§1-207.   Specific Powers and Duties of Manager.
   Subject to recall at any time by amendment of this Section, the powers and duties of the Borough Manager shall include the following:
   A.   The Borough Manager shall attend all meetings of the Borough Council, and all meetings of the standing committees thereof, and at such meetings may recommend such measures as he or she shall deem expedient.
   B.   The Manager shall make a report to the Council at each regular meeting thereof, and at such other times as Council may direct, upon the affairs of the Borough, and shall keep the Council fully informed and advised upon the Borough’s financial condition and its financial needs.
   C.   The Manager shall prepare and submit to the Council, annually, on or before the date stipulated by Council, a tentative budget for the next fiscal year.
   D.   The Borough Manager shall attend to the letting of contracts in due form of law, and shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same, except insofar as such duties shall be expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough official.
   E.   The Borough Manager shall have full power to purchase all supplies and equipment for the use of his or her own and the other departments and offices of the Borough, in accordance with councilmanic approval, and subject to restrictions, conditions and procedures established by statute. He or she shall keep an account of all purchases made by him or her and shall, from time to time, and as directed by the Council, make a full written report thereof.
   F.   The Borough Manager shall see that all monies owing the Borough are promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all Borough claims.
   G.   The Borough Manager shall annually present to the Council, not more than 30 days after the close of each fiscal year, a correct and detailed statement and report of the preceding year’s work of his or her office, with a detailed statement of all monies received and expended.
   H.   All complaints regarding services or personnel of the Borough shall be referred to the Borough Manager, who shall investigate such complaints, refer the same to the proper officer or employee and institute adequate follow-up action to insure that such complaints shall be properly attended to and corrective action, if required, be taken.
   I.   The Borough Manager shall perform such other duties as may from time to time by ordinance be conferred upon him or her.
   J.   The Borough Manager shall cooperate with the Borough Council at all times and in all matters so that the best interest’s of the Borough and the general public may be maintained.
(Ord. 208, 9/13/1972, §7)