hydrologic analysis demonstrating the physical availability of water supply for the demand of the development or redevelopment. In such case, any approval will be conditioned on the issuance of a water right permit or license.
(2) A Designated Water Provider shall demonstrate that it has sufficient physical and legal water availability by providing:
(a) A copy of the water right permit(s) or license(s) issued by the Idaho Department of Water Resources or water right(s) decree issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; and
(b) A hydrological analysis demonstrating the physical water supply, under such right(s), when used consistently over time, will be sufficient to meet the total forecasted demand at full build out within the existing certificated service area.
(3) A hydrological analysis shall include, at minimum, the following elements:
(a) A description of the study area;
(b) A description of all supply sources;
(c) Current annual demand, committed demand, and project future demand;
(d) Summary of depth to static water levels; and
(e) aquifer characterization and evaluation.
B. Continuous Water Availability:
(1) Demonstrate the redundancy in supply and delivery of water will be continuous and reliable under any reasonably foreseeable circumstance such as, but not limited to, peak demand in consideration of available supply and facilities, climate change, and priority administration of water rights for the 50 year period to service the:
(a) Proposed development for an individual applicant; or
(b) Forecasted total demand at full buildout within the existing certificated service area for a Designated Water Provider.
(2) For surface water, this may include consideration of historic diversions and volumes available compared to the maximum authorized diversions and volumes, as well as the timing of supply compared to timing of demand. For ground water, this may include consideration of historic well production compared to ground water elevations at the well(s), as well as historic recharge and recovery of aquifer storage and recharge well(s). The analysis of the reliability and continuity of water supply shall include long-term agreements, percentage of supply provided by each source, a description of the integration of all supply sources to meet demand under representative water-year types (wet, normal, dry, critically dry) and a drought plan.
C. Adequate Delivery and Quality: Approval of the development application will be conditioned on meeting applicable state requirements for adequate water delivery, storage, treatment works, and water quality. For purposes of certification, the Designated Water Provider shall provide its long-term capital improvement or facilities plan as part of this requirement.
D. Compliance with GMD, CGA, GMA, ARD Standards: If the application is located in a Groundwater Management District (GMD), Critical Groundwater Area (CGA), Groundwater Management Area (GMA), or Aquifer Recharge District (ARD), approval of the development application will be conditioned on meeting applicable state standards and requirements.
E. Standards and Guidelines: Established City standards and guidelines, as hereafter adopted or as amended, for implementing the Assured Water Supply provisions and conducting the Assured Water Supply analysis, are incorporated by reference and made a part of this Section and shall be enforced as requirements of this Code.
6. Proof of Assured Water Supply Required:
A. Proof of an Assured Water Supply, as defined in Subsection 5 above, may be provided by:
(1) A letter from a Designated Water Provider committing all or a portion of its Assured Water Supply to meet the anticipated water demands of project completion; or
(2) Information and analysis from the applicant, prepared and submitted at the applicant's expense, confirming an Assured Water Supply for project completion.
B. Applicant shall comply with all licensure requirements of Idaho state code, to the extent submission of information within such analysis is subject thereto.
7. Representations: The proof of Assured Water Supply shall be submitted on a form acceptable to the City Attorney and include a written representation by the Designated Water Provider or the applicant, that:
A. The information is true and complete to the best of their knowledge;
B. The representations are binding upon the signing party and its successors in interest; and
C. The individual executing the letter or analysis, as applicable, has any and all required authorization to submit the materials.
8. Certification and Required Recertification: Upon review and approval of the proof by the Planning Director, the application is certified to have met the requirements of this Section, provided that the applicant or Designated Water Provider, as applicable, shall recertify proof of its Assured Water Supply if any of the follow occur:
A. By the Designated Water Provider:
(1) More than 10 years have passed since obtaining approval by the Planning Director or designee of its Assured Water Supply;
(2) The Designated Water Provider applies to enlarge its certificated service area; or
(3) The city has experienced extreme or exceptional drought, according to the United States Drought Monitor, for a majority of months within each calendar year for a period of three consecutive years.
B. By the Applicant: If prior to completion:
(1) More than 10 years have passed since obtaining approval by the Planning Director or designee;
(2) The project, subject to the application, has changed in scope such that there is a change in the type or intensity of water demand; or
(3) The city has experienced extreme or exceptional drought, according to the United States Drought Monitor, for a majority of months within each calendar year for a period of three consecutive years. (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
1. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-011 is to provide for exterior lighting to enhance safety, minimize light trespass from developed areas, reduce sky-glow, improve nighttime visibility through glare reduction, encourage lighting techniques and systems that conserve energy, reduce the adverse effects light can have to wildlife behavior and reproduction, and reduce development impact on nighttime environments.
