A. Best Management Practices: Persons owning or operating a paved parking lot, gas station pavement, paved private street or road, or similar structure, or conducting routine building wash downs, shall clean and maintain those structures consistent with the City nonstormwater disposal Best Management Practices prior to discharging to a storm drain.
B. Drainage Requirements:
1. All water from nonstormwater sources or incidental stormwater sources (i.e., blown through openings and windows or transported on vehicles) that enter newly developed or significantly redeveloped covered parking garages are to be directed to the sanitary sewer disposal system, unless that alternative is not reasonably feasible. Newly developed or significantly redeveloped covered permanent parking garages may drain into a storm drain when no feasible alternative is available, with the consent of the owner and operator and in accordance to this and other City ordinances. The owner and operator of a storm drain may impose requirements, including the construction of control structures to ensure the pretreatment of such discharges prior to entry into the storm drain. All water from direct stormwater sources that enter uncovered parking garages is to go to a stormwater disposal system in accordance with section 10-6-3 of this chapter.
2. For projects governed by other jurisdictions, e.g., the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) or a drainage district, the applicant must comply with their standards and requirements and receive approval from those entities. (1952 Code § 8-15-02.03)