Title, Scope and Jurisdiction
   154.001   Official name
   154.002   Purpose
   154.003   Jurisdiction
   154.004   Administration
   154.005   Interpretation
   154.006   Separability
   154.007   Relation to other laws
   154.008   Amendments
   154.009   Public improvement standards for all land; adopted
Construction of Language and Definitions
   154.020   Construction of language
   154.021   Definitions
Subdivision Procedures
   154.035   Purpose
   154.036   Minor subdivision
   154.037   Major subdivision review procedure
   154.038   Preliminary plan stage
   154.039   Final subdivision plat stage
Design Standards
   154.050   Purpose
   154.051   Physical considerations; natural physical features
   154.052   Minor subdivision
   154.053   Major subdivision
Administration and Enforcement
   154.065   Administration
   154.066   Recording of plat
   154.067   Sale of land within subdivisions
   154.068   Revision of plat after approval
   154.069   Filing, plan review and inspection fees
   154.070   Variances
   154.071   Appeal
Requirements for Open Space and Planned Unit Developments
   154.085   General
   154.086   Standards
   154.087   Conformity to existing streets and thoroughfare plan
   154.088   Public streets
   154.089   Staging of residential planned development
   154.090   Common open space guarantee
   154.091   Staging of nonresidential construction
   154.092   Condominiums
   154.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Jurisdiction of subdivision regulations
   Appendix B: Definitions and examples of subdivisions; flow chart
   Appendix C: Affidavit of compliance
   Appendix D: Application for tentative approval of preliminary plan
   Appendix E: Typical preliminary subdivision plat
   Appendix F: Application for final plat approval
   Appendix G: Typical final subdivision plat
   Appendix H: Required statements and signatures to be affixed on the subdivision plan
   Appendix I: Extension agreement for approval or disapproval of subdivision plat
   Appendix J: Application for subdivision variance
   Appendix K: Examples in determining lot depth