2. Applicability:
A. All outdoor lighting in all zoning districts shall comply with the standards in this Section 11-04-011 unless exempted by Subsection B below or by another provision of this Code.
B. The following are exempt from this Section 11-04-011:
(1) Luminaires with lamps of 100 watts or less in Residential zoning districts;
(2) Emergency lighting used by police, fire fighting, or medical personnel, or at their direction;
(3) Traffic control devices and luminaires on these devices installed by the City or other governmental entity;
(4) Navigational lighting systems at airports and other lighting necessary for aircraft safety;
(5) Holiday lighting and seasonal decorations using typical unshielded low-intensity incandescent lamps; and
(6) Lighting for temporary festivals, carnivals, or other amusements lasting less than 14 consecutive days, provided the lighting is turned off within 30 minutes after the last event of each day.
3. Prohibited Lighting: The following types of exterior lighting are prohibited:
A. Any lighting that could interfere with the safe movement of motor vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians on public or private streets;
B. Searchlights and rotating beacons;
C. Laser, strobe, and or flashing light sources or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment;
D. Mercury vapor and low-pressure sodium lighting; and
E. Tower lighting, unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
4. General Standards: All exterior lighting for all uses, other than the I-2 zoning district, shall comply with the following standards.
A. Lighting Types and Efficiency:
(1) Light sources shall be color-correct types such as Halogen, LED, or metal halide.
(2) All lighting shall have a nominal correlated color temperature (CCT) of no greater than 3,500 degrees Kelvin.
(3) All exterior light fixtures shall generate at least 80 lumens per watt of energy consumed, as shown on the manufacturers' specifications for the fixture.
B. Shielding:
(1) All lighting fixtures, except motion detector-activated lighting, shall be fully shielded so that the lighting element is not visible to an observer at any property line.
(2) Unless otherwise specified, all lighting fixtures shall be full cutoff type as installed.

(3) A lighting fixture may beam light upward only if all upward light is reflected back down by a canopy, roof, or other such structure.
C. Light Trespass: All lighting shall be designed so that the lighting level at each property line that does not front on a public or private street shall not exceed 1.0 footcandle.

D. Reduced Lighting During Evening Hours: All outdoor light fixtures within Residential, Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land districts shall remain off between 11:00 p.m. and sunrise except for security purposes or to illuminate walkways, driveways, equipment yards, and parking lots.
E. Maintenance: All outdoor light fixtures shall be maintained in accordance with Section 11-04-013.2, Exterior Lighting.
F. Parking Lots or Areas:
(1) Average luminance values in surface parking areas shall be a maximum of four footcandles.
(2) Parking lot poles shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
(3) Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths in parking areas shall be lit with pedestrian-scale lighting as described in Subsection H, below.
G. Canopy Lighting: Light fixtures installed in canopies, pavilions, drive-through bays, or similar structures shall be flush-mounted or recessed above the lower edge of the canopy and shall be equipped with flat lenses that do not project below the canopy ceiling. The canopy fascia shall not be internally illuminated.

H. Pedestrian-Scaled Lighting: All on-site pedestrian walkways shall be lit with bollard lamps with shatterproof lamp coverings that direct light downwards, mounted no higher than four feet above grade.
I. Lighting Within Planter Islands and Landscape Buffers: Lighting fixtures and poles shall not be located in planter islands or landscape buffers or in any location that will in the future interfere with the natural growth of required trees.
5. Alternative Compliance:
A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section to provide for alternative means to meet the intended purposes of the exterior lighting requirements in this Section 11-04-011 when explicit compliance is not practicable or the alternative means are superior to what is required.
B. Process: The applicant shall request Alternative Compliance in conjunction with the submittal of a Zoning Certificate, Conditional Use Permit, or Design Review application, or upon the determination that the development does not comply with the specific provisions of this Section 11-04-011, at the applicant's option. The request will be considered by the same approval body as the base application. The request shall specify:
(1) The specific requirements that are proposed to be modified;
(2) The reasons for the modification; and
(3) A demonstration of how the alternative means for compliance meets the requirements' intended purpose.
C. Required Findings: An application for Alternative Compliance related to alternative lighting designs, materials, or methods of installation or operation not specifically prescribed by this Code may be approved if the Planning Director determines that:
(1) The Alternative Compliance provides an equal or superior means for meeting the requirements of this Section 11-04-011; and
(2) The alternative means will not be detrimental to the public welfare or adversely affect the uses and character of surrounding properties.
