All sanitary sewer systems located in flood-prone areas, whether public or private, shall be floodproofed up to a point l foot above the regulatory flood elevation.
A. The Borough Council may prohibit installation of sewage disposal facilities requiring soil absorption systems where such systems will not function due to high groundwater, flooding, or unsuitable soil characteristics. The Borough Council may require that the developer note on the face of the plat and in any deed of conveyance that soil absorption fields are prohibited in designated areas. [Ord. 350]
B. The Borough Council may prescribe adequate methods for waste disposal. If a sanitary sewer system is located on or near the proposed subdivision and/or land development, the Borough Council shall require the developer to provide sewage facilities to connect this system where practical, and shall prescribe the procedures to be followed by the developer in connection to the system. [Ord. 350]
(Ord. 164, 8/20/1965; as added by Ord. 248, 8/8/1975, § 3.4; as amended by Ord. 350, 5/6/1991, §3)