General Provisions
10.01 Title of code
10.02 Interpretation
10.03 Application to future ordinances
10.04 Construction of code
10.05 Rules of interpretation
10.06 Definitions
10.07 Severability
10.08 Reference to other sections
10.09 Reference to offices; name designations
10.10 Errors and omissions
10.11 Repeal or modification of code section
10.12 Limitation periods
10.13 Ordinances unaffected
10.14 Ordinances which amend or supplement code
10.15 Section histories; statutory references
10.16 Preservation of penalties, offenses, rights and liabilities
10.17 Repeal exclusions
10.18 Delegation of authority
Authorized Methods of Payment to and from Municipality
10.30 Definition
10.31 Authorized financial instruments, payments to the town
10.32 Procedures for payments to be uniform
10.33 Added authority related to acceptance of bank or credit cards
10.34 Authorized financial instruments, payments by the town
10.35 Authorized financial instruments, payments by the Clerk-Treasurer
10.97 General fine
10.98 Fine schedule
10.99 Fee schedule
Ordinance Violations Bureau, see Ch. 36