6. Historic Street Lights:
A. Applicability: The applicant shall install historic street lights in the following areas:
(1) Historic Districts;
(2) The Downtown Planning Area;
(3) Any other areas with historic character; and
(4) The shaded areas in the Downtown Historic Street Light Area shown in Figure 4.43;

(5) The shaded street frontages on the Harrison Boulevard and Hyde Park Historic Street Light Areas shown in Figure 4.44 and 4.45.

(6) The shaded street frontages on the Vista Historic Street Light Area shown on Figure 4.46, below.

(7) The shaded street frontages on the Warm Springs Historic Street Light Area shown on Figure 4.47.

B. General Standards: Where required, historic street lights shall comply with the lighting and spacing requirements in this Subsection B, unless an exception to these standards in Subsection C applies.
(1) General:
(a) These standards establish general location requirements only; exact locations will be determined in consultation with the Director of Public Works.
(b) Historic street lights shall be located to match the street light on the opposite side of the street.
(c) When replacement is required, historic street lights shall be replaced in the same location.
(2) By Sub-District:
(a) Downtown District: As required by the latest approved Capital City Development Corporation design standards, except that the Grove Plaza, 30th Street Area, and Broad Street shall instead comply with the standards in Subsection C below.
(b) Vista Avenue District: Three lights per block evenly spaced along both sides of the street.
(c) Harrison Boulevard District: Lights shall be located at either end of the street and in each center island.
(d) Hyde Park District: 65 to 75 feet spacing, on both sides of the street.
(e) Warm Springs District: Three lights per block evenly spaced along both sides of the street.
C. Exceptions to General Standards:
(1) The Grove Plaza: Street lights in the Grove Plaza shown in Figure 4.48 shall be the Landscape Forms FGP 12 foot light, using model numbers and light requirements obtained from the Public Works Department, and with locations of light fixtures to be determined by the Public Works Department.

(2) 30th Street Area: Streetlights on Main Street south to I-184 and within the district boundary east and west, as shown on Figure 4.49, shall comply with the following standards:
(a) The light fixture for this area is the EPAX Eurotique Aluminum Pole Series 12 foot light, using model numbers and light requirements obtained from the Public Works Department.
(b) On east-west streets, four lights per block shall be installed and shall be evenly spaced.
(c) On north-south streets a light shall be installed at each alley.
(d) Locations of light fixtures shall be determined by the Public Works Department.

(3) Broad Street: Street lights on Broad Street from Capitol Boulevard to Second Street, as shown on Figure 4.50, shall comply with the following standards.
(a) The light fixture for this area is the EPAX Eurotique Aluminum Pole Series 12 foot, Eurotique Arms and Antique Street Lamps Munich Pendant, using model numbers and light requirements obtained from the Public Works Department.
(b) Light locations are to be determined by the Public Works Department.

D. Installation:
(1) All historic street lights shall be installed and paid for by the developer of the project, shall meet current Public Works standards and be approved and inspected by the Public Works Department.
(2) If the installation is not associated with a specific development, the applicant shall contract the work with technical assistance provided by the Public Works Department.
(3) Upon completion and successful inspection, the Public Works Department will accept ownership of the lights and assume responsibility for operation and maintenance costs. (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)
1. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 11-04-012 is to:
A. Protect the health, safety, property, and welfare of the public;
B. Provide for the neat, clean, orderly, and attractive appearance of the community;
C. Improve the effectiveness of signs;
D. Provide for safe construction, location, erection, and maintenance of signs;
E. Minimize adverse visual safety factors to the traveling public; and
F. Comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal law regarding freedom of speech and sign content neutrality.
2. Applicability:
A. All signs and advertising devices within the City boundaries shall be established, altered, changed, erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, divided, enlarged, demolished, or maintained in compliance with this Section 11-04-012.
B. This Section shall be interpreted and enforced so as to avoid violation or inconsistency with applicable state or federal law.
3. Prohibited Signs: The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts, unless specifically permitted by another provision of this Section 11-04-012, this Code, or other City, state, or federal law.
