(A)   Lots.
      (1)   Zoning conformance. The lot size, width, depth, and the minimum building setback lines shall conform to the applicable existing zoning regulations.
      (2)   Lot width. The width of the lot shall at no point be less than 60 feet.
      (3)   Lot depth. No lot depth shall exceed three and one-half times the lot width. The width, for this purpose, shall be the width at the minimum building setback line.
      (4)   Access to streets. The subdivision of land shall be such as to provide each lot with frontage on a public street or private street as defined in these regulations.
   (B)   Storm sewers. The subdivision shall comply with the village stormwater management rules and regulations.
   (C)   Water supply and sanitary sewers. Where public or community water supply and sanitary sewer facilities are not available, individual water wells and sanitary sewer disposal facilities shall be provided for each lot in the subdivision as required by the Mansfield-Richland County Health Department or other agency having jurisdiction in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 17-96, § 400.2, passed 4-15-1996)