The City nonstormwater disposal Best Management Practices establishes minimum requirement for nonstormwater storm drain uses within the City and is incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. Discharges from the following activities will be allowed, subject to application of the City nonstormwater disposal Best Management Practices: water line flushing and other discharges from potable water sources; landscape irrigation and lawn watering; irrigation water; diverted stream flows; rising groundwaters; uncontaminated groundwater infiltration to storm drains; uncontaminated pumped groundwater; foundation and footing drains; roof drains; water from crawl space pumps; residential air conditioning condensation; springs; individual residential car washes; flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; or flows from firefighting activities and training. (1952 Code § 8-15-02.06)