A. Signs or posters that are visible from a public way and are affixed to walls, buildings, trees, poles, fences, bridges, or other structures;
B. Signs placed on any public street right-of-way, sidewalk, pole, bridge, or tree; such signs may be deemed nuisances and removed by the City without prior notice;
C. Banners, pennants, strings of lights, ribbons, streamers, balloons, mechanically aided, or similar devices that call attention rather than contribute to the establishment décor;
D. Portable signs except those allowed as temporary signs and those allowed in the MX-5 district.
E. Signs whose lighting, location or appearance would cause such signs to have the appearance of traffic safety signs and lights, or municipal vehicle warnings;
F. Any sign attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer that is parked on public or private property or driven on public streets, except for signs that comply with the following standards:
(1) The primary purpose of such a vehicle or trailer is not the display of signs; and
(2) The signs are magnetic, decals or painted upon an integral part of the vehicle or equipment; and
(3) The vehicle or trailer is in operating condition, currently registered and licensed to operate on public streets, and actively used or available for use in the daily function of the establishment to which such signs relate;
G. Roof signs;
H. Animated signs;
I. Strobe lights and flashing lights;
J. Any sort of sign used to advertise or display any visually communicated message by letter or by picture, of any kind, on any seating bench, or in direct connection with any bench unless authorized by the regional public transportation system authority as permitted from the Planning Director; and
K. Abandoned signs, including but not limited to any on-premises sign that relates to an establishment that no longer occupies or operates on the property where the sign is located.
4. Signs Not Requiring a Permit: The following shall be exempt from requirement to obtain a Sign Permit under Section 11-05-05.1.B or shall be required to comply with other applicable provisions of this Section 11-04-012, unless an exception or deviation from those standards is authorized by other provisions of this Code or other City, state, or federal law.
A. General Signs:
(1) Official notices authorized by a court, public body, or public safety official;
(2) Directional, warning or information signs authorized by a government;
(3) Memorial plaques, establishment identification signs and building cornerstones when cut or carved into a masonry surface or when made an integral part of the building or structure;
(4) The flag of government or noncommercial institution, such as a school;
(5) Religious symbols and seasonal decorations;
(6) Works of art containing no form of advertising;
(7) Street address signs and combination nameplate and street address signs that contain no advertising copy and that do not exceed six square feet in area;
(8) Signs oriented only to the property on which they are located and that are not visible from the public right-of-way, such as restaurant menu boards;
(9) Signs in the display windows of an establishment that are incorporated in a display of merchandise;
(10) "No Trespassing," "No Dumping," or similar signs not to exceed one and one-half square feet in area and not exceeding four per parcel;
(11) Window signs that maintain 25 percent or less aggregate area of the window area;
(12) Political signs that are not placed in any public right-of-way and do not obstruct traffic visibility; and
(13) Neighborhood identification, and wayfinding signage approved as a community program.
B. Temporary Signs:
(1) Non-illuminated real estate signs that comply with the following standards:
(a) One per residential parcel;
(b) One per frontage for nonresidential;
(c) Six square feet for a single residential lot;
(d) 32 square feet in Residential and Open Land zoning districts; and
(e) 64 square feet in Mixed-Use and Industrial zoning districts.
(2) Non-illuminated signs temporarily erected during construction to inform the public of the nature of the project that comply with the following standards:
(a) One per residential parcel;
(b) One per frontage for nonresidential parcel;
(c) Six square feet for a single residential lot;
(d) 64 square feet in Residential and Open Land zoning districts;
(e) 96 square feet in Mixed-Use and Industrial zoning districts; and
(f) Eight feet maximum height.
(3) Such signs shall not be displayed until after the issuance of construction permits and shall be removed not later than 24 hours following issuance of an occupancy permit for any portion of the project.
(4) Signs and posters advertising a special community event, including in or over public rights-of-way, subject to approval by the Planning Director as to the size, location, and method of erection based on considerations of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety and impacts on surrounding areas. Signs that might impair safety or obstruct traffic visibility shall not be approved.
(5) Pennants, flags, banners, balloons, and promotional sandwich boards during and for community events in the Grove that comply with the following standards:
(a) Signs shall not remain in place overnight.
(b) Sandwich boards shall not exceed a maximum height of four feet or a width of three feet.
5. Signs Requiring a Permit: Unless specifically exempted by Subsection 4 above or other provision of this Code or other City, state, or federal law, each erection or installation of a sign in the City shall require the approval of a Sign Permit pursuant to Sections 11-05-05.1.B, Sign Permit for On-Premise Sign 11-05-05.1.C, Temporary Sign Permit, as applicable. Sign Permits are not required for change of copy, repainting, or other normal maintenance and repair, provided there is no expansion of the sign structure or face.
6. General Sign Standards:
A. Sign Measurement:
(1) Sign Height: The distance from the adjacent ground elevation supporting the sign to the highest point of the sign. A landscape berm or other structure erected to support the sign shall be measured as part of the height. If the street to which the sign is oriented is higher than the grade at the base of the sign, then the street elevation shall be used as the ground elevation for purposes of calculating the permitted height of the sign.
(2) Sign Area:
(a) Sign area is calculated as the area within a continuous perimeter with up to eight straight sides that encloses the limits of text and graphics of a sign. Additionally, this area includes any frame or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign's message from the background against which it is placed. The area excludes the structure upon which the sign is placed (unless the structure is an integral part of the display), but includes any open space contained within the outer limits of the display face of a sign, or between any component, panel, strip, or figure of any kind composing the display face, whether this open space is enclosed by a frame or border or not.
(b) When computing the sign area, only the face or faces that can be seen from one direction at one time, shall be considered.

B. Design:
(1) Pole support structures shall be covered with an enclosure.
(2) Signs shall complement the architectural style of the building.
C. Traffic Visibility:
(1) Signs shall not be permitted in the clear vision triangle as defined in this Code and ACHD.
(2) Signs shall not be erected at any intersection or driveway entrance location that will obstruct the view of traffic, as determined by the Planning Director, ACHD, or the Idaho Transportation Department.
D. Adjacent to Residential Zones: Signs in Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning districts shall not be located within 50 feet of a Residential zoning district boundary. Where a zoning district boundary is the centerline of the street, the distance shall be measured to the opposite street side.
E. Street Trees: Trees shall not be topped or removed to facilitate better view of signs.
F. Maintenance and Repair: Signs shall be maintained in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 11-04-013, Operations and Maintenance.
7. On-Premise Signs:
A. Accessory On-Premise Signs:
(1) Awning Signs:
(a) Applicability: Awning signs are prohibited in the Residential zoning districts (excluding the R-3 zoning district), and in the A-1 and A-2 zoning districts.
(b) Standards: The copy area of awning signs shall not exceed an area equal to 25 percent of the background area of the awning to which the signs is affixed, or the permitted area for wall or fascia signs, whichever is less. Background colors, striping, patterns, or valances shall not be included in the computation of the sign area.
(2) Canopy and Marquee Signs:
(a) Applicability: Canopy and marquee signs are prohibited in the Residential zoning districts, excluding the R-3 zoning district, and in the A-1 and A-2 zoning districts.
(b) Standards for Under Canopy or Marquee Signs (Hanging Signs):
i. There shall be no more than one under canopy or under marquee sign per public entrance to any tenant or user space, and shall not exceed 16 square feet;
ii. Each sign shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any sidewalk or pedestrian way a minimum of eight feet; and
iii. Each sign shall be mounted perpendicular to the building wall.
(c) Standards for Above Canopy and Above Marquee Signs
i. The maximum sign width shall be no more than 33 percent of the canopy background width;
ii. The minimum space between the bottom edge of the letter and the top of the canopy background shall be 1.5 inches; and
iii. The maximum height of each letter shall be no more than three times the canopy background height, with a maximum of 30 inches, whichever is less.
(d) Standards for Signs on Marquees:
i. No more than one sign shall be permitted on each side of a marquee, and any such sign shall be in lieu of a wall, canopy, or projecting sign;
ii. The sign area of each side shall not exceed two square feet of total area per lineal foot of building frontage or 200 square feet, whichever is smaller;
iii. The vertical dimension of the sign shall not exceed six feet; and
iv. The bottom of the sign shall have a minimum vertical clearance of twelve feet above the sidewalk or pedestrian way.
(3) Freestanding Signs: Freestanding accessory signs shall comply with the standards set forth in Table 11-04.19 and the following standards. Freestanding signs:
(a) Shall be located within a landscaped area no smaller than the background area of the sign; new landscaped areas shall be reviewed as part of the sign application. Decorative rock may be a component of the landscaping area counted to calculate its area for this purpose;
(b) Shall include the street address in letters at least three and one-half inches tall;
(c) Shall be oriented perpendicular to the street providing frontage to the establishment and be located toward the front of the parcel and as close to the main vehicle entrance as possible. Orientation to interstate highways or the I-184 Connector is prohibited;
(d) Shall be set back at least five feet from the front property line in Residential and Mixed-Use zoning districts, and one foot in Industrial and Open Land zoning districts. The entirety of the sign shall be located outside of the setbacks.
(e) Shall be set back at least five feet from side property lines in all zoning districts;
(f) Shall not exceed one per street frontage, except that:
i. Where two signs are allowed for a single establishment on a street corner or a collection of buildings within an integrated commercial center, each sign shall be designed and located so as to be viewed only from the street on which it is located; and
ii. In lieu of two signs, one corner sign designed to be viewed from both streets is allowed, provided it complies with other provisions of this Code;
(g) May have architectural appurtenances with no text extend up to two feet over the allowed height.
R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2, R-3, A-1, A-2 | 1 per 3 lineal ft. of street frontage up to 50 | 6 | 6 |
MX-1 | 1 per 3 lineal ft. of street frontage up to 50 | 8 | 8 |
MX-3, MX-4, MX-5, MX-U, I-1, I-2 | 70 | 15 | 12 |
MX-2 | 80 | 20 | 12 |
Notes: [1] Applies to freestanding signs oriented toward the following streets: Capitol Boulevard; Vista Avenue from 1-84 north; Broadway Avenue from I-84 north; State Street from State Capitol to Highway 55; Myrtle Street; Front Street; Federal Way from Capitol Boulevard. to Bergeson Street; Warm Springs Avenue; Park Center Boulevard. |
(4) Directional Signs:
(a) Up to two directional signs shall be permitted at the street entrance to any parcel. The maximum area is four square feet and the maximum height is four feet.
(b) Non-accessory directional or wayfinding signs may be erected by governments giving direction to places of general interest such as colleges, parks, hospitals, or Neighborhood Associations. Such signs shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director as to the size, location, and method of erection.
(5) Electronic Message Displays (EMD):
(a) Applicability:
i. EMDs are permitted for all uses located in the Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land zoning districts.
ii. EMDs are only permitted for nonresidential uses located on collector or arterial roadways in the Residential zoning districts and in the A-1, and A-2zoning districts.
(b) Standards: All electronic message displays shall comply with the following standards:
i. Only one EMD is permitted per establishment. For establishments located in a center, only one EMD is permitted for the center.
ii. No EMD may be installed on a non-conforming sign.
iii. EMDs shall contain static messages only, and shall not have movement, or the appearance or optical illusion of movement, of any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment of the sign, including the movement or appearance of movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating, or varying of light intensity.
iv. Each message or frame shall be displayed for a minimum of eight seconds.
v. The area used for an EMD shall not occupy more than 50 percent of the total sign area.
vi. The brightness or intensity of the EMD shall be factory set not to exceed 5,000 nits on clear days and 500 nits from dawn to dusk. The EMD shall also not exceed 50 percent of its maximum brightness on clear days and 10 percent of maximum brightness from dawn to dusk. Each display shall have a light sensing meter that will adjust the display brightness as the ambient light changes.
vii. Text-only single-color message displays with letters no higher than 12 inches may scroll or travel without the static message limitation. The maximum area for such displays is eight square feet.
(6) Portable Signs:
(a) Applicability: Portable signs are only permitted in the MX-5 district and shall comply with the following standards.
(b) Standards:
i. Number:
A. Each ground floor establishment with street frontage is allowed one per street frontage.
B. One sign per building frontage may be permitted for upper levels and one for below ground uses.
ii. Maximum Sign Area: Maximum sign area is seven square feet.
iii. Location:
A. Signs shall be located outside vision triangles in the furnishing zone or close to the curb in front of the establishment and shall not obstruct pedestrian traffic or violate ADA guidelines.
B. A portable sign located on a sidewalk or walkway shall not extend more than 27 inches above the grade level of that sidewalk or walkway. A portable sign attached to a building surface shall not extend more than four inches horizontally over any portion of a sidewalk or walkway.
C. If adequate space does not exist in a furnishing zone or near the curb, a sign may be placed in a vestibule or alcove near a building entrance, provided that a five foot clear horizontal pedestrian passage zone with a minimum clear vertical height of at least 80 inches above grade is maintained. Signs shall not be placed within five feet of the curb abutting an on-street accessible parking stall.
iv. Materials: Signs shall be made of stable and durable materials and complimentary in design to the immediate area.
(7) Projecting Signs:
(a) Applicability: Projecting signs are prohibited in the Residential zoning districts, excluding the R-3 zoning district, and in the A-1 and A-2 zoning districts.
(b) Standards:
i. Maximum Background Area: The maximum background area shall be:
A. The lesser of five percent of the wall area facing a street or 50 square feet in the MX-1 district.
B. The lesser of 10 percent of the wall area facing a street or 75 square feet in all other districts where allowed.
C. When both projecting and wall signs are used, the maximum area for both signs is reduced by 50 percent.
ii. Number Allowed:
A. One per street level establishment for each street frontage.
B. Where there is more than 150 feet of frontage for one establishment, a second sign is permitted.
iii. Projection Above Building Height: No sign shall extend vertically above the highest point of the building façade upon which it is mounted by more than two feet.
iv. Projection from Wall: The projection from the wall shall be no more than 10 feet, or to within two feet of the face of the curb, whichever is less.
v. Clearance: Clearance over public property shall be a minimum of 12 feet.
vi. Maximum Height: No portion of any projecting sign shall extend more than 30 feet above the ground.
(8) Wall Signs:
(a) Wall Signs Oriented to Interstate Highways:
i. Applicability: In the Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land zoning districts, properties that abut I-84 or I-184 southwest of 15th Street may have one wall sign per establishment oriented to the highway, provided the sign complies with the following standards:
ii. Standards:
A. Area: One square foot in sign area for each lineal foot of wall up to 32 square feet.
B. Height: Shall not exceed the height of the wall or 30 feet.
iii. Prohibited Signs: EMDs and other forms of signage using light emitting diode (LED) technology are prohibited.
(b) All Other Wall Signs: Wall signs shall comply with the standards in Table 11-04.20 and the following standards:
i. Wall signs shall not project above the wall to which they are attached.
ii. Wall signs shall face the street or streets that the building faces, except that a sign on a building wall in a Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning district that does not face a street may be permitted if it complies with the following standards:
A. The sign area may be borrowed from that allowed on the building wall facing the street; and
B. The sign area shall not exceed 10 percent of the building wall; where multiple tenants or users are located in a single building, and allowable sign area is allocated between some or all of those tenants or users, the calculation of the 10 percent maximum sign area shall be allocated among each tenant or user based on the square footage of the ground floor wall space of the building frontage occupied by that individual tenant or user, rather than the wall area of the building as a whole.
C. For commercial centers with multiple tenants, allowed signage for each tenant is based on the percentage allowed for the zone and calculated based on the square footage of the ground floor wall space of that individual tenant; and
D. The sign faces an abutting property zoned Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land.
iii. In Mixed-Use, Industrial, or Open Land zoning districts, the sign area allowed may be divided among multiple signs according to Table 11-04.20 below.
R (Multiple-Family and nonresidential signs), A-1, and A-2 | One square foot per three lineal feet of building wall facing the street. Maximum 50 square feet. |
MX-1 | One square foot per two lineal feet of building wall facing the street. Maximum 75 square feet. |
MX-3, MX-4 | 15% of building wall facing the street. |
MX-2, MX-5, MX-U, I-1, I- 2 | 20% of building wall facing the street. |
B. Temporary Signs:
(1) Special Promotions, Event and Grand Opening Signs: Any lawful location for a nonresidential use, except a Home Occupation, may have one temporary, portable sign that complies with the following standards, after obtaining a Sign Permit pursuant to Section 11-05-05.1.C Temporary Sign Permit:
(a) Within any calendar year, each establishment shall be limited to the display of one temporary sign for a maximum of three 30 consecutive day periods. Each 30 day period shall be separated by at least 30 days.
(b) Maximum sign area is 32 square feet.
(c) Maximum sign height for freestanding signs is eight feet.
8. Alternative Sign Plan:
A. Multi-tenant nonresidential developments that are planned and developed as an integrated center or a single, multi-tenant building shall obtain approval of an Alternative Sign Plan pursuant to Section 11-05-05.2.A before constructing or installing any sign on the property. This includes but is not limited to:
(1) Hospital complexes on sites of two acres or larger;
(2) Office centers with multiple building on sites of two acres or larger;
(3) Industrial parks with multiple buildings on sites of five acres or larger; and
(4) Single, multi-tenant buildings on sites of two acres or larger.
B. The Alternative Sign Plan shall establish standards and criteria for all signs that require Sign Permits and shall address location, materials, design, and quantity.
C. One freestanding center sign is permitted on each street frontage, with a maximum of two, according to the provisions of the following Table 11-04.21. Where there is more than 1,000 feet of frontage on a street, a second sign is allowed. Center signs on Gateway Streets shall not exceed the Gateway Street height standards.
D. Freestanding signs shall be located as near to the primary access driveway to the maximum extent practicable.
E. Freestanding signs in Mixed-Use, Industrial, and Open Land zoning districts shall not be closer than 150 feet from any Residential district.
F. Separate building pads within centers and parks are allowed one monument style sign with a maximum height of six feet and a maximum background sign area of 32 square feet but shall not exceed the standards in Table 11-04.19.
G. Wall signs are permitted in any number, location, or orientation, provided they do not face a Residential district, and provided the total square footage does not exceed 18 percent of the ground floor tenant wall face upon which the signs are placed.
H. Sign height and placement shall be consistent throughout the development.
I. Signs shall incorporate materials, colors and design motifs that are compatible with buildings in the development.
9. Off-Premise Signs:
A. Off-Site Identification: When off-site identification is needed because of excessive distance from a public street, lack of street frontage, unusual topography or other special circumstances, an off-premise sign may be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. The standard conditional use approval criteria and the special circumstances noted above shall be used to evaluate the request. The base zoning district standards for sign size and location shall apply.
B. Poster Panel and Bulletin Panel Off-Premise Signs (Billboards): Each application for a billboard shall be accompanied by a demolition permit for an existing billboard. The number of billboard signs in the City shall not be increased except through annexation. Off-premise poster panels and bulletin panels are only permitted in the MX-2, MX-3, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts, and only after approval of a Conditional Use Permit, provided that no signs may be located on Capitol Boulevard or on Federal Way between Capitol Boulevard and Bergeson Street.
(1) Approval Criteria: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make the following findings:
(a) That the sign will not negatively impact the visual quality of a public open space.
(b) That the sign will not block the view of a structure of historical or architectural significance.
(c) That sign height is compatible with buildings within a 300 foot radius. Where view of the sign would be blocked by buildings, or where view of buildings would be blocked by the sign, the sign height shall not exceed the building height by more than 12 feet. Where there are no buildings within 300 feet, sign height shall not exceed 22 feet.
(d) That sign lighting will not trespass onto adjacent properties.
(2) Design and Location: New signs shall comply with the following standards:
(a) Sign area height shall not exceed 10.5 feet.
(b) Sign area shall not exceed 248 square feet for poster panels and 378 square feet for bulletin panels.
(c) Sign height shall not exceed 40 feet but may be limited to less by 11-04-012.9.B(1)(c) above.
(d) No sign may be located within 1,000 feet of another billboard on the same side of the street. However, if a sign is larger than 312 square feet, the distance to another such sign shall be at least 2,000 feet.
(e) A sign on one side of the street may be no closer than 150 feet from a sign on the opposite side of the street, as measured along the line of travel.
(f) At any street intersection, there may be no more than 496 combined square feet of billboard sign area within 250 feet measured from the street corner curbs.
(g) Back-bracing is prohibited.
(h) View of the sign should be unobstructed for 250 feet along the line of travel.
(i) Electronic message displays are allowed with static frame effects that change with no transition - no more frequently than every 8 seconds. Brightness levels shall comply with Section 11-04-012.7.A(5)(b)vi. A change from non-EMD to EMD requires the approval of a sign permit.
(j) Setbacks shall be at least five feet from any property line. When adjacent to a Residential zoning district, the setback of that residential zoning district shall be met.
10. Special Sign Districts:
A. Capitol Boulevard Sign Standards: In addition to the generally applicable sign regulations of this Section 11-04-012, these special standards apply in the Capital Boulevard Special Design District.
(1) Review:
(a) Signs require Design Review approval as an overall sign plan for the site.
(b) The Design Review Commission shall provide recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission on requests for Variances and Conditional Use Permits.
(2) General Standards:
(a) One wall sign, or one projecting sign, or one canopy sign, or one freestanding sign per building is permitted for each street frontage in accordance with the following standards.
i. Wall signs shall not exceed 15 percent of the wall area or 65 square feet in size, whichever is less.
ii. Projecting signs shall not exceed 25 square feet in area and shall not exceed the building height or 20 feet, whichever is less.
iii. Freestanding signs are allowed as per the size and height regulations for Gateway Streets in Table 11-04.19.
(b) One wall sign per street frontage may exceed the maximum size allowed in Subsection (a) if it is reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission. The Design Review Commission shall take into account the scale and height of the building, the visibility and orientation of the proposed sign, and impacts on the Capitol Boulevard view corridor when evaluating these requests.
(c) In addition to the signs in Subsection (a), each building with more than one tenant or occupant is allowed either: one 20 square foot wall sign or one 12 square foot projecting sign per tenant or occupant located on the ground floor of the building.
(d) Colors, materials, and lighting shall be restrained and harmonious with the building and site.
(e) Use of neon is encouraged for illumination.
(f) Electronic message displays are permitted only with a Conditional Use Permit. Manual readerboards require approval by the Design Review Commission. (Ord. 27-23, 7-18-2023, eff. 12-1-2023; amd. Ord. 43-23, 12-5-